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HELP! Shares are missing!

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First, I haven't done anything yet...  Haven't tried anything.  I know from other posts that it's best to come here before doing *anything*.


I went to access a shared drive from one of my PCs this morning, and it wouldn't work.  Not unusual, typically need to reboot PC.  I pulled up my server homepage, and after clicking on the "Shares" tab, saw that there are no user shares anymore!  They are all gone!  I had several, and they had all of my data in them.  (Videos, pictures, media were the big ones).


What do I do?  What's my first step?





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30 minutes ago, Can0nfan said:

this has been happening to me as of late as well. not sure how im running out of memory got 32GB and typically only using about 16 of it at any given time.


like mentioned rebooting does fix it but im typically only getting 3-4 days of uptime now



It's not running out of memory per se, it's the memory getting fragmented and not have enough continuous blocks, it's a kernel issue.

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2 hours ago, johnnie.black said:


Yes, this issue shouldn't occur on v6.4rc



 thanks I have tested a few and havent seen it I only had some stability issues with 6.4 rc so keep downgrading. only noticed this "shares missing" in the last week or so and been on 6.3.5 on/off since 6.4 rc6

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  • 2 years later...

I've lost the shares on my server. I have the data still but no shares showing on the GUI, or over SMB network connection. I've been through through this thread but cannot sort it out. I've downgraded from 6.8.3 but still no help.


I've also tried adding a new share and in the log it adds the share but deletes it straight away??


Hoping someone can help me. Please.!!


Edited by casualsix
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9 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Nothing obvious in the log, try rebooting in safe mode.

thanks for your reply, I've tried the reboot in safe mode and still the same. Again I tried to add a temporary share but looking at the log it tries to create it mkdir command and recongises there's already a then fails. the GUI says folder deleted.? Its an odd one.

Edited by casualsix
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4 hours ago, casualsix said:

thanks for your reply, I've tried the reboot in safe mode and still the same. Again I tried to add a temporary share but looking at the log it tries to create it mkdir command and recongises there's already a then fails. the GUI says folder deleted.? Its an odd one.

See if it's the same issue as this one:


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