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SuperMicro MBD-X7SPA-H-O Mini ITX w/ Atom + Free server case - $184.99


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SUPERMICRO MBD-X7SPA-H-O Mini ITX Intel Atom D510 processor Server Motherboard


SUPERMICRO CSE-731i-300B Black Pedestal Server Case w/ 300W Power Supply 2 External 5.25" Drive Bays


Combo for $184.99, no promo code or MIR required.  I believe this combo price expires at 11:59pm PT on 08/06/2010, but I'm not 100% sure.


Motherboard looks perfect for unRAID:

- 6 onboard SATA slots! (most miniITX boards have 4)

- Dual Gigabit LAN NICs (Intel)

- Onboard video

- 1 PCIe x4 slot (which would support a SuperMicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 for a total of 14 drives!)


The case isn't ideal for unRAID, but hey, it's free.  Case comes with a 300W PSU (not sure if it is 80+ certified or not).


Also, check out the first review for the motherboard  ;)



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i love the idea of a mini-itx board with a bunch of SATA ports.  wish one of these MB companies would make a simple board with rows of ports (or a few SAS ports) specifically for large storage boxes.  i'd pay a bit of a premium for one given all the stuff you wouldn't need and the potential for an ultra low power solution.

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