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Do any OS X users know of an easy way to mount XFS drives on Mac?

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SSIA. I would really like a way to at least get at data if the server craps out. I would prefer a native method, as VMs may be beyond my knowledge level at this point. In the past I tried OSXFUSE, but my knowledge, to get it running, was obviously inadequate. Any help would be appreciated.

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1 hour ago, ratmice said:

SSIA. I would really like a way to at least get at data if the server craps out. I would prefer a native method, as VMs may be beyond my knowledge level at this point. In the past I tried OSXFUSE, but my knowledge, to get it running, was obviously inadequate. Any help would be appreciated.

I have not tried this, but one way would be to install VirtualBox on the mac and then create a virtual machine with a Linux that handles XFS.  You have to install the VM VirtualBox Extension Pack to get USB 3 speeds which can be found in the downloads section of https://www.virtualbox.org


You could then put the drive in a USB enclosure and you should be able to read the drive then.


Sorry I can't give you more detailed info, because I have not done this yet myself.

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OSXFuse is available as a .dmg from here. Then you need the Fuse-XFS module from here, also a .dmg, so you won't have to compile anything from source. Note that it works in read-only mode - writes are not implemented - and the journal is ignored. The XFS module is alpha software and hasn't been updated for a couple of years but I used it a year or so ago and it worked on Mountain Lion. The disk won't automount but see the Readme that's included:

fuse-xfs /dev/rdisk1s1 -- /mnt/xfs

though the standard macOS mount point is below /Volumes rather than /mnt.

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On 4/30/2018 at 1:46 PM, John_M said:

OSXFuse is available as a .dmg from here. Then you need the Fuse-XFS module from here, also a .dmg, so you won't have to compile anything from source. Note that it works in read-only mode - writes are not implemented - and the journal is ignored. The XFS module is alpha software and hasn't been updated for a couple of years but I used it a year or so ago and it worked on Mountain Lion. The disk won't automount but see the Readme that's included:

fuse-xfs /dev/rdisk1s1 -- /mnt/xfs

though the standard macOS mount point is below /Volumes rather than /mnt.

This is not working on my mac running Venture 13.4. If anyone knows of a current solution that can leverage my mac to read a disk, please let me know. Thanks.

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