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Host Path 1 missing from Docker Apps config


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What you're seeing is correct.  There are only two paths being passed through to the app.  It's appdata (which you can get via the Show More Settings), and the /media path (which is unlabelled, so it's being called Host Path 2).  Presumably, when binhex created the template, he added the /appdata path first, then the media path (which is why its host path 2), and didn't bother renaming it so unRaid leaves it at the default of host path 2.

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  • 7 months later...

It's not the "Host Path 1" naming that's important  It's simply an "English" label when the maintainer can't be bothered to name the entry


What's important is the "Container Path" line and the value above it for the host path


Host Path 1 would probably generally refer to the /config mapping which is hidden by default in unRaid and generally doesn't need to be touched


All videos on any product tend to get out of date very quickly as UI's change for the better.  It's the concepts that matter.

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