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(SOLVED) Upgrade to 6.6.5


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Hello all,

I have a quick question regarding my 'go' file which 'update assistant' has reported a problem before I attempt an upgrade. I am having trouble understanding what I need to remove (what line of text) needs to be removed from the 'go' file.

Current unRaid Version: 6.5.3 Upgrade unRaid Version: 6.6.5

Here is the following error:
Checking for extra parameters on emhttp
Issue Found: emhttp command in /boot/config/go has extra parameters passed to it. Currently emhttp does not accept any extra paramters. These should be removed

Let me know if you need the 'go' file details.

Thank you :-) 

Edited by bombz
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6 minutes ago, John_M said:

It's difficult to tell you what you need to remove if you don't tell us what yours contains! The stock /boot/config/go file looks like this:

# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &

OK here is the contents:

# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 80 &
echo ; >/usr/local/sbin/mover

I suppose I am not sure why the 80 is there? Port 80 ? 



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48 minutes ago, bombz said:

Currently emhttp does not accept any extra paramters. These should be removed

You need to remove the -p 80 from the emhttp line. It used to accept a port number but it's now done differently. Make sure you don't remove the ampersand (&) though.


You must have added the last line, concerning the mover, for your own reasons. If you no longer need it you can remove it too.


Edited by John_M
Don't delete the & at the end
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3 minutes ago, John_M said:

You must have added the last line, concerning the mover, for your own reasons. If you no longer need it you can remove it too.

That line effectively disables the mover script (it overwrites the file with a ; )  Better ways to accomplish that via the use cache setting on the shares.

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4 minutes ago, John_M said:

You need to remove the -p 80 from the emhttp line. It used to accept a port number but it's now done differently. Make sure you don't remove the ampersand (&) though.


You must have added the last line, concerning the mover, for your own reasons. If you no longer need it you can remove it too.

Awesome man!
I have been a little bit out of the loop with things lately, trying to re-kindle my knowledge. 

Yes, I don't use mover for anything to be honest, and I know I didn't add that manually. Perhaps it was something I enabled within the GUI/Settings (puzzled)

I will make a backup of my flash, and edit accordingly to your suggestion.

Thank you so much !! 




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48 minutes ago, Squid said:

That line effectively disables the mover script (it overwrites the file with a ; )  Better ways to accomplish that via the use cache setting on the shares.

I never did use mover, I am pretty sure I disabled it via GUI (option)

So if I remove that line, do you have a suggestion?

Edited by bombz
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3 minutes ago, bombz said:

I am pretty sure I disabled it via GUI (option)

Actually you can't via the GUI


3 minutes ago, bombz said:

Hmmm, I am all ears for a proper method 🙂

Better way would be to install CA Mover Tuning which will allow you to disable it.  But, with proper use of the useCache Settings for each share, its not really necessary to disable it ever.  But every use case is different, so maybe yours dictates no moving ever.

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19 minutes ago, Squid said:

Actually you can't via the GUI


Better way would be to install CA Mover Tuning which will allow you to disable it.  But, with proper use of the useCache Settings for each share, its not really necessary to disable it ever.  But every use case is different, so maybe yours dictates no moving ever.

OK installed CA Mover Tuning.

Perhaps I should look to enabling cache for some of my shares, and read up about it more. Perhaps I clearly don't understand it. If I were to guess right now, if you turn on cache settings for a specific share or disk, when you copy data to a folder, in this example lets say:

Physical Desktop Drive
Physical Disk9 (server)

the data will copy to a spot on the cache disk, and reside there until you schedule mover to move all data from the cache to the 'disk' in the array
Perhaps I have that right ? 

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  • 4 years later...
1 hour ago, Joshwaaa said:

Getting the emhttp error as listed in the OP. My file looks like this 

# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 112 &


Should I remove everything after emhttp?

I do not think the -p option now works - you need to set the port via Settings -> Management Access if want it to be something other than the default.

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