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Server Freezes/Shutdowns After Parity Check

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I posted a month ago about issues I was having with my server freezing on average every 8 hours. Original post is here.

I thought everything was solved after removing my unmatched ram stick, until last week. The server started doing the same thing again, I installed the Fix Common Problems Plugin and it was running in troubleshooting mode during the last crash. It seems like it crashes exactly when a parity check completes. Which follows the "every 8 hours it crashes" theory issue as the parity check takes about 8 hours to complete.


I have attached the Diagnostics and Syslog dumps as well as the FCPsyslog from the USB drive.  Note as well that on my last post i had a failing cache drive that we though could have something to do with it and that has been removed as well, still in the system just sitting there not used.


Anyone have any ideas?





edit: Title spelled wrong.

Edited by Archemedees
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Hi there!  Sorry to hear you're having problems.  Unfortunately your logs literally have nothing in them to point to a problem.  This could be for one of many reasons, but more than likely it's because the crash is occurring before it has time to print out to the logs.  Here's what we need:  shut down the server and attach a monitor and keyboard.  Boot Unraid up in normal console mode (not GUI mode).  Login to the console using the username 'root' and whatever password you set (if you didn't set a password, just press enter when it prompts you for one).  From the root console, type the following command:


tail /var/log/syslog -f > /boot/taillog.txt


This will begin printing the log directly on the screen of your monitor.  Now let the system get into that freeze state again and take a picture with your phone of what's on on the monitor and post it back here.  Hopefully that will capture the moment that the system crashes and give us a clue as to what's happening.

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Thanks for the response, I tried this, or at least I think I tried it , as you can see from the screen shot it took several attempts before I entered everything with the correct spacing. Server froze again last night and this time it wasn't during a parity check, it was while the server was down loading some files through sabnzbd. I noticed my home internet went down, or got very flaky and I tried to check the server to see what the speed on it was as it's hardwired and it was frozen. So there may be some correlation to the active downloading of files and the internet cutting out while that's happening maybe? Screen shot is attached. 


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36 minutes ago, itimpi said:

The -f option needs to be separated from the filename by at least one space or it will be treated as part of the filename.    Normally it is typed in to precede the filename

Thanks for the heads up, I know pretty much nothing about commands here. Is the last line I entered there correct? 

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Server froze again this morning, i have notifications setup through push bullet to notify me every hour of the server status. I received the last one at 6:20AM, and at 6:33AM I tried logging in through the IP on my home network and it wouldn't connect, went over to the server and the console doesn't respond at all, nor was there anything listed in that tail log on the screen (Screenshot attached). So hard reboot, and its back up again, I turned on troubleshooting mode through the fix common problems plugin so Ill try and capture whatever that gets next time this happens again. Note that as with last time, SABNZBD was running and downloading files at the time of the freeze, if nothing is downloading to the server it doesn't seem to freeze, though I dont know if its inherently something downloading or if it has to do with the movement of files after downloads complete.


Is there something else I can do to try and capture the error? I am worried that I will need to start from scratch here :/


Edited by Archemedees
added screen shot
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