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UPGRADE to 6.6.6 creates No config file found warning


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Actually the error message states exactly what I posted. It can't find the CONFIG FILE which should be in the CONFIG FOLDER on the Flash Drive. I was about to pull the Flash Drive out and check it but wanted to see if anyone had run into this issue prior to doing so. UNRAID has been running on this server for over a year...Dell PowerEdge R510...and haven't had any issues with the Flash Drives I've been using. Not sure what to check next.

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As you'll see in the pic below, the bottom portion of the screen is the error message. I have pulled the Flash Drive and opened it on one of our desktops and it seems to be just fine. No apparent damage to the device. I have copied the contents of it to a folder on the hard drive and can see the contents of the config folder and all the files appear to be there. 


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That got me rebooted. Thank you very much. I did get the error that my license key was missing so unless you think there is a better way of getting this placed back on there I'll just reach out to Customer Support and have them resend/reactivate my PRO key.


Excellent assistance my friend and thanks for sharing your time on this FORUM. It means a great deal to a lot of us who use UNRAID quite a bit but we don't have the deeper knowledge. 



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I believe you but for some reason it didn't. At least you got me to boot to the GUI again. I see my PRO .key file but for some reason it isn't recognizing it. My assumption is that the keys or the Flash Drive was corrupted in some way. I do see the drives listed in the MAIN section of the GUI so if I can reinstall my key file I should be okay...I hope!


I will post back here to let you know if it did. Just waiting on response from Customer Support now. Thanks again for your help!



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As a follow-up to Trurl's responses to my post, what he described should have worked perfectly. I confirmed this with Support at Limetech. What I want to let everyone know, however, is something that could happen on other Windows 10 machines that have Adobe Creative Suite installed. After copying the files per Trurl's direction, I turned on the ability to see the extension names in Windows Explorer. To my surprise, the .key files were changed to .adobe files. This is most likely why the copy process didn't work exactly as Trurl stated. 


I don't know if this issue was on my PC prior to the latest update which occurred on my machine the night before I had this issue with our UNRAID server...which had nothing to do with the Windows 10 update of course. But in trying to fix the issue by copying over the files back to the Flash Drive, my Adobe issue did create a problem which prevented UNRAID from recognizing my .key file and it also changed my plugin extensions so they didn't get recognized either. 


So long and short, if you ever run into a problem where you have to copy files back to your Flash Drive, please double-check your extensions to make certain they haven't been overwritten by another program when using Windows 10. 

Thanks to Trurl for getting us back up and running!

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I have to update this post today because something else has happened that now makes me think there is a more to this story. We have 5 UNRAID servers. The primary server was affected and we have now found that a second UNRAID server is having the same issue. I took the Flash Drive to another PC not connected to the network and the exact same thing has happened. The files are now showing the .adobe file extension. 


This got me worried so I checked our XCPng server and several virtual machines are also affected...or should I say infected. This could be a crypto virus of some type but I can't find any answers on the web and there isn't a "RANSOMWARE" demand in any of the directories we've checked. 


So if any of you have heard of this...please post back here so we can try and figure this out. If it his us that means it could infect/affect many UNRAID users!!!

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One of the first things I do to a new Windows install is make it display extensions. I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want to see them.


I have not heard of this problem, and I was a bit dubious when you first mentioned Adobe Creative Suite since we have that on our desktop and I'm sure many others here do as well and nothing like this has ever happened to us. But it's probably been years since I needed to put my Unraid flash in my PC. Which file extensions are being changed, just .key?

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I certainly understand that and I jumped to conclusions when I had done an update to my Creative Cloud, Windows 10 update and UNRAID update all within 2 days of each other. 


Every single file on the Flash DrUNRAID_File_Names.PNG.6d1eb9d3459bd28a0aee39a39ee9302c.PNGive has the issue. Here is the screenshot of the so you can get an idea.

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Just now, robier said:

Ouch...thanks for that information. I see it doesn't have a decryption method either. Strange that there is no decrypt ransom text file anywhere. 


Thanks for the assistance!

There very well may be a ransom note on the PC that is actually hosting the attack. If it were me I'd shut down every piece of network equipment in the place and examine each machine offline.

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