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[SOLVED] Docker path mapping?


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I'm trying to get Sonarr/NZBGet set up and I'm running into an issue:


Everything is set up and connecting, but when I go to add a path for the downloads, there's nothing in the "media" folder. I mapped "mnt/user/Media/TV Shows" but there's nothing in the "media" folder when I go to "/media" and, if I try to go to "/mnt/user", there's nothing in "/mnt" at all.


What am I doing wrong here...???  I think I'm missing something when it comes to paths, but I have no idea what.





Edited by rmp5s
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When you say there is nothing in /mnt are you talking about inside the docker container or at the Unraid host level?  


With the settings you show what you see at the Unraid host level at ‘/mnt/user/Media/TV Shows’ is what you should see inside the container at /media.   Check you have the case right in the paths as Linux is case-sensitive.

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5 minutes ago, itimpi said:

When you say there is nothing in /mnt are you talking about inside the docker container or at the Unraid host level?  


With the settings you show what you see at the Unraid host level at ‘/mnt/user/Media/TV Shows’ is what you should see inside the container at /media.   Check you have the case right in the paths as Linux is case-sensitive.


Oh.  Shit.  So, in the Docker container, "/media"  *IS* "/Media/TV Shows" on the server...?

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Got it downloading!



Still not seeing anything in my Media/TV Shows folder, though.




If I go into NZBGet and click on the completed file, it has a path of "/usr/local/bin/nzbget/downloads/completed/Series/showname".


Is it saving IN the Docker container?

Edited by rmp5s
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6 minutes ago, rmp5s said:

Got it downloading!



Still not seeing anything in my Media/TV Shows folder, though.




If I go into NZBGet and click on the completed file, it has a path of "/usr/local/bin/nzbget/downloads/completed/Series/showname".


Is it saving IN the Docker container?

It definitely sounds like that!    Only paths you have explicitly mapped are outside the container.    I would think that there is a NZBGet setting that controls where the files should be placed and this is not currently pointing to the /media location (which would get files into Media/TV Shows at the Unraid Level).

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3 minutes ago, itimpi said:

It definitely sounds like that!    Only paths you have explicitly mapped are outside the container.    I would think that there is a NZBGet setting that controls where the files should be placed and this is not currently pointing to the /media location (which would get files into Media/TV Shows at the Unraid Level).


Hmm...yea...looks like these need changed, indeed.  Any recommendations?  Change the "DestDir" to "/media"?


I'm going to check the SpaceInvader One video and see if he sheds any light on it, but he uses a different NZB thing than I do.


I'm all ears!!





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I am not a user of NZBGet but I would have thought that a good starting point would be to change the MainDir setting in NZBGet to something simple like /download and then set up a path mapping in the container settings to map /download inside the container to somewhere in Unraid storage (e.g. /mnt/cache/appdata/nzbget/download).  Since the other entries are sub/folders of the MainDir setting that would result in all of them being external to the container.


Others who actually use NZBGet may chime in with the settings they actually use.  I am surprised that the default templates do not already have such a mapping.

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It definitely sounds like that!    Only paths you have explicitly mapped are outside the container.    I would think that there is a NZBGet setting that controls where the files should be placed and this is not currently pointing to the /media location (which would get files into Media/TV Shows at the Unraid Level).
I don't have any media shares mapped to nzbget. I only map a downloads directory on my cache drive. In the downloads directory I have the incomplete, complete, tv, movies, music etc. I then map the media and downloads in Sonarr or similar.
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18 minutes ago, Squid said:

Set AppDir to be /config

Tried this.  Didn't work.


I can console into the NZBGet Docker and go to "/config/downloads/completed/Series/" and see the files there.  


How do make "/config/downloads/completed/Series/" == my unRAID share?

I'm kind of thinking I have to do that as I install the container, but I don't know.  This is the current setup:


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Tried this.  Didn't work.
I can console into the NZBGet Docker and go to "/config/downloads/completed/Series/" and see the files there.  
How do make "/config/downloads/completed/Series/" == my unRAID share?

I'm kind of thinking I have to do that as I install the container, but I don't know.  This is the current setup:

You need some sort of post processing. I use nzbtomedia scripts which can be found on github, placed in my downloads directory. You can configure Nzbget in its settings to use these scripts to then notify sonarr to post process downloads. Sonar then processes the downloads and moves them to the array. Or actually the cache drive to be moved later.
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3 hours ago, dmacias said:

You need some sort of post processing. I use nzbtomedia scripts which can be found on github, placed in my downloads directory. You can configure Nzbget in its settings to use these scripts to then notify sonarr to post process downloads. Sonar then processes the downloads and moves them to the array. Or actually the cache drive to be moved later.

Oh, really?  I can see the MKV files in the output directory, though.  I'm sure converting them to another format would be beneficial, but I still really think I have some path issues going on...no?


I'll definitely look into that, though.  Thanks!

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3 hours ago, dmacias said:

You need some sort of post processing. I use nzbtomedia scripts which can be found on github, placed in my downloads directory. You can configure Nzbget in its settings to use these scripts to then notify sonarr to post process downloads. Sonar then processes the downloads and moves them to the array. Or actually the cache drive to be moved later.

According to this, the scripts aren't necessary.

"So, in a way, these scripts seem to be unnecessary with Sonarr."

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On 2/6/2019 at 6:21 PM, dmacias said:
On 2/5/2019 at 7:53 PM, rmp5s said:
According to this, the scripts aren't necessary.

"So, in a way, these scripts seem to be unnecessary with Sonarr."

I don't convert them or anything. I'll see if I can get it to work without the scripts.

I still really think I just have the mapping all jacked up.  I can see the MKV file in the destination folder and all that, but it's the destination folder IN the container.  How do I map it OUT of the container?

It's a relatively simple concept that baffles me as there are 14 different paths involved in this case...there are paths when you installed, paths in the container, paths all over the place, and I have no idea where I screwed it up.

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10 hours ago, rmp5s said:

I still really think I just have the mapping all jacked up.  I can see the MKV file in the destination folder and all that, but it's the destination folder IN the container.  How do I map it OUT of the container?

It's a relatively simple concept that baffles me as there are 14 different paths involved in this case...there are paths when you installed, paths in the container, paths all over the place, and I have no idea where I screwed it up.

One way of thinking is to consider the container path the location that the app thinks is used for of  particular purpose.  Whether that is adjustable is up to what configuration options are available with the containers app.  Many containers have internal paths that have been set by the container producer and are not amenable to change.


The host path is the real location that the data is stored at in Unraid.  Setting up such a mapping means a re-direct to this location happens without the container being aware of it.   If there is no mapping between a container path and an Unraid host path then the path is only visible within the container and any data store on that path is internal to the container.   In the case you mention of getting data out of the container then you need to set up a mapping between where the container thinks it is writing to and where on the Unraid server you want that data to appear.   You also need to check that the container has write permissions set in the path mapping.


One consequence of this is that if you have multiple containers that need to access the same data then you set up each container path to be shared to point to the same location at the Unraid level.    It does not matter if the containers internal paths are different (and this is often the case) as they are transparently re-directed to the Unraid location.


Does the above explanation help in any way?


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7 hours ago, itimpi said:

One way of thinking is to consider the container path the location that the app thinks is used for of  particular purpose.  Whether that is adjustable is up to what configuration options are available with the containers app.  Many containers have internal paths that have been set by the container producer and are not amenable to change.


The host path is the real location that the data is stored at in Unraid.  Setting up such a mapping means a re-direct to this location happens without the container being aware of it.   If there is no mapping between a container path and an Unraid host path then the path is only visible within the container and any data store on that path is internal to the container.   In the case you mention of getting data out of the container then you need to set up a mapping between where the container thinks it is writing to and where on the Unraid server you want that data to appear.   You also need to check that the container has write permissions set in the path mapping.


One consequence of this is that if you have multiple containers that need to access the same data then you set up each container path to be shared to point to the same location at the Unraid level.    It does not matter if the containers internal paths are different (and this is often the case) as they are transparently re-directed to the Unraid location.


Does the above explanation help in any way?


Got it working!  I'm not reeeeeeeeeeeeeal sure what I changed that made it start working, but everything is working as it should now.  Thank you!

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