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[Support] knex666 - Mopidy

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  • 4 months later...



When i fire up mopidy ive got this:


INFO Loading config from builtin defaults
INFO Loading config from /etc/mopidy.conf


But when i run "mopidy local scan" i've got this:


INFO     Loading config from builtin defaults
INFO     Loading config from /root/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf


Is there any solution for that?



And will you upgrade this to mopidy 3.0 ?


Edited by lojden
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On 1/17/2020 at 2:05 PM, lojden said:



When i fire up mopidy ive got this:


INFO Loading config from builtin defaults
INFO Loading config from /etc/mopidy.conf


But when i run "mopidy local scan" i've got this:


INFO     Loading config from builtin defaults
INFO     Loading config from /root/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf


Is there any solution for that?



And will you upgrade this to mopidy 3.0 ?



Thats really easy 

#docker exec -it Mopidy /bin/bash

root@123:# mopidy --config /etc/mopidy.conf local scan

than CTRL + A + D to exit witout clothing the docker

you can run

#docker exec -it Mopidy mopidy --config /etc/mopidy.conf local scan

as well thats the short way.



Mopidy3: I am working very hard on this. I have setup a new debian container with everything.

Iris and Spotify are not fully working on it and thats very bad.

I keep this as an experimental container hoping for some updates in the next time and will uploads it as a new one.



Edited by knex666
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Here's a update to Mopidy3


push knex666/mopidy:3-experimental



docker run -d --name='Mopidy3' --net='br0' --ip='' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -v '/mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/':'/config/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/tmp/':'/tmp/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Musik/':'/media':'rw' -p 6600:6600 -p 6680:6680 -p 5555:5555/udp 'knex666/mopidy:3-experimental' mopidy --config /config/mopidy.conf


I will make a new unraid config xml for Mopidy3 soon. 

Its not jet stable and its missing Iris 

Edited by knex666
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i'm really interested in this container but i must admit that after reading here (and the github for it) i still don't understand anything how to run it (i'm also a really fresh newbie in linux).
Could you please make a little step by step guide with example files (configs and so on) how to run it? Expecially using an audio card (built in or not) to output the sound?

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On 1/19/2020 at 8:52 PM, knex666 said:

Here's a update to Mopidy3


push knex666/mopidy:3-experimental



docker run -d --name='Mopidy3' --net='br0' --ip='' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -v '/mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/':'/config/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/tmp/':'/tmp/':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Musik/':'/media':'rw' -p 6600:6600 -p 6680:6680 -p 5555:5555/udp 'knex666/mopidy:3-experimental' mopidy --config /config/mopidy.conf


I will make a new unraid config xml for Mopidy3 soon. 

Its not jet stable and its missing Iris 

Nice! I'll try it out when its ready



Edited by lojden
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Thanks for creating this. I did need longer than usual to get this started up. The main confusion was in the predefined settings, the ports weren't set and the container path for the config file was set to


even though the description said

Container Path: /config/mopidy.conf

So I created the file and set the path to it but it didn't work because it was expecting a folder, not a file.


After I figured this out I started a scan but noticed that all the artwork which is created is stored inside the container and not in the appdata folder or another shared volume. So when I switch the container I would loose all this data.

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Celsiuss said:

I'm extremely confused.

I've set up the mopidy3 image and file path mapping to my music collection. I'm also using the config example file. However, none of my music is in mopidy, but a whole bunch of random music that don't work.

Did you local Scan your files? After setting the path? 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/30/2019 at 10:25 PM, knex666 said:



oh ok. You have mounted your media to /media?
have you startet the process manually inside the container with #mopidy local scan? after scan is completed restart the container.





how do you start the process manually inside the container? 


I am getting the same error and have my music folder mapped to /media. 


Also you asked above if someonw was running snapcast from your repo. How do i do that? I cant find snapcast in the app store and i cant see any of your posts for snapcast




Edit: also should i be using mopidy3 instead? 


Edited by GooseGoose
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4 hours ago, GooseGoose said:



how do you start the process manually inside the container? 

docker exec CONTAINER_NAME mopidy local scan should work or

docker exec CONTAINER_NAME /bin/sh mopidy local scan 

did not test it just now.

4 hours ago, GooseGoose said:

I am getting the same error and have my music folder mapped to /media. 


Also you asked above if someonw was running snapcast from your repo. How do i do that? I cant find snapcast in the app store and i cant see any of your posts for snapcast

I´ve never uploaded that container. thought I did.


its the repository kevineye/snapcast

with post argument: snapserver -s pipe:///data/snapfifo?name=Example&sampleformat=44100:16:2

and a mapping from /mnt/user/appdata/mopidy/tmp/ to /data


an example config for mopidy is uploaded to github.


4 hours ago, GooseGoose said:




Edit: also should i be using mopidy3 instead? 


Works but for me its not that beautiful because of the mussing Iris UI

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so i tried running the command and i get the error below. I tried googling it but it seems that the command is correct but i am getting a bad result

username@servername:~# docker exec Mopidy local scan
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec: \"local\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

Are you able to help with this? 


thanks so much for your time! 

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7 hours ago, GooseGoose said:


so i tried running the command and i get the error below. I tried googling it but it seems that the command is correct but i am getting a bad result

username@servername:~# docker exec Mopidy local scan
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec: \"local\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

Are you able to help with this? 


thanks so much for your time! 

Na, that wound work:


"docker exec Mopidy mopidy local scan" or  "docker exec Mopidy /folder/to/mopidy local scan"

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wow, that worked. thanks for teaching me that.


Do we have to have a spotify to use this docker? I used the config from https://github.com/maschhoff/docker/blob/master/mopidy/mopidy.conf and removed spotify becasue i dont have an account. It is also giving me an error sating i need to set the scrobbler, and soundcloud username and password, non of which i have in the config file 


my config file looks like 

data_dir = /var/lib/mopidy

media_dir = /media

playlists_dir = /var/lib/mopidy/playlists

config_file = /etc/mopidy/logging.conf
debug_file = /var/log/mopidy/mopidy-debug.log
hostname =
port = 6600

hostname =
port = 6680

output = lamemp3enc ! shout2send async=false mount=mopidy ip= port=8000 password=hackme

snapcast_enabled = true
snapcast_port = 6680

enabled = true
protocols =
timeout = 5000

yet when i run "docker exec Mopidy mopidy config" i get the following at the bottom of the output

enabled = false  ; Extension disabled due to config errors.
username =   ; Must be set.
password =   ; Must be set.
client_id =   ; Must be set.
client_secret =   ; Must be set.
bitrate = 160
volume_normalization = true
private_session = false
timeout = 10
allow_cache = true
allow_network = true
allow_playlists = true
search_album_count = 20
search_artist_count = 10
search_track_count = 50
toplist_countries = 

enabled = true
region = 
sub_genres = true
cache_time = 3600

enabled = false  ; Extension disabled due to config errors.
explore_songs = 25
auth_token =   ; Must be set.

enabled = false  ; Extension disabled due to config errors.
username =   ; Must be set.
password =   ; Must be set.

It seems even though it enabled is set to false it still won't scan


Thanks for all of your help! 

Edited by GooseGoose
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that was in the config file on github, which i copied and edited. I will remove it and try again





Okay, so i did a complete reinstall, deleting all of the files and trying again and with this as my config

data_dir = /var/lib/mopidy

media_dir = /media

playlists_dir = /var/lib/mopidy/playlists

config_file = /etc/mopidy/logging.conf
debug_file = /var/log/mopidy/mopidy-debug.log

hostname =
port = 6600

hostname =
port = 6680

output = lamemp3enc ! shout2send async=false mount=mopidy ip= port=8000 password=hackme

snapcast_enabled = true
snapcast_port = 6680

enabled = true
protocols =
timeout = 5000

I still get this as the error when i try to "docker exec Mopidy mopidy local scan"

 docker exec Mopidy mopidy local scan
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mopidy/ext.py:202: PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: Parameters to load are deprecated.  Call .resolve and .require separately.
  extension_class = entry_point.load(require=False)
INFO     Starting Mopidy 2.2.2
INFO     Loading config from builtin defaults
INFO     Loading config from /root/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf
INFO     Loading config from command line options
INFO     Enabled extensions: mopify, iris, mpd, http, stream, spotify_tunigo, m3u, youtube, simple-webclient, tunein, local-images, softwaremixer, file, musicbox_webclient, party, api_explorer, local-sqlite
INFO     Disabled extensions: spotify, local, scrobbler, soundcloud
WARNING  Found local configuration errors, the extension has been automatically disabled:
WARNING    local/media_dir must be set.
WARNING  Found scrobbler configuration errors, the extension has been automatically disabled:
WARNING    scrobbler/username must be set.
WARNING    scrobbler/password must be set.
WARNING  Found soundcloud configuration errors, the extension has been automatically disabled:
WARNING    soundcloud/auth_token must be set.
WARNING  Found spotify configuration errors, the extension has been automatically disabled:
WARNING    spotify/username must be set.
WARNING    spotify/client_secret must be set.
WARNING    spotify/password must be set.
WARNING    spotify/client_id must be set.
WARNING  Please fix the extension configuration errors or disable the extensions to silence these messages.
ERROR    Unable to run command provided by disabled extension local

so the error message is about local being disabled, so i have run "docker exec Mopidy mopidy config" and the following is the local config

enabled = false  ; Extension disabled due to config errors.
library = json
media_dir =  ; Must be set.
scan_timeout = 1000
scan_flush_threshold = 100
scan_follow_symlinks = false
excluded_file_extensions = 

it looks like media_dir hasnt been picked up from my mopidy.config file. any idea how to fix this?


second edit:

I go to the console for mopidy (is that sh) and when i run this command "cat ~/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf" i get a completely different config file to the one in appdata

Edited by GooseGoose
adding second edit
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  • 2 weeks later...

so i got mopidy setup, it successfully scanned my local music. All i want to do now is play music on my android phone. The android app sees my music but no sound is happening because the file is not playing.


what should i have in my mopidy.conf fine to enable this? I want to just direct play music from my unraid server on my android phone


EDIT: nevermind, i guess i didn't realize how mopidy worked.  the android app only controls the music on the server which then plays it. I don't want to listen to the music on my server so i guess mopidy isn't for me....back to airsonic

Edited by ffhelllskjdje
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3 hours ago, ffhelllskjdje said:

so i got mopidy setup, it successfully scanned my local music. All i want to do now is play music on my android phone. The android app sees my music but no sound is happening because the file is not playing.


what should i have in my mopidy.conf fine to enable this? I want to just direct play music from my unraid server on my android phone


EDIT: nevermind, i guess i didn't realize how mopidy worked.  the android app only controls the music on the server which then plays it. I don't want to listen to the music on my server so i guess mopidy isn't for me....back to airsonic

jip ;-) but you can use snapcast for android - that works well

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This looks interesting. Are you able to do a step by step guide to getting installing a snapcast docker?


Also i may have missed this but, to sync between devices do you just need 1 mopidy server? what about if you wanted to play different music through the devices? 

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2 hours ago, Sassy said:

This looks interesting. Are you able to do a step by step guide to getting installing a snapcast docker?


Also i may have missed this but, to sync between devices do you just need 1 mopidy server? what about if you wanted to play different music through the devices? 

I just added my Snapcast Template to the App-Repo you should be able to install it in community apps soon.


I never tryed to play different music. Normally you use mopidy because you want to use Google Audio/Home or Snapcast to stream and sync music to every room and Mopidy is your central music station. Give it a try - I dont know

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got this working with your mopidy3 docker. Seems to work really well. 


then i setup your snapcast container and got it all working and streaming to multiple phones and everything was in sync. So then i installed another Mopidy3 container and changed the output to a different fifo file as i am wanting to do something like this


Snapcast is not finding the other fifo. Do you know where the snapserver.conf is? https://github.com/badaix/snapcast suggests that it might be in /etc/default/snapserver but the default folder doesn't seem to exist. 


these are the files and folders in etc in the container 

/etc # ls
TZ              group           issue           motd            passwd-         securetty       sysctl.d
alpine-release  group-          localtime       mtab            periodic        services        udhcpd.conf
apk             hostname        logrotate.d     network         profile         shadow
conf.d          hosts           modprobe.d      opt             profile.d       shadow-
crontabs        init.d          modules         os-release      protocols       shells
fstab           inittab         modules-load.d  passwd          resolv.conf     sysctl.conf

https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Snapcast suggests that it might be in /etc/conf.d/snapserver but again there is no file there





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2 hours ago, GooseGoose said:

I got this working with your mopidy3 docker. Seems to work really well. 


then i setup your snapcast container and got it all working and streaming to multiple phones and everything was in sync. So then i installed another Mopidy3 container and changed the output to a different fifo file as i am wanting to do something like this

Snapcast is not finding the other fifo. Do you know where the snapserver.conf is? https://github.com/badaix/snapcast suggests that it might be in /etc/default/snapserver but the default folder doesn't seem to exist. 


these are the files and folders in etc in the container 

/etc # ls
TZ              group           issue           motd            passwd-         securetty       sysctl.d
alpine-release  group-          localtime       mtab            periodic        services        udhcpd.conf
apk             hostname        logrotate.d     network         profile         shadow
conf.d          hosts           modprobe.d      opt             profile.d       shadow-
crontabs        init.d          modules         os-release      protocols       shells
fstab           inittab         modules-load.d  passwd          resolv.conf     sysctl.conf

https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Snapcast suggests that it might be in /etc/conf.d/snapserver but again there is no file there







this is very advances but a nice project!


snapfifo tmp is here:


it is mounted to Mopidy /tmp/snapfifo and to snapserver /data/

all you have to do is to create another snapfifo pipe for the other Mopidy.


You have to change this locations:



Post Arguments: snapserver -s pipe:///data/snapfifo?name=Example&sampleformat=44100:16:2




output = audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! wavenc ! filesink location=/tmp/snapfifo

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/4/2020 at 6:07 PM, knex666 said:



this is very advances but a nice project!


snapfifo tmp is here:


it is mounted to Mopidy /tmp/snapfifo and to snapserver /data/

all you have to do is to create another snapfifo pipe for the other Mopidy.


You have to change this locations:



Post Arguments: snapserver -s pipe:///data/snapfifo?name=Example&sampleformat=44100:16:2



output = audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! wavenc ! filesink location=/tmp/snapfifo

i had a motherboard die, fixed that and i can start working on this again! 


That is amazing! I didnt know about the post arguments. 

so i have my mopidy instances like this 



output = audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! wavenc ! filesink location=/tmp/snapfifo-test1




output = audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! audioconvert ! wavenc ! filesink location=/tmp/snapfifo-test2


and my snapserver post arguments:

snapserver -s pipe:///data/snapfifo-test1?name=Test1&sampleformat=44100:16:2 -s pipe:///data/snapfifo-test2?name=Test2&sampleformat=44100:16:2


i have also tried:

snapserver -s pipe:///data/snapfifo-test1?name=Test1&sampleformat=44100:16:2 snapserver -s pipe:///data/snapfifo-test2?name=Test2&sampleformat=44100:16:2


but the snapcast player on my phone only seems to pick up the first pipe file. Is this how i should be trying to do multiple streams?


I am also getting a weird issue with the second instance of mopidy3 where i click play and the audio works perfectly but it looks like it skips all of the songs on the front end. Do you know what would be causing this? 




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