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[Support] ich777 - Application Dockers


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1 hour ago, Merijeek said:

I've been having various (other) issues so haven't been working on this one. This morning I find my OpenVPN up 7 hours, Sonarr up 12, and Sonarr is inaccessible. 

How did you configure all the containers, are you really sure that they are connected through the same container?

The connected containers service should always work as long as you configure all attached containers with:



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As far as I know, I did?




That's Sonarr. It's definitely using the OPVN container OpenVPN--Client-1 for its network. 




And that's the OVPN container. If there's more that should be done inside it for config, I've missed it. But I don't think there was.

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6 hours ago, ich777 said:

And what is in data?


Again, if you can't get it to run I will deprecate the container since I have no use for it and I'll take that as a not working report.

Yes finally... it's good to think about what uses Ubuntu...




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On 6/14/2024 at 10:10 AM, ich777 said:

Let me know how it goes, it should work right OOB with that script since I'm using it with a different Alpine based Linuxserver container.


8 hours ago, ich777 said:

How did you configure all the containers, are you really sure that they are connected through the same container?

The connected containers service should always work as long as you configure all attached containers with:




OK so I think any of your containers are working fine. This most recent problem time I had were with my Qbitorrent and Prowlarr containers. Neither of which have  your Connected Containers bit built in. 


When I look inside them (left, Prowlarr, right Qbittorent) I seem to see the script correctly:  


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4 hours ago, AlexON said:

Yes finally... it's good to think about what uses Ubuntu...




What do you mean exactly?


What is in the mirror directory? Maybe post the output from tree if possible.

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Posted (edited)

Both linuxserver:


root@UnRAID:~# docker ps | grep qb
1f82127f3514   lscr.io/linuxserver/qbittorrent    "/init"                  2 days ago       Up 15 hours                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               qbittorrent-50004
root@UnRAID:~# docker ps | grep prow
1ebfa8d6bac5   lscr.io/linuxserver/prowlarr       "/init"                  33 seconds ago   Up 30 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             prowlarr-50005


(prowler I had just bounced, so time on there is because of that)

Edited by Merijeek
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7 minutes ago, Merijeek said:


Can you restart the container and see if it tries to grab the packages in the logs, it should say something like executing user scripts or something like that and than you should see that it downloads packages.

Maybe also put this line into your script:



This should then be also be shown on container startup.

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Good thinking:


/package/admin/s6-overlay- line 20: /etc/cont-init.d/91-connected-containers: Permission denied
/package/admin/s6-overlay- line 20: /etc/cont-init.d/mam-cookie.sh: Permission denied


So I guess next is to fix the permissions on those files.


It's been a while, but doesn't this indicate that the world should have access to them read and write? 


root@UnRAID:/mnt/user/prod/scripts# ls -l *.sh
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users 238 Jun 14 10:30 cc-alpine.sh
-rw-rw-rw- 1 nobody users 448 Jul  4 14:12 mam.sh


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12 hours ago, ich777 said:

What do you mean exactly?


What is in the mirror directory? Maybe post the output from tree if possible.

The only way I could find and confirm by tutorials is to run the apt-mirror command to start the download of the updates. It allowed me to understand how you built your docker at the same time. The download is in progress and it will take me several hours. I will then check when everything is finished.

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Just now, AlexON said:

The only way I could find and confirm by tutorials is to run the apt-mirror command to start the download of the updates. It allowed me to understand how you built your docker at the same time. The download is in progress and it will take me several hours. I will then check when everything is finished.

Again, you don't have to start the download manually, that is done by the container. Please don't issue any commands in the container!

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2 minutes ago, Merijeek said:

/package/admin/s6-overlay- line 20: /etc/cont-init.d/91-connected-containers: Permission denied

How did you mount the scripts in the template?

I recommend to set the permissions to 777 (navigate to the directory where the file is in and execute: chmod 777 <FILENAME>)

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7 minutes ago, AlexON said:

then nothing works...

Thanks for confirming, I deprecated the container.


7 minutes ago, AlexON said:

I even tried your debian-mirror and I have the problem. I don't see anything to configure.

Sorry but I can't confirm that, I'm actively using that over here. ;)

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@AlexON just to let you know, out of curiosity I set up a second debian mirror on my server and everything is working fine:


..and as you can see it is downloading almost 200GB of data without any intervention, except for editing mirror.list and restarting the container afterwards.



You have to restart the container once after configuring the mirror.list as pointed out in the logs and I just did this to my mirror.list:


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7 minutes ago, AlexON said:

Do what you can, that's all you had in mind anyway. For me for Debian, it doesn't work either. So I'm going to make my own apt-mirror. Thanks.

Sorry I don't meant to be offensive but I now also tried to Ubuntu Mirror container (but I have no way of confirming that it works) but it at least downloads the packages, I really don't know what is different on your system.


First I installed the container and it looked like this (left is the container log right is the mirror.list from inside the container <- I changed nothing there because I'm not familiar with Ubuntu) :grafik.thumb.png.698dc308478fa789cc5ec7718e71d341.png


After that I restart the container:


...as you can see it is pulling down almost 400GB of data.


I really don't know whats going on on your system, sorry but it seems it is working perfectly fine.


I already could see data in the directory but I stopped the container already:


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On 7/6/2024 at 1:49 AM, ich777 said:

Are you using NordVPN? If yes, it seems they changed something lately that prevents it from working properly.

I can confirm that PIA, Privado and hideme is working as it should.


Stop the container, after that open the logs and see what the actual issue is.


I think it would be also okay to upload your .ovpn file here since if the credentials are missing nobody will be able to connect.

Thanks for the reply. That would have been a good method. instead I kept deleting the .ovpn file and restarting to view the log lol 


Some googling and I had to turn off some IPV6 stuff and it started to work. I just use the VPN my seedbox provides.  I got it going. Thank you. 

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@ich777 - question for you


I've continued to notice that while the connected containers thing works for the containers using your repository, the attempted script isn't working for the others. Don't know why, but they are just never rebooting. Well, until I do it manually anyway. 


However, maybe I'm looking at things wrong. I looked at the linuxserver prowlarr, and from what I can see when it is "down" is that it just has no network interfaces apart from loopback:


lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:2196 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:2196 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:440358 (430.0 KiB)  TX bytes:440358 (430.0 KiB)


But after a fresh reboot I've got an eth0, an lo, and tun0. 


I'm no Docker expert. Is it expected that a reboot of the OVPN container would cause this? Is it normal?


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5 hours ago, Merijeek said:

I'm no Docker expert. Is it expected that a reboot of the OVPN container would cause this? Is it normal?

Yes this is expected and that's why I came up with the idea of connected containers because every time the connection is lost the containers automatically restart.

Just to double check, can you maybe install TVHeadend from Linuxserver.io (without configuring it) and mounting the script to the container and see if it restarts? I also have one Alpine based container from Linuxserver.io running which restarts just fine when the connected container connection is lost.

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11 hours ago, ich777 said:

Yes this is expected and that's why I came up with the idea of connected containers because every time the connection is lost the containers automatically restart.

Just to double check, can you maybe install TVHeadend from Linuxserver.io (without configuring it) and mounting the script to the container and see if it restarts? I also have one Alpine based container from Linuxserver.io running which restarts just fine when the connected container connection is lost.

Well, I'd like to,  but it's asking for pointers to hardware as far as I know:




I've tried to leave these as the shown defaults, and zeroing them out and fails on creating:



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20 minutes ago, Merijeek said:

Well, I'd like to,  but it's asking for pointers to hardware as far as I know:

Remove the device /dev/dri and /dev/dvb you don't need it, this is just for testing.

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Ah. Never occurred to me to actually hit the remove button. I was just clearing them out figuring it would do the same thing. But actually thinking about it makes it clear that wouldn't be liked. 


I don't really see any evidence that the script has been loaded/run/whatever in the logs, but it is accessible: 




You can see on the right that it can see the script, and that once I bounced the OVPN container it stayed up with its loopback only. 


But, unless I'm missing something, I don't see the script being executed anywhere in the logs, either when the OVPN went down, or even on startup. 

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