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[Support] FoxxMD - statping

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Application Name: statping

Application Site: https://demo.statping.com

Github Repo: https://github.com/hunterlong/statping

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/statping/statping

Template Repo: https://github.com/FoxxMD/unraid-docker-templates




Statping is an easy to use Status Page for your websites and applications. Statping will automatically fetch the application and render a beautiful status page with tons of features for you to build an even better status page. This Status Page generator allows you to use MySQL, Postgres, or SQLite on multiple operating systems. There are also statping client apps available for iphone/android. 






  • A database (mysql/postgres/sqlite) connection 
    • Some users report mysql does not currently work




On startup save your database connection through the Web UI. You're done! Refer to the project site for more info on setting up plugins, etc.




user doesn't have permission to write to this directory

  • In the Advanced View of the app edit page add the following the extra parameters field
    • --user 99:100


Error 1298: Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'UTC'

  • Ensure the timezone is properly set and passed to the container as a variable using the key TZ
Edited by FoxxMD
Update dockerhub registry
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Just tried to install this, but it cant start, getting this in log


�[36mINFO�[0m[0000] Starting Statping v0.80.71 �[36mtype�[0m=cmd

New Update 0.80.70 Available!
Update Command:
curl -o- -L https://statping.com/install.sh | bash

�[31mERRO�[0m[0000] config.yml file not found at /app/config.yml - starting in setup mode �[31mtype�[0m=cmd
�[31mFATA�[0m[0000] user doesn't have permission to write to this directory �[31mtype�[0m=cmd

Do I manually need to put a config.yml file in? If so, where do I find it?

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2 hours ago, mikeydk said:

Just tried to install this, but it cant start, getting this in log


�[36mINFO�[0m[0000] Starting Statping v0.80.71 �[36mtype�[0m=cmd

New Update 0.80.70 Available!
Update Command:
curl -o- -L https://statping.com/install.sh | bash

�[31mERRO�[0m[0000] config.yml file not found at /app/config.yml - starting in setup mode �[31mtype�[0m=cmd
�[31mFATA�[0m[0000] user doesn't have permission to write to this directory �[31mtype�[0m=cmd

Do I manually need to put a config.yml file in? If so, where do I find it?

Same here

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same here.

3 hours ago, mikeydk said:

Just tried to install this, but it cant start, getting this in log


�[36mINFO�[0m[0000] Starting Statping v0.80.71 �[36mtype�[0m=cmd

New Update 0.80.70 Available!
Update Command:
curl -o- -L https://statping.com/install.sh | bash

�[31mERRO�[0m[0000] config.yml file not found at /app/config.yml - starting in setup mode �[31mtype�[0m=cmd
�[31mFATA�[0m[0000] user doesn't have permission to write to this directory �[31mtype�[0m=cmd

Do I manually need to put a config.yml file in? If so, where do I find it?


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7 hours ago, mikeydk said:

Just tried to install this, but it cant start, getting this in log


�[36mINFO�[0m[0000] Starting Statping v0.80.71 �[36mtype�[0m=cmd

New Update 0.80.70 Available!
Update Command:
curl -o- -L https://statping.com/install.sh | bash

�[31mERRO�[0m[0000] config.yml file not found at /app/config.yml - starting in setup mode �[31mtype�[0m=cmd
�[31mFATA�[0m[0000] user doesn't have permission to write to this directory �[31mtype�[0m=cmd

Do I manually need to put a config.yml file in? If so, where do I find it?


Got the same error on first run


Was a permissions error for me - fixed it by:


- in the docker configuration, switch to advance mode and added the following as extra parameters "--user 99:100"

- I also had to change the logs (and content under it) to be owned by nobody.users (99:100) in my set up - assume these were created as root when I installed the app and it tried to run the first time as root.


I've not gone any further yet other than to confirm it now starts and I can get to the startup (config) screen.


@FoxxMD - thank you for putting this together, looks cool to play with. Allowing users to specify a PUID, and GUID variable to set the user/group they want this to run as seems to be a familiar pattern (at least on the LSIO containers) that will help with this I think.



Quick test using SQLlite was able to run up with the test data ok - FWIW

Edited by Ding Dong Del
Update after quick test of app
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18 hours ago, Ding Dong Del said:




Quick test using SQLlite was able to run up with the test data ok - FWIW

Followed your instructions and it runs now.  Also have MariaDB database up and going, but I keep getting this error with Statping.  "Error 1298: Unknown or incorrect time zone: 'UTC'" 


Any thoughts?

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I got the same. i have set The Variable "TZ" fpr Europe/Berlin but i think it doesnt matter. My Container works since 14 hours. no problems... but i think the author can optimize the template by a lot!

PS: @DarkstarLux go SQLite all other will fail. He will fixed it in the furture maybe...

Edited by #Tobias
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12 minutes ago, #Tobias said:

I got the same. i have set The Variable "TZ" fpr Europe/Berlin but i think it doesnt matter. My Container works since 14 hours. no problems... but i think the author can optimize the template by a lot!

PS: @DarkstarLux go SQLite all other will fail. He will fixed it in the furture maybe...

Yeah, I also tried adding a variable, and also modifying the env.cnf file in MariaDB but didn't work.


Sqlite go it working though.  Thanks!

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Thanks @Ding Dong Del I have added the extra parameters advice to the OP. If more users comment saying that works for them then I will update the template to add it as a default -- @DarkstarLux @waveworm @Fpsware @mikeydk


And thanks everyone else for feedback on DB connections. I've personally only used it with postgres so wasn't aware there was an issue with mysql. Glad sqlite is working!


P.S. I am not the maintainer of this docker (just the unraid template! 😬) so I can't do anything about PUID/PGID and TZ as variables but I will open an issue on the author's repo asking about it!

Edited by FoxxMD
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23 hours ago, FoxxMD said:

Thanks @Ding Dong Del I have added the extra parameters advice to the OP. If more users comment saying that works for them then I will update the template to add it as a default -- @DarkstarLux @waveworm @Fpsware @mikeydk


And thanks everyone else for feedback on DB connections. I've personally only used it with postgres so wasn't aware there was an issue with mysql. Glad sqlite is working!


P.S. I am not the maintainer of this docker (just the unraid template! 😬) so I can't do anything about PUID/PGID and TZ as variables but I will open an issue on the author's repo asking about it!

Adding the "--user 99:100" allowed me to run the container, then had to use postgres to get it functional as I couldn't connect to a Mariadb without importing the time tables (Not something I've done but I believe that would resolve the issue) but I am unable to get the ICMP Ping to work correctly. The log shows the below for the ping test: 

"[33mWARN[0m[70014] Service {SERVICE NAME} Ping Failing: Issue running ICMP to service {MY EXTERNAL IP}, listen ip4:icmp : socket: operation not permitted | Lookup in: 0.00 ms [33mtype[0m=core" 

I found this that says "You will need to run Statping as sudo or with super user privileges. (required for ICMP)" Is there any way for me to do so? Is that another change to the Extra Perimeters? 

Any help is appreciated!

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18 hours ago, Chad Kunsman said:

Advice on how to get this to monitor my Plex server externally?

If you're talking about the Remote Access setting in Plex the way I do it is by setting the port manually (in plex). Then you can the Service Type TCP in statping on that port.


  • Thanks 1
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17 minutes ago, FoxxMD said:

This is awesome! Could I convince you to PR your changes to the original repository though? Or I can do it. I'd rather not have to use a fork if possible, for simplicity's sake.

It's not a fork and a different approach to the official one, so don't think there's a chance it will be merged.

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2 hours ago, eafx said:

It's not a fork and a different approach to the official one, so don't think there's a chance it will be merged.

Fork was a poor choice of words but you know what I mean. If the way statping is staged in the author's dockerfile changes in a way that is incompatible with what you have done (new volumes? exposes new ports? requires changed/new dependencies?) then you're a link in the chain that needs to respond before updates to containers on unraid aren't broken. Are you volunteering to take on that responsibility?


I will make a PR to the author with your changes to see if there is a compromise to be had first.

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3 hours ago, FoxxMD said:

Fork was a poor choice of words but you know what I mean. If the way statping is staged in the author's dockerfile changes in a way that is incompatible with what you have done (new volumes? exposes new ports? requires changed/new dependencies?) then you're a link in the chain that needs to respond before updates to containers on unraid aren't broken. Are you volunteering to take on that responsibility?


I will make a PR to the author with your changes to see if there is a compromise to be had first.

Official image builds the app package from source, I'm grabbing their GH releases.

I'm using my own alpine image as the base image of this container, which is basically a fork of lsio's alpine-base, that has s6-overlay installed (used for setting PUID/GUID and running service scripts).


TBH I don't see the point of merging this with the official image. I would suggest you open up an issue on their GH requesting to add support for PUID/GUID, let's see what they say.

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Got this up and going with my reverse proxy. Got a couple issues though. I can't set a message for services directly. Global works, but messages, for say Plex, just don't appear. Also the time is off for the messages. If I set it for 3 p.m. my time, the message will have a time of 6 p.m. on the main page. 


Anyone else seeing these issues?

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/25/2020 at 2:21 PM, drawmonster said:

Got this up and going with my reverse proxy. Got a couple issues though. I can't set a message for services directly. Global works, but messages, for say Plex, just don't appear. Also the time is off for the messages. If I set it for 3 p.m. my time, the message will have a time of 6 p.m. on the main page. 


Anyone else seeing these issues?

The 'messages' function didn't do it for me. I use this primarily for letting my users know if Plex is down and/or there is maintenance (i.e., I'm aware it's down) and for that use case, I simply set the 'project name' or 'project description' to a downtime or similar message. Benefit is it's right in your face when you go to the landing page. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey guys, I'd love to try this container but it seems that I can't set it up with a MySQL connection to a mariadb container. The IP and Port I enter in the initial setup can be nc'd from the statping container (I went in as root via unraid terminal) but the log shows/spams [33mWARN[0m[13996] Database mysql connection to '' is not available, trying again in 5 seconds... 


I created the user and gave it full privileges on the database via phpmyadmin.

Since I've read above that there was/is an issue with MySQL connections I was wondering if it got fixed.


I have generated a pretty strong password so maybe it's an invalid character in the password but the logs seem to point to a connection problem. I'll continue tomorrow and update if I find anything or fix it myself :)


Edit: I set it up with SQLite and will look into the MySQL Connection later.

Edited by Johnny Joker
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