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Unable to access web gui after reboot


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I reboot my UnRaid server 6.7.2 today, uptime had been around a month. I had it set to fixed IP address, When it came up, it came up with an DHCP address and I can't access web interface at all with that new IP address, also can not logon with ssh at that new address either. At console it does give me a logon, but I am unable to logon to that with my current user name / password. Have anyone seen something like this before or have any idea how to proceed ?


I feel I have tried the basics here. To me it kinda looks like it has reset something,


I do have a fairly current backup of my flash drive, but don't want to start messing around with the flashdrive yet before I'm sure that's what is wrong.


I hope some have some ideas that can help me.

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Yes 100% sure. I see it in my pfSense DHCP lease and I can ping fine from my iMac on the same subnet at the DHCP address. But I cannot login at console (does not accept my password) and it does not respond on any ports either http/https/ssh at all. 


It's really weird as it was set to fixed ip in UnRaid settings before the reboot.

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As you can see, no response on those ports


nc -zv 22

nc: connectx to port 22 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

nc -zv 80

nc: connectx to port 80 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

nc -zv 443

nc: connectx to port 443 (tcp) failed: Connection refused


And UnRaid itself at console says that's it's ip as you can see on attached screenshot


And here to my other UnRaid server

nc -zv 22

Connection to port 22 [tcp/ssh] succeeded!


That works just fine.


Screenshot 2020-01-22 at 04.15.04.png

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Here is what console says just after a reboot, things that I think looks strange.


No user exists for UID 0

Privilege seperation user sshd does not exist 

Failed to start message bus Could not get UID and GID for user messagebus


Also I renamed this UnRaid server to be named "UnRaid", but at console it says Tower, not 100% sure if it always does that or if it shows your actual server name there.

Screenshot 2020-01-22 at 04.18.11.png

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