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Docker Image Size

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I'm not sure what's going on, but I just started getting docker image size warnings/errors last night.  I've checked the container sizes on my docker home page and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.  I am going through all my dockers to make sure I did not pass an invalid parameter  that's filling up my docker image.


As a side, I suspect the issue may be with tautulli.  They changed the way the geolite2 api works and I had to sign up for an account with the developer and reinstall the geoip app (I did this yesterday).  I suspect that this may be causing my issues and is what initially filled up my docker image.  That said, I uninstalled geolite and the tautulli container size is not very large, so I'm not sure if that's it or not.  


Diagnostics attached.


EDIT - It has returned back to normal a couple of times now, but keeps fluctuating and throwing warnings.






Edited by statecowboy
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Yeah, right now your usage is ~20 odd Gig, excluding icons, various support files and what not.


There's nothing extravagant in a container storing excess data into the image.  Based on the number of containers, the log for cabackup is also probably huge (but I'd be hard pressed to see it more than a gig or so) which is also stored within the image (simply because there's no other real place to store it)


I would just delete and recreate the image then monitor the situation.  https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/9/2020 at 2:18 PM, Squid said:

Yeah, right now your usage is ~20 odd Gig, excluding icons, various support files and what not.


There's nothing extravagant in a container storing excess data into the image.  Based on the number of containers, the log for cabackup is also probably huge (but I'd be hard pressed to see it more than a gig or so) which is also stored within the image (simply because there's no other real place to store it)


I would just delete and recreate the image then monitor the situation.  https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309


I did as you suggested above.  Things have been warning/error-free for a couple of weeks now, but last night they started popping up.  Think I should increase the size of docker.img?  Screenshot of current state of docker containers below and updated diag. attached.





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On 2/22/2020 at 9:37 AM, Squid said:

Didn't think so.  No dangling images present.  Just increase the image and be done with it.

So, increased from 30 GB to 55 GB.  Got another notification today that docker image was 75+% full.  Obviously something is going on.  I'll dig back into my dockers and make sure there's nothing temporarily writing to the image.

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Seems like you probably already know this, but just in case someone else sees this thread.


The usual cause of filling docker image is an application configured to write to a path that isn't mapped. Using a different upper/lower case from the mappings, or using a relative path (doesn't begin with /) are often the culprit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Circling back to this.  I suspect my krusader docker is the culprit, although I'm not sure what I may have set up incorrectly.  I usually don't leave it running unless I need it, but the few times I've had docker image size warning (I think) have come when it's been left on.  Every time I start the docker I have to go through set up because it tells me I can't save bookmarks to the hom/nobody profile.  I've always ignored that, but think it may have something to do with things.  If it can't write to that location I suppose it's possible it's creating a temp folder somewhere in my docker image?  I've pasted my config below in case anyone can spot something I've done wrong.  I may post over on the binhex krusader help thread as well.




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  • 1 month later...
18 minutes ago, notpedro said:

I have the same issue you do; any resolution? I just installed krusader for the first time today, and am getting a notification about my docker image at > 75%. I checked the usual culprit (Transmission log), as well as dangling images.

Found this and added it to user scripts: 

Says my krusader size is 1.7G. Is this normal?

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10 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

Yes, it's a hefty container.


Do be aware that it's really easy to put stuff inside krusader's file system and balloon that number. Pay attention to the delete / recycle function of krusader.

I'll read up on that. Thanks!

10 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

You should have a button at the bottom of the container list page that does the same thing.

I'm still on 6.5.2, so I don't think I actually do. I'm always nervous to update; worried I'm gonna break something. I'm definitely an amateur user, haha.

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