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Web Ui Looks Weird

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29 minutes ago, aVulcano said:

okay i keep only the networksetting file...(and the key) I start over...

If you insist, but wouldn't it be easier to fix the problem? And wouldn't it be better to find out the cause of the problem?

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7 hours ago, trurl said:

Do you have an adblocker in your browser?


Do you have any other browser windows or tabs open to your server on any devices?


Have you tried clearing browser cache?


Have you tried another browser?


No abblocker is running (not in Safari or in FireFox on Mac. Only Opera, but there on PC and on Mac)


All (other) Tab's are closed... only one connection to the host


yes and also a new computer and 2 other Mac's the same... ;-(


it is also in other Browser yes Chrome on mac / safari on two other mac's and FireFox and iE11 or so and Opera on mac an pc (most of them have no connection to each other (account or so) no have ever connected to the UnRaid....(that i have running on a new Samsung 64gb USB 3.0 Stick)  One Samsung 500GB SSD EVO Sata and one Seagate FireCuda 2TB




Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-30 um 00.16.27.png

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9 hours ago, Squid said:

What plugin?

8 hours ago, aVulcano said:

i think it was this one Letsencrypt (Nginx)

That is a docker, not a plugin. So this does not apply:

9 hours ago, trurl said:

If you delete the .plg file from config/plugins on flash the plugin won't be reinstalled at boot. But there may be more likely causes for your problem. Did you try the suggestions in the post just above yours?




7 hours ago, Squid said:

Was the banner about system notifications being disabled there before the UI went nuts?  If not, it's because your flash drive decided to drop offline / have issues

Flash drive problem is another likely cause of webUI issues. Make sure you are booting from a USB2 port.

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