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Mystery share shows up?

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When i look at the unraid shares (user shares and disks) from my mac, or a parallels windows vm, or from an unraid windows vm, there is a network folder showing up called 'Rock It' that i did NOT create (again, i did NOT create it) and i can not see it anywhere on my unraid server itself? It is not a defined share... Where does this come from? I can't connect to it, resource can not be found etc. Is this some sort of symlink? How do i get rid of it? I tried listing symlinks in the /mnt/user folder but that also did not show anything?

Edited by jowi
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Weird things happening here... i tried to stop the array to see if that solved the mystery share. But it got stuck stopping the array. It took forever, it got stuck in unmounting user shares, could not stop the array.


Rebooted the server. This did not go as usual... Powerdown from unraid got stuk as well, after 90 seconds it started forcing a powerdown. Stuck again. In the end, i just IPMI'd a powerdown...


After that, rebooting went strange as well... booting went ok but starting the array took about 10 minutes... Usually starting the array takes seconds. This time it mounted disk 1, that took about a minute, than disk 2... again a minute... up to disk 9. Now it is started... the mystery share is gone. The log is showing message like : UNRAID kernel: REISERFS (device md8): replayed 46 transactions in 39 seconds etc etc


Running 6.5.3. Last reboot was 107 days ago.


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It happened again. I created a new folder inside my /mnt/disk1/music/downloads folder (where 'Music' is an actual unraid share on disk1), named 'pinkpop', copied some files to it, and the folder shows up in osx and windows as an empty (!) user share... i checked all disks, it is not by mistake created on any disk's root so unraid will see it as a new share, it only exists inside the /mnt/disk1/music/downloads folder...


I know i'm not running the most recent version of unraid (mine is 6.5.3, when 6.9.2 is out i will update) but surely this should not happen?

Is this because i have AFP enabled on unraid? I've read that this is obsolete in newer versions? I have it enabled to access my timemachine folder on an unraid disk...


Screen Shot 2020-07-19 at 19.15.33kopie.png

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I've chmod-ded the 4 files to 777, they don't show up in the Finder; if i click on the network share (the left arrow that is) i get an error (below). The files do show up if i go to the actual location /mnt/disk1/music/download/pinkpop (or the user share /mnt/user/music/download/pinkpop).


But the share that isn't a share, doesn't contain anything and returns a fault. Also in windows.

Screen Shot 2020-07-19 at 23.50.16.png

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Why are all your array disks still on ReiserFS?


My guess is some sort of filesystem corruption on one or more disks. Even though you have cache, you have no /mnt/user0, and diagnostics doesn't even show which disks each user share is using.


Check filesystem on each disk.

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ReiserFS was all we got back in the day... never had an opportunity due to the array being 90% full, to empty a disk, reformat etc... i will replace my 4TB parity and 1 of the oldest disks (both over 70.000 hours on each one) with 2x 16TB disks in the near future, and those will be formatted with xfs. That way i have some empty space and i can do all other disks one by one as well.


I've set my ssd as cache drive but i'm not using it as an actual cache, no need for it, i just need a fast disk for vm's, appdata, plugins, nextcloud etc. with newer unraid versions you can do this with non assigned disks? All i know this was not possible in older versions. So that is why i don't have user0.


In unraid all shares are set up for which disk(s) the use or span. Why this is not in diagnostics, i dont know...



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1 hour ago, jowi said:

I've set my ssd as cache drive but i'm not using it as an actual cache, no need for it, i just need a fast disk for vm's, appdata, plugins, nextcloud etc. with newer unraid versions you can do this with non assigned disks? All i know this was not possible in older versions. So that is why i don't have user0.

I'm pretty sure you should still have user0 if things were working normally. Since the diagnostics aren't telling which disks are used I don't know if any of your cache-prefer shares have files on the array. In fact, it is possible that even cache-only shares would have files on the array. Just setting a share to cache-only will not move any files for the share that are already on the array, for example.

1 hour ago, jowi said:

In unraid all shares are set up for which disk(s) the use or span. Why this is not in diagnostics, i dont know...

Normally, diagnostics shows which disks actually contain files for each user share. This is independent of any settings for the user share. The settings for your shares are in the diagnostics, just not which disks actually contain files for the share.


Something is broken. Have you

15 hours ago, trurl said:

Check filesystem on each disk.


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None of the shares use the cache disk. The 'cache' in my system does NOT act as a cache, just as an SSD. Also i have no mover process etc. 


Did a reiserfsck on disk1, no errors, also did disk2, just as a test, no errors. Did not test all others (it takes about an hour per disk) but since i found no errors i'm confident the others are ok as well.


Restarted the array and the 'pinkpop' mystery share is now gone... 

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3 hours ago, jowi said:

Did a reiserfsck on disk1, no errors, also did disk2, just as a test, no errors. Did not test all others (it takes about an hour per disk) but since i found no errors i'm confident the others are ok as well.

Since you're having such weird issues and ReiserFS is known to have issues, I wouldn't be quite so quick to be so confident. It may take an hour per disk, but finding out now that there's something wrong seems to be worth the time, as opposed to finding out later because something has massively and unrecoverably corrupted...


Consider kicking off reiserfsck on all disks just before you go to bed for the evening. Check results in the morning. Or, if you don't want it beating on all disks simultaneously, consider something like:


reiserfsck <options> disk3 > \mnt\cache\HandyDirectory\disk3check.text
reiserfsck <options> disk4 > \mnt\cache\HandyDirectory\disk4check.text

(NOTE: Use the appropriate options for reiserfsck - I've only run it once and don't recall the options at all)


Just type that up in a text editor and copy/paste into a terminal session (leave the host machine on all night, it'll be OK, or use screen). It'll run them sequentially and log the output for you (error output won't get logged, though). You can review the diskXcheck.text files in the morning.

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OK, just realized you are on a very old version of Unraid and the diagnostics from that old version don't tell which disks have files for each share. Not sure about that missing /mnt/user0 on that particular version.


Possibly other things with that old version also. I know there were old versions of xfs_repair that had problems in some situations.


Any particular reason you haven't upgraded? Difficult for your fellow users to help with everything that might happen on a version we haven't seen in months.

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At some point you could upgrade like every month, and you had to convert this, change that, leave this, stop using that but add this, etc etc... way too much changes and complications, i decided i upgrade to this version and stay with it as long as it does what i need, and just works. And it is still version 6.5 so its not like ancient?


Haven’t got round leaving reiserfs like i said, you need lots of empty space to convert and i hadn’t. And again, everything just works/worked fine. I will upgrade to 6.9.2 when it is released, i tested it a few days on a spare laptop, got familiair with it, should be a smooth transition. 


I just tested disk1 because that was the disk where the spooky mystery shares were created. 

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15 hours ago, jowi said:

At some point you could upgrade like every month, and you had to convert this, change that, leave this, stop using that but add this, etc etc... way too much changes and complications

Seldom happens that way. Very rarely have additional steps been required.

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I had to migrate from an old version which ran only plugins to a newer one that had dockers and supported vm's. That was quite a step for me, took me a lot of blood sweat & tears to get my 'world' running again on 6.5.3 with dockers etc. After that i did not want to upgrade anymore for a while. When it runs, it runs. For me it's a tool, not a high maintenance project i want to tinker with 24/7.

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I've upgraded to 6.8.3. Also upgraded my 256MB cache SSD to a 1TB WD Black Nvme on a supermicro pci card. I also always had a problem with the supermicro x9scm memory, it has 4 slots, and i could never use the 4th slot, when i add a memory module to it (and yes i am using the correct memory) unraid would not boot or crash after 10-20 minutes. I could never figure out why, but now i found that setting the memory refresh rate to X2 in the BIOS, it actually works, so now i get the full 32GB as well :) 


I've also ordered 2x 16TB Seagate EXOS to replace my parity disk and some older 4TB data disks. Will format the new ones as XFS and after that will re-format all other disks tot xfs as well one by one.


So, a lot of upgrades. Apart from the mystery shares everything just runs fine. Will keep a close look next couple of days.

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