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[SOLVED] Insufficient Space to Copy

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My array uses 3 data disks on unRAID 6.7.0.  I have a share using the fill-up method having Minimum free space = 0KB; Split level =Automaticly split any; Included disk(s) = All; Excluded disk(s) = Disk 2; Use cache disk = No.  The share should be using Disk1 and Disk3.  Disk 1 is full with 515MB free.  Disk 3 has 1.74TB free.  The share reports 1.74TB free.


I tried to copy a folder containing 40GB to the share (a VM consisting of some small 512KB files and larger 4GB files).  It takes an extremely long time (350 KB/s) and eventually dies reporting there is not enough disk space.  I don't understand why the system is not using disk 3 for the copy.

Edited by dboonthego
Subject change to solved.
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Unraid has no way to know how large a file will become when it chooses a disk for it. If a disk has more than Minimum Free (in your case zero), the disk can be chosen, and if the file won't fit you get the error.


You should set Minimum Free to larger than the largest file you expect to write to the share.


So if you set it to 4GB as suggested, and the disk has less than 4GB remaining when it chooses a disk to write, it will choose another disk.

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  • 8 months later...
On 8/18/2020 at 9:59 PM, trurl said:

So if you set it to 4GB as suggested, and the disk has less than 4GB remaining when it chooses a disk to write, it will choose another disk.

I'm in a similar situation;

-Allocation method: High-water
-Minimum free space: 0KB (now changed to 50GB)


Still having trouble with Unraid 'choosing another disk' keeps trying same disk that is already full instead of another one that has storage space in the array even after changing the minimum free space to 50GB. Is there a way to force it or something else I am overlooking?

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2 hours ago, luflo said:

Is there a way to force it or something else I am overlooking?

You should also check the Split level that ignores any other setting.


In any case, as trurl said, your diagnostics will provide a clearer picture of the situation. Go to Tools / Diagnostics and attach the zip file to your next post.

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4 hours ago, luflo said:

You might want to give the path of a file that you think is going to the ‘wrong’ disk disk so we can compare it to your share settings to see if it is likely to have a problem.    

You have several,shares set to a Split level of 2 and for those shares once the top level folders have been created (corresponding to the share name and the first sub-folder) on a drive any further contained content will be constrained to the disk where those 2 levels were created regardless of the other share settings as Split Level always takes precedence in case of contention when choosing a drive for a file.


There is a good write-up on how Split Level works here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.


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On 5/4/2021 at 1:03 AM, ChatNoir said:

You should also check the Split level that ignores any other setting.


I think this may be the issue at hand.


I have set a 'Movies' share to: 'Automatically split only the top level directory as required' to keep all contents inside 'MovieName' folder name together. ex. \Movies\MovieName\Movie.mp4, Movie,srt, Movie.jpg, etc...


In the same share I have a '!sort' folder within \Movies\!sort\.... with various directories and sub-directories that is >1TB and within this folder the issue occurs when copying new files to.


So my questions are:

1. Is this the right split level I am using to keep the contents together inside 'MovieName' folder?

2. If I reorganize the !sort directory to 1 level deep folder structures, ex. \Movies\SortedMovieName\SortedMovie.mp4, SortedMovie,srt, SortedMovie.jpg, etc... will that fix my issue?

3. In this scenario, what would happen if I change the split level to something else? Would the directories and contents get shuffled and moved around the array according to the new split level setting?




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