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how do you find out what files unprotected share

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hi i was watching a video that you should  Hide  your appdata domain system shares  

so when  i was doing that.. i noticed my Videos share  that is protected by the Parity isnt 

its stating  some files not protected... how you find out whats going on?  is the whole videos folder not protected or some




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ya single cache drive    i use the ca backup  to backup the cache drive...  

i dont use any caching as for me ssds costs too much and i dont want it to wear out..   so i only have  appdata, domains,isos, system, and now videos

i ran Fix Common issues.. and reported no errors



@mattie112  so i looked on the cache like you mention 

i ran  Krusader (love this tool)  way better then windows it seems... there is an empty videos folder on the cache..  i wonder how it got there? and why Fix Common issues  didnt find it.. as it typically finds  files that shouldnt be there 

and the Exclude  option for the share doesnt have  Cache on it... so thats weird

Edited by comet424
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at the top of my post i think i have cache disabled   no temp folders   krusader showed 0 files so i just deleted  it..

i not sure  where temp files be saving there...  hmm


..oh so your running multiple cache drives seperate...    so its not like the array..   1 cache drive 1 parity cache drive.


ya i keep my vms  and my app data   on the ssd  drive

Edited by comet424
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Well I am running the latest beta that allows you to configure multiple "cache" pools :) (and I had some old SSD's in a drawer)




So I have 1 "vm pool" that is only used to store data for my VirtualMachines. The other "cache" pool handles everything else (mostly docker & cache for shares). Cache is mostly used to speed things up (when not all disks are running) and/or to prevent disks to spin-up for frequently used files (e.g. docker containers)

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11 minutes ago, comet424 said:

and should i have a 2nd ssd drive for parity  or  1 is ok and just the ca backup

You can have multiple disks in the cache pool. Not really "parity" though. The default is for btrfs raid1 mirror. Be sure to use SSDs of the same size in this case.


5 minutes ago, mattie112 said:

latest beta that allows you to configure multiple "cache" pools

I am doing this also. I have a single NVMe as my "fast" pool with appdata, domains, system on it, no redundancy since CA Backup takes care of the important things from those. And another "cache" pool with 2x500G SSDs for normal caching.

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oh ok  ive only gotten into ssds last couple years for me too expensive  for home user   


so if you have a raid1  cache that means if the 1 goes down the 2nd is toast too..  not same as parity if the 1st one fails 2nd parity keeps on trucking


i use a nvme  gen 3 3500/3000 meg  one.. but i dont find it fast and i seem to loose 1000 meg/s  in unraid but windows crystal reports gets close to 3500  

and i still havent gotten  docker page to get faster or plugins with previous help   on broswer etc.. figured  the pages should be lighting fast on a nvme..  and doesnt seem faster then a sata ssd...


so then i still need the CA backup  none the less..      and is the normal caching  for copying files... i experimented with that..   with my 1 tb  i guess i filled it  it got slow and unraid told me the cache was full..   i figured  cache  was to go fast  then automaticlly  move  the files to the array right after   its done copying..

because   there is no parity for the cache drive..  as what happens when you move files  to  the array to the cache  and the cache drive  fails  and your files are lost ...

as i think that mover  only works certain time.. not instantly  move  to array  once its done moving to the cache drive..


guess there are pros and cons to everything



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4 minutes ago, comet424 said:

if you have a raid1  cache that means if the 1 goes down the 2nd is toast too

no the 2nd is a mirror of the first and the first can be replaced without losing data.


Sounds like you may not have your dockers using cache correctly.


Post your diagnostics.

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i posted a couple times for help got some help but didnt work


so if you boot up unraid  docker is faster  when you click it..  plugins alwas slow so is settings,,     if you close browswer tab  and wait a few hours.. loading up the docker pages is slow as molasses  like it was spun down..  and then it reports     up to date, not avaliable, apply update...  when its supposed to check every night 3am..  then if you click  check for updates  it will post checking....   for 30 min  or till you get fed up and just close it..    and if you click update all  some of the downloads it does i get EOF errors  or if i do apply update    it will update i guess.  it will refresh screen but it will say  apply update..

and i currently using the latest Internet Edge and Chrome.. both have the same issues..  Chrome seems bit faster then Edge.. but result same issues no resolution  from my slow docker page... figured i just a rare case or its supposed to be slow...  as i figured a on 3500/3000 nvme it shouldnt be slow  like when i have had it on the array  or on a sata ssd..  figured it be faster but no performance improvements


i asked if there was a program  to tweak performance  like windows has Tweak its..     that scans registry etc..  as the tips and tweaks are just manual  fixs  nothing that scans the unraid and fixs it.. but i guess thats what the common fix issues is



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Nothing obvious, except you are using 16G of 50G docker.img. 20G should be more than enough and the fact that you are already using 16 makes me wonder if you don't have some application writing to unmapped storage. I have 17 docker containers, and I am using less than half of 20G.


Also, there is a new alignment available on the latest beta that might give better SSD performance.

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how do you know if its writting to unmapped storage..  could it be from it downloading  the latest updates and not deleting after.. like windows has temp files  for updates then supposed to delete after a certain time..  is there a way to see what files are being written  or what not in the img file..  i chose 50 gig  as it was the default  and i running 27 dockers  but non really running  i just turn them off when not using...   only thing runs all the time is  Plex..  sometimes transmission or deluge  lot of times i just shut them off  i just keep the plex running always


is there way to check as its slow as ass like i mentioned its like your waiting for the hard dive to spin up and the issues with the damn apply now, uptodate and not avaliable...  i wonder when i do update all a few times cancel out cuz it takes forever if it even works just hangs i repeat if it doesnt re download things?

 is there a docker cleaner?


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i do find also  unmounting a drive  it will stay  on  "unmounting..."  with the spinning  to say its unmounting but never refreshes   so it can be unmounted you dont know  you gotta refresh the page  to find out it actually unmounted.. noticed this too with  chrome and IE   not sure if its the browsers  when they update themselves.. as in past  no issues like that before


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i tried that mount unmount it said.. but i didnt find anything that tells me what unesscary files being written   or if its being filled with temp files or nothing

all i could tell is the comment is to turn off and on the cache drive  nothing  about whats going on exactly  


also is there a way to tell Krusader to move files back to my usb drive.. i changed the drive  to btrfs...   the hard drive is 4TB  the data that needs to go on  krusader says 3.9TB  i try to move/copy it back from array back on the drive..  and  Krusader tells me it cant not enough disk space but it came off the drive..  

tells me i have no space on the array yet i not cpying to the array i trying to put it back  on the unassigned drive


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3 minutes ago, comet424 said:

krusader says 3.9TB  i try to move/copy it back from array back on the drive..  and  Krusader tells me it cant not enough disk space but it came off the drive..  

The filesystem itself takes up space, more advanced or feature rich file systems take up more space than simpler or less robust systems. You will likely need to transfer the data in 2 passes.

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ah you think  if the data came off it it could go back on no isues lol.  since i went from NTFS to BTRFS  and before  Unraid said i had like 1.3 TB disk space free  something like that  and now my folder says it holds 3.9TB of data    on a 4TB  drive  

very confusing  like a house of mirrors you go in as 100 pound but the mirror shows your like 250 pounds lol

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its transmission downloader files... like the unraid gui from my other post i think said 2.5TB used  and when  i copied it to the array  it turned into 3.9TB  

like how does all that happen  goes from 2.5 to 3.9  and it cant be from me going from 2.5TB  NTFS to 3.9TB BTRFS    as i changed it to BTRFS  since  i couldnt copy the files back  to the Hard drive in NTFS    

and i had other folders on the drive  so it goes past 4TB then  on a 4TB drive..  and i dont think ntfs  or anything doing compression  


so really 4+TB   to fit on 4TB drive  yet Unraid reported like 2.5TB used  from my other post.. so i cant show the image at moment..  i guess best is just run sata drives  no usb  and set it once and not have to change nothing lol  and if possible use the array.. as i use the unassigned usb  for Downloading transmission files.  for random files i copy to unraid  to  storing music etc.. things  i dont wanna spin the Array up for.. i have it set for the uassigned drive.. and i guess unraid did compression  when on the USB  but uncompressed to the array.. but whn copying back to the USB  it cant fit what it did... basiclly like a belt holding your fat in..  unloosen the belt and your bell expands to the full  size no more compression lol

so i moving files over in sections and see what happens

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