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Indentification Settings has no SSL https options? But my copy of unraid does not have these options in "identification setting"

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is there instructions.... what is this "provision" thing? I tired clicking it with the setting on auto ... but got an error.. I searched the documents but the only mention of it is in the getting styarted guide and it dose not say anything about it.


I changed it to "ON".. lets the ports as default and firefix complains about the certificate.. and I click open anywya and it has a broken padlock icon in the address bar saying it is not secure...?


Is that actually working?




Edited by questionbot
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* Go to Settings -> Management Access
* Set "Use SSL/TLS" to Auto and press Apply
* Scroll down and press "Provision"
-- If you get an error message, wait a few minutes and try again
-- If you continue to get an error message about DNS Rebinding, turn on help and read about how to disable DNS Rebinding Protection on your network
* Press OK at the dialog box that says your certificate has been provisioned
* You will be redirected to the new https url for your system

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2 minutes ago, questionbot said:

yeah, this is the bit I couldn't work out...

So you continue to get the DNS rebinding message after waiting a while?


Turn on help and scroll to the bottom of the page. There is a whole section that talks about potential solutions. Of course, there are many ways to setup a network and it is possible that you will need to do some research for your particular setup.


What router do you have and what DNS provider are you using?

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