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Considering purchase of unraid but write speeds drops to 0 B/s

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1 hour ago, RichardH said:


Downloaded a trial copy of unraid but initial write speed test tappers to 0 B/s after 5 ~ 10 seconds.

I've only have 2 500GB disks in the array w/o parity disk configured.

Could we check if my configs are optimal and why the transfers rate becoms so slow.

If you want any sort of useful feedback you should provide your system's diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) covering a period when you are experiencing this issue.   It sounds as if there may be some sort of hardware issue but that is just a guess without something to wiok with.

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You're deleting 3,727 items at the same time as you're transferring.  File system overhead is accounting for all of that as it sorts itself all out. (And while you don't have a parity drive, the "test" share only exists right now on disk1, so the heads are probably thrashing rather extensively)

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13 hours ago, Squid said:

You're deleting 3,727 items at the same time as you're transferring.  File system overhead is accounting for all of that as it sorts itself all out. (And while you don't have a parity drive, the "test" share only exists right now on disk1, so the heads are probably thrashing rather extensively)

Thats a fair assessment. Did another test copying a single 4gb iso file, still getting similar SMB share transfer results. FTP also the same.  Diagnostic file attached. 


This shouldn't be a hardware or network related issue as I test with a linux install on the same h/w setup as I did for unraid and NFS or SMB transfer speeds ingress or egress are at 100MB/s+.


Perhaps bios or sata settings specific to UNRAID i need to consider?


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