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  • 6.8.0 rc3 Shares not available on Android

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    I had this issue on rc2 as well.  On 6.7.2 previously and for all releases before that I used, I could access my shares on my phone on the same network.  rc3 seems to block that access.  I checked before upgrading to rc3 and was able to access my shares, I then updated and checked after the server was updated for 10 minutes.  I could not access any shares on my android device.  Then I went back to 6.7.2 and was able to access them again within a minute of booting, so its definitely related to 6.8.  This was all over local network and my phones wifi was on, tested over a 10-15 minute period of updating then downgrading, no network settings changed.


    My phone is using an app called ES file explorer to access the server.  I can use my phone to access my main computer as well and tested that when I could not reach the shares to make sure it was not an issue on my phones side.  The fact that I could reach my server before upgrading, then could not on rc3 but could reach my desktop, then could reach my server again when downgraded back to 6.7.2 indicates the issue is with rc3.  


    My server is visible on my network to my phone, I just click on it and it does not respond.  


    Shares work as normal on my desktop running windows 10 and connected via ethernet.  



    EDIT:  This appears to be related to the implementation of SMB2.0 and dropping SMB1 … my app used SMB1.   I am not sure if there is a fix other than changing apps.  

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    I use Solid Explorer and have no problem accessing my samba shares from my OnePlus 6T, Android 9. 


    NetBIOS turned off, don't know if it matters. 

    Edited by Niklas
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    17 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    We need diagnostics

    What can I give you?


    1 minute ago, Niklas said:

    I use Solid Explorer and have no problem accessing my samba shares from my OnePlus 6T, Android 9.

    I'm on oneplus 6 on android 9.  Are you using rc3 or rc1?  someone else mentioned it worked for rc1 but not rc3

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    1 minute ago, Bakerking31 said:

    What can I give you?


    I'm on oneplus 6 on android 9.  Are you using rc3 or rc1?  someone else mentioned it worked for rc1 but not rc3

    I'm on rc3.


    Connected to smb server by name. Not ip. 

    Edited by Niklas
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    39 minutes ago, Niklas said:

    I'm on rc3.


    Connected to smb server by name. Not ip. 

    I tried that app and it worked, ES file explorer still doesnt work, it cannot find the server by name but finds it when it scans and displays it by ip.  Sucks because its interface was much better and I had shortcuts made for folders often used and I dont see an option for that in the solid explorer app.  


    15 minutes ago, BRiT said:



    unRAID v6.0 and later

    The best and easiest way is to download the Diagnostics zip file, which contains the syslog and SMART reports and a lot of other diagnostic information. Go to the Tools tab, click on the Diagnostics icon, then click on the Download button (Collect button in earlier v6 versions). It will download the zip file to your desktop station.

    Diagnostics are attached.  Also see above.  Some apps are working for it and others are not.  


    Edited by Bakerking31
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    1 minute ago, Bakerking31 said:

    I tried that app and it worked, ES file explorer still doesnt work, it cannot find the server by name but finds it when it scans and displays it by ip.  Sucks because its interface was much better and I had shortcuts made for folders often used and I dont see an option for that in the solid explorer app.  


    I will get this and post the results.  Also see above.  Some apps are working for it and others are not.  

    tower-diagnostics-20191018-1934.zip 98.12 kB · 0 downloads

    Solid Eplorer has bookmarks that you add and they show up to the left 

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    So it was working with Solid Explorer now it is unable to find the server again with Solid Explorer too.  I turned off wifi to try remoting in via OpenVPN and was not successful so turned wifi back on and turned OpenVPN off and now Solid Explorer cannot reach my server either.


    EDIT - Solid Explorer I can get to my server now but have to use the IP address.  


    EDIT2 -  found the problem.  Using the name didnt work with my old one so I used the IP address and got a message from my old app saying "the server that  you want requires SMB2.0".  So I am not sure if I can change a setting on my server or if I need to ditch the old app.  

    Edited by Bakerking31
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    1 hour ago, itimpi said:

    If you want to be able to use SMB1 then you need to enable settings->SMB Settings->Use Netbios 

    In my smb settings Enable NetBIOS was set to yes for all of the above

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    I see a similar issue with a Coreelec install I have. RC1 works fine, RC3 doesn't. Shares can't be accessed. 

    Edited by dalben
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    I've recreated the problem to catch the diagnostics.  2 sets attached.  rc1 where everything works fine on both coreelec and android.  rc3 where I cannot access shares from my coreelec install nor from my android phone.


    The coreelec was told to use min SMB2 and max SMB3.  When rc3 threw errors, I dropped to min SMB1 and max SMB3 but there was no change to the behavior.


    The kodi logs on the coreelec show the following under rc3, not sure if it's useful:


    2019-10-19 13:37:40.535 T:3346269056   ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : 'smb://USERNAME:PASSWORD@TDM/videos/AFL'
                                                unix_err:'16' error : 'Invalid argument'
    2019-10-19 13:37:40.535 T:3346269056   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting smb://TDM/videos/AFL/
    2019-10-19 13:37:42.276 T:4093889968   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(smb://TDM/videos/AFL/) failed


    tdm-diagnostics-20191019-0539 - 68rc3.zip tdm-diagnostics-20191019-0528 - 68rc1.zip

    Edited by dalben
    Forgot to attach the logs...
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    2 minutes ago, dalben said:

    Not sure. All I can tell you is it's worked fine for years up to 6.8rc1. With rc3 I can't connect to server shares. 

    Maybe something to do with latest Samba release.  Maybe SMB min/max protocol not right.  Maybe netbios needs to be either enabled or disabled.  Maybe ws-discovery daemon needs to be enabled/disabled.  Pretty sure you can keep investigating and let us all know what the solution is.

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    13 minutes ago, limetech said:

    Maybe something to do with latest Samba release.  Maybe SMB min/max protocol not right.  Maybe netbios needs to be either enabled or disabled.  Maybe ws-discovery daemon needs to be enabled/disabled.  

    The report is over 2 threads so let me consolidate and add more here:


    There was no issue on rc1 and previous releases.  I have supplied diags from rc1 and rc3


    Corelelec was set to SMB min 2 max 3, I changed that to min1 max 3 but no change.  I don't know how to change the setting on an Android phone

    WS-Discovery on Unraid was enabled, I disabled, no change

    Netboid was enabled on unraid, I disabled, no change

    AFP Legacy was enabledon unraid, i disabled, no change.



    Pretty sure you can keep investigating and let us all know what the solution is.

    I have, reverting back to rc1 solves the problem for me.  If you're expecting me to work out what's changed between rc1 and rc3 that's created this issue then I'm out of my depth.  Happy enough to try different things when asked to help identify the issue, but I've reached my technical limitations.

    • Thanks 1
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    24 minutes ago, dalben said:

    Happy enough to try different things when asked to help identify the issue, but I've reached my technical limitations.

    I don't have an android phone.  In -rc2 we updated Samba from 4.10 to 4.11.

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    Just to add my tuppence worth to this.


    I run Ubuntu on my desktop and with rc3 I am unable to see any of my Unraid machines on the LAN in my file browser, tried a few different file managers on my laptop, didn't make any difference at all, tried altering my SMB settings in Unraid, again didn't make a difference at all, downgraded to 6.7.2 and my machines reappear on the network browser in my file manager.


    However even on rc3 I was able to browse my network shares by addressing them directly in the file manager with smb://$share or smb://matrix/$share


    So I think that this all points to an issue with smb.


    I have one machine with netbios enabled and one without netbios enabled to test.  Both are discoverable on v6.7.2 neither are discoverable on rc1/rc3.


    My main machine is the local master via the Dynamix Local Master plugin.


    EDIT:  Actually when I've written rc1, I should have written v6.7.2, dunno what I was thinking.  Have edited my post to reflect this.

    Edited by CHBMB
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    Here's a diff between testparm -sv output on v6.7.2 and v6.8.0rc3


    chbmb@thinkpad:~/Downloads$ diff testparm-v6.7.2 testparm-v6.8.0rc3 
    < 	client min protocol = CORE
    > 	client min protocol = SMB2_02
    < 	deadtime = 0
    > 	deadtime = 10080
    > 	debug encryption = No
    < 	log level = 2
    > 	log level = 1
    < 	prefork children = 1
    > 	prefork backoff increment = 10
    > 	prefork children = 4
    > 	prefork maximum backoff = 120
    < 	server min protocol = LANMAN1
    > 	server min protocol = SMB2_02
    < 	web port = 901
    > 	hide new files timeout = 0
    < 	mangled names = yes
    > 	mangled names = illegal
    > 	smbd async dosmode = No
    > 	smbd getinfo ask sharemode = Yes
    > 	smbd max async dosmode = 0
    > 	smbd search ask sharemode = Yes


    testparm-v6.7.2 testparm-v6.8.0rc3

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    The Samba team has a habit of changing defaults, and in effort to banish SMBv1 looks they they are "encouraging" users to do likewise.  https://www.samba.org/samba/history/samba-4.11.0.html


    We'll have to rethink some config settings but for now this might do the trick:

    First make sure NetBIOS is enabled in Settings/SMB

    Next add this to your config/smb-extra.conf file:

    server min protocol = NT1

    if that doesn't work use

    server min protocol = LANMAN1

    (and please post if you have to use LANMAN1 to get it to work)

    • Thanks 3
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    1 hour ago, limetech said:

    The Samba team has a habit of changing defaults, and in effort to banish SMBv1 looks they they are "encouraging" users to do likewise.  https://www.samba.org/samba/history/samba-4.11.0.html


    We'll have to rethink some config settings but for now this might do the trick:

    First make sure NetBIOS is enabled in Settings/SMB

    Next add this to your config/smb-extra.conf file:

    server min protocol = NT1

    if that doesn't work use

    server min protocol = LANMAN1

    (and please post if you have to use LANMAN1 to get it to work)

    Adding "server min protocol = NT1" worked for me.  My DUNE media players and also my WindowsXP PC's can see unRAID again!


    Sweet and thanks!



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