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  • Unraid OS Version 7.0.0-beta.1 available


    This version of Unraid OS includes significant improvements across all subsystems, while attempting to maintain backward compatibility as much as possible. For this reason, we determined it appropriate to bump the version up to 7.0. Be assured, this is still a free upgrade. Please see the release notes for all the details.


    This is BETA software. Please use on test servers only.


    This announce post is perfect for quick questions or comments, but if you suspect there will be back and forth for your specific issue, please start a new topic in the Prereleases board. Be sure to include your diagnostics.zip.


    Upgrade steps for this release

    1. Read the release notes.
    2. As always, prior to upgrading, create a backup of your USB flash device:  "Main/Flash/Flash Device Settings" - click "Flash Backup".
    3. Update all of your plugins. This is critical for the Connect, NVIDIA and Realtek plugins in particular.
    4. If the system is currently running 6.12.0 - 6.12.6, we're going to suggest that you stop the array at this point. If it gets stuck on "Retry unmounting shares", open a web terminal and type:
      umount /var/lib/docker

      The array should now stop successfully.

    5. If you have a recent release or Unraid Connect installed:
      • Open the dropdown in the top-right of the Unraid webgui and click Check for Update, then press More options and switch to the Next branch. You may be prompted to sign in to access the Next branch. Select the appropriate version and choose "View changelog to Start Update". More details in this blog post
    6. If you don't have the Check for Update option in the upper right corner:
      • Either install the Unraid Connect plugin or upgrade to 6.12.10 first. Then check for updates as described above.
    7. Wait for the update to download and install
    8. If you have any plugins that install 3rd party drivers (NVIDIA, Realtek, etc), wait for the notification that the new version of the driver has been downloaded. 
    9. Reboot


    This announce post is perfect for quick questions or comments, but if you suspect there will be back and forth for your specific issue, please start a new topic in the Prereleases board. Be sure to include your diagnostics.zip.

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    Array 1 SSD.
    Two pools, one cache consisting of two 2T m.2; A raid consists of four 14T hard drives; All adopt raid0-btrfs mode.
    In 6.12.10, the storage space of shared folders can be freely selected as either full columns or cache, but in 7, shared folders cannot specify storage space properly.

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    1 hour ago, ly20c said:

    the storage space of shared folders can be freely selected as either full columns or cache, but in 7, shared folders cannot specify storage space properly.

    Sorry, not sure I follow, can you please post screenshots showing the difference?

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    On 6/29/2024 at 11:54 AM, SimonF said:

    You cannot delete snapshot if the active disk path for vm.

    I'm not following this.  So how is a snapshot removed?

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    19 hours ago, Iainbev said:

    Am i the only one where Mover is not working, its not moving from cache to array, when i downgrade back to 6.12.10 it works, on Unraid 7 i get this

    Jul  1 17:21:50 ATLAS move: Usage: /usr/local/sbin/mover.old start [-e] <disk_name>
    Jul  1 17:21:50 ATLAS move:        /usr/local/sbin/mover.old stop|status
    Jul  1 17:21:50 ATLAS move:        <disk_name> must match pattern 'disk[0-9]*'

    Same issue on my 2nd Unraid NAS, mover won't work after upgrading to 7. Downgrading back to 6.12.10 resolves the issue.


    Haven't upgraded/tested on my primary Unraid NAS as that one is a little more mission critical.

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    12 minutes ago, scorpian007 said:

    Same issue on my 2nd Unraid NAS, mover won't work after upgrading to 7

    This is the mover tuning plugin, not the stock mover, you can report the issue in the existing plugin support thread.

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    2 hours ago, sobesjm said:

    I'm not following this.  So how is a snapshot removed?

    When the VM is running you have addtional options.





    Commit will copy the snapshot into the original image and pivot back and remove the temp image.


    Pull will pull the data from the original backing file into the new image. Will need to double check the code, but I think I leave the orignal backing file in place.


    Remove cannot work on the active path as the process creates an overlay file which uses the orignal file as a backing file. The new image only has changes it is not a complete file.


    Pull or commit either push data back to the original or pull into the new image.



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    VM snapshot isn't a backup, it's still required for the VM to run as explained above, so it makes no sense to put it somewhere else

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    7 minutes ago, enJOyIT said:

    Were is the VM-snapshot stored? Will there be an option to choose the backup disk/folder/share?

    With the same directory for QEMU snapshots. There is an option to do ZFS snapshots which snap the directory.


    To provide some context.


        <disk type='file' device='disk'>
          <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='writeback'/>
          <source file='/mnt/vmpoolzfs/domains2/Arch/vdisk1.S20240518151209qcow2' index='3'/>
          <backingStore type='file' index='6'>
            <format type='qcow2'/>
            <source file='/mnt/vmpoolzfs/domains2/Arch/vdisk1.S20240517190144qcow2'/>
            <backingStore type='file' index='7'>
              <format type='raw'/>
              <source file='/mnt/user/domains2/Arch/vdisk1.img'/>
          <target dev='hdc' bus='virtio'/>
          <boot order='1'/>
          <alias name='virtio-disk2'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
        <disk type='file' device='disk'>
          <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='writeback'/>
          <source file='/mnt/vmpoolzfs/domains2/Arch/vdisk2.S20240518151209qcow2' index='2'/>
          <backingStore type='file' index='4'>
            <format type='qcow2'/>
            <source file='/mnt/vmpoolzfs/domains2/Arch/vdisk2.S20240517190144qcow2'/>
            <backingStore type='file' index='5'>
              <format type='qcow2'/>
              <source file='/mnt/user/domains2/Arch/vdisk2.qcow2'/>
          <target dev='hdd' bus='scsi'/>
          <alias name='scsi0-0-0-3'/>
          <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='3'/>

    Within the XML you will see a backing file which is the original file. The new snapshot file is an overlay for changes.


    There is an additional function that is not implemented to copy, which could be used to do backups. Commit, Copy and pull need VM running to work.

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    10 minutes ago, enJOyIT said:

    allright, then is there anything known about backup incl. RAM state? 🙂

    Please post snapshot questions here 


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    I tested cloning a common VM I have to test this; do we care about the second code block of "The command failed revert to rsync."?


    Cloning Xubuntu to Xubuntu_backup
    Checking if clone exists
    Checking for free space
    Checking for image files


    Command execution

    cp --reflink=always '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu/vdisk1.img' '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu_backup/vdisk1.img'
    cp: failed to clone '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu_backup/vdisk1.img' from '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu/vdisk1.img': Invalid cross-device link
    The command failed revert to rsync.


    Command execution

    rsync -ahPIXS 
      --info=flist0,misc0,stats0,name1,progress2 '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu/vdisk1.img' '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu_backup/vdisk1.img'
    /mnt/user/domains/Xubuntu_backup/vdisk1.img: Cloning VM: Data copied: 33.55G 100% Percentage: 529.49MB/s Transfer Rate: Time remaining: .
    The command finished successfully!


    Completing Clone: 

    Creating new XML Xubuntu_backup


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    1 minute ago, xaositek said:

    I tested cloning a common VM I have to test this; do we care about the second code block of "The command failed revert to rsync."?


    Cloning Xubuntu to Xubuntu_backup
    Checking if clone exists
    Checking for free space
    Checking for image files


    Command execution

    cp --reflink=always '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu/vdisk1.img' '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu_backup/vdisk1.img'
    cp: failed to clone '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu_backup/vdisk1.img' from '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu/vdisk1.img': Invalid cross-device link
    The command failed revert to rsync.


    Command execution

    rsync -ahPIXS 
      --info=flist0,misc0,stats0,name1,progress2 '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu/vdisk1.img' '/mnt/cache/domains/Xubuntu_backup/vdisk1.img'
    /mnt/user/domains/Xubuntu_backup/vdisk1.img: Cloning VM: Data copied: 33.55G 100% Percentage: 529.49MB/s Transfer Rate: Time remaining: .
    The command finished successfully!


    Completing Clone: 

    Creating new XML Xubuntu_backup


    It is ok. If the file system supports copy on write then ref link will be quicker.

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    I've posted up my findings in regards to my Thunderbay 8 drive enclosure not showing up. It seems it's not being authorized properly under /sys/bus/thunderbolt/devices/. I followed an older thread on how to authorize the device using an echo command, but it only works after I switch the Thunderbay from one port to another. None of this survives a reboot either. 

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    Any thoughts here? This is what I get during boot after upgrading from 6.12.10. Tried multiple times. Reverted to backups without issue.


    Edited by jcarroll
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    9 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    This is the mover tuning plugin, not the stock mover, you can report the issue in the existing plugin support thread.

    Thanks for the reply, will check this thread.

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    50 minutes ago, jcarroll said:

    Any thoughts here? This is what I get during boot after upgrading from 6.12.10. Tried multiple times. Reverted to backups without issue.


    I am having the same problem. Have tried downgrading and upgrading multiple times.

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    Anyone of you had the "permission denied" issue with samba shares to some android file managers on v6... and now updated to v7?

    Is the issue gone?

    And now i can disable old legacy samba v1 as described here: 


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    6 hours ago, jcarroll said:

    Any thoughts here? This is what I get during boot after upgrading from 6.12.10. Tried multiple times. Reverted to backups without issue.

    Try booting with a new flash drive, using a stock 7.0.0-beta install, no key need, just to confirm if it's a flash drive or config related issue.

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    1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    Try booting with a new flash drive, using a stock 7.0.0-beta install, no key need, just to confirm if it's a flash drive or config related issue.

    I have replaced my flash drive but still had this issue. I will try a stock install later.

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    Hi all


    I upgraded to this new beta a couple days ago. After reboot the array couldn't start coz one of the drives were missing. Shut down and checked connections and all seemed fine. Turned server back on and still the one drive was missing. 


    I decided to downgrade but before doing so I downloaded the diagnostic zip, which I'll attach. After this reboot the server is up and running as it should. 


    Never got a chance to try anything out test anything coz I couldn't obviously start the array. 





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    14 minutes ago, HomerJ said:

    I upgraded to this new beta a couple days ago. After reboot the array couldn't start coz one of the drives were missing. Shut down and checked connections and all seemed fine. Turned server back on and still the one drive was missing. 

    Please create a new thread here and include these diags and the ones from v6.12, so we can see which controller the missing disk is using.



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    8 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Please create a new thread here and include these diags and the ones from v6.12, so we can see which controller the missing disk is using.



    👍 Done 


    Hope it helps!


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    I have issues with VMs on this version, new ones or old ones


    2024-07-04T16:50:52.726866Z qemu-system-x86_64: vfio: Cannot reset device 0000:2a:00.3, depends on group 19 which is not owned.


    And the devices in question will be 


    IOMMU group 19:				[1022:1455] 2a:00.0 Non-Essential Instrumentation [1300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Zeppelin/Renoir PCIe Dummy Function
    IOMMU group 20:				[1022:7901] 2a:00.2 SATA controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH SATA Controller [AHCI mode] (rev 51)


    And when I add any GPU I get 





    The issue so far seems to be with the CPU Passthrough because if I use the Emulated option I have no issue with the VM then

    Edited by Jidovu Marius Adrian
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  • Status Definitions


    Open = Under consideration.


    Solved = The issue has been resolved.


    Solved version = The issue has been resolved in the indicated release version.


    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.


    Retest = Please retest in latest release.

    Priority Definitions


    Minor = Something not working correctly.


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    Annoyance = Doesn't affect functionality but should be fixed.


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