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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Odds on you slightly wiggled the cabling to the other drive... No one ever in the world has ever said sata is a good connector (or the phrase "as pretty as an airport") Reseat the cabling and start over again.
  2. Pause the downloads while you are post processing / unpacking? Rearrange your mappings so that when the system moves it to the cache enabled share after its finished so that it can do a simple rename instead of a copy / delete operation.
  3. The share named "D.......s"? # Generated settings: shareComment="" shareInclude="disk2" shareExclude="" At some point you had a disk 2 in the system, set the share to only use that drive. Go to the share settings and reset that setting to disk 1 (or ideally all)
  4. What exactly happens? Do you get to the boot menu? Does it start loading? What shows on screen?
  5. Seagate says it is. Any issues, they're the best place to find the answers. All it basically is though is an extended SMART test
  6. Haven't used it in years, but as I posted in that one thread, it did consistently trash all of my permissions when I was using it.
  7. How long is mover taking to run. On one of your old diagnostics every day at 5:30 you had the drives doing a trim at 5:30. During that trim operation, all transfers to and from the SSDs are effectively paused due to I/O wait.
  8. The dashboard takes into consideration I/O wait on its graphs. Depending upon how you look at it it's either right or wrong. It's wrong because the core isn't actually running at 100% (rather it's idle waiting for the data transfer and the processes can't continue without it) or right because the core isn't able to do anything else while it's waiting for the transfer to happen (so it's effectively at 100% from the user's point of view)
  9. In Radarr when you're referring to "localhost", what that basically translates to is the IP address of Radarr itself. You want to refer to the IP address of the server
  10. The board is 100% correct. RAM manufacturers always quote overclocked speeds on their RAM (which is what XMP is). Your RAM is actually 2133 which if you enable XMP gets overclocked to 3200. It's a complete BS marketing tool and unfortunately most motherboards have XMP enabled by default because they assume that everyone wants to run RAM at an overclock instead of the speed where it's most stable, and the memory manufacturers also assume the exact same thing. That speed is more important to any random customer than stability. On the plus side, I absolutely love Corsair because they are one of the very few memory manufacturers where they do also quote in the tech specs what speed the memory actually is (SPD speed) https://www.corsair.com/ca/en/Categories/Products/Memory/VENGEANCE-LPX/p/CMK16GX4M2B3200C16#tab-tech-specs
  11. This implies that the system is shutting down due to user input or someone / something (child, cat, poltergeist) pressing the power switch. Alternatively I suppose the same message could happen if the CPU itself decides to powerdown the system due to thermal overload.
  12. Another user somewhere had pretty much the identical symptoms and setting the TDP limits in the BIOS appropriately (probably 65W) instead of how your motherboard has them set as an implied overclock (ie: the board most likely has the TDP set to be unlimited or 4kW) fixed this for them. See https://forums.unraid.net/topic/100360-z490-multi-core-enhancement/?tab=comments#comment-926134 for the games that motherboard manufacturers are playing. It also never hurts to run a memtest
  13. Not really sure. I'm going to assume that your switch that you're using actually supports bonding etc. My only suggestion would be to simplify the network as a test and use a single cable instead.
  14. It should. But by design this is not run through a "terminal" or anything like that. The output is technically html. (Pretty sure I remember posting a user script that played PacMan in JavaScript at somepoint Everything echo'd from your script is what constitutes the log
  15. All warnings from FCP are not necessarily anything wrong per se. If you're having absolutely zero issues, then ignore it and go about your business.
  16. Doesn't show as doesn't show in autocomplete or refuses to load the page. Because of how the webGUI is designed (and this isn't a critique of it), there's multiple ways to set a page to display. Most pages in the UI are completely standalone. But some like subpages (if you're in tabbed mode this is a tab when in some random page) May or may not work depending upon how the file is organized. Since Preclear is (probably) a subpage off of Main this is most likely the case on there. The "organization" of this sub page is something that this plugin can't really determine accurately, so it hopes for the best, and within plugins the individual settings may or may not be searchable because there's no right or wrong way to actually program them. The plugin scans the files looking for individual settings that "look and feel" the same way and offers them up (at least if it worked which it's not for reason right now)
  17. Thanks. Actually it looks like any search for an actual setting is winding up at VPNmanager whereas the search for the "page" winds up at the proper place Will check it ok.
  18. I think I managed to replicate your problem completely by accident. Since you're running docker folders it's hard to tell exactly what's going on, but do you happen to have binhex-delugevpn installed twice? And the names of each being identical but only differing in "case": Deluge vs deluge vs DELUGE? The system can't handle this situation because of FAT32 on the flash drive.
  19. Assuming that all drives are the exact same size, then it will fill disk 1 to 50%, then look at all the disks, see that they are all over 50%, so it will begin to fill to 75% (which means that disk 1 gets the files again) after which it will begin to fill the disks to 87.5% which means that disk 1 will get the files again, and then finally will go to the other disks since they are all over the 75% highwater mark.
  20. Yes, a 20GB docker image is the default set up. It's the actual applications (or in Windows terms it's what's stored within c:/ProgramFiles). In terms of what an "image" actually is, think of an ISO that you mount on Windows that you can read and write to. Yes. (Although this is configurable by you in changing the /config path mapping -> hidden option on most apps). In terms of Windows it's somewhat akin to C:/ProgramData The beauty of how Unraid, docker, and the Apps tab handles things is that at any given random point in time it's 100% safe (in the vast majority of cases) to recreate the docker image file, as it only stores the executables for the apps (Plex) itself. Everything else is stored in appdata (which is untouched by the process), so after recreating it (and reinstalling from Apps - Previous Apps) it's all back the exact same way as it was originally, with no configuration changes on your part at all. On average I redo my docker image about once every 3 months. Not because there's any problems with it, but rather to ensure that the Apps tab works properly in this fundamental feature of it. It really is. Stop the service, delete the image, re-enable the service, followed by Apps - Previous Apps. Use the check boxes and then hit Install at the bottom. (If you've experimented with multiple plex containers, there may be more than 1 listed, but only check off what you were actually using (you can delete the ones you weren't using). Total its a couple of clicks and the speed of your internet. But, you may be correct and I understated the time. Call it the amount of time to start the process and then grab a coffee and return. My opinion is yes. The docker container is part of the docker image. Terminology is always a difficult thing. As an example, I try and force myself to refer to everything as an "App" because it makes more sense to everyone with a cell-phone, but the correct term is "container", and sometimes I will bounce back and forth between the two without noticing. Yes. You tell Plex that your media library is at /data Similarly, you tell Plex in it's settings that your temporary transcode directory is at /transcode The concept of mappings, containers etc throws everyone for a loop. It is also paradoxically concepts that once you understand it it's hard to explain everything. This is a good video however.
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