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Everything posted by Squid

  1. That seems very strange because during IO wait the processor is basically at idle waiting on the IO to complete.
  2. That's normal. It's because Appdata is separate from the docker image. (but it doesn't make sense that sonarr/radarr were "clean" - assuming that you checked off the same templates you already had installed when in Previous Apps) The way that I read what you said was that the apps were already installed.
  3. Because until (very recently) it has been impossible to determine (and still can't be determined for everything). I'm adding it to the white board to include this now. (Thanks for bringing it to my attention)
  4. It appears that on Feb 5 at some point (you've restarted the server since then) something happened (docker image filled up would be my first guess - Several posts in the docker FAQ about how misconfiguration can result in that), and now on any given write the system puts the image back into read-only mode. Best recourse is to stop the docker service (Settings - Docker), delete the image (same page), then re-enable the service. Followed by Apps, Previous Apps and check off the apps you were running. It should fix you right up in a matter of seconds. Any further issues, then post a new set of diagnostics after doing the above
  5. Reason that you're not seeing it is because Unraid has already grabbed it for it's own purposes. You need to isolate it from the OS (Tools - System Devices) to easily pass it through. (And set the 1650 to be the primary in the BIOS so that Unraid uses it instead)
  6. Instead of 2-31 and 0-4,6 use 2,3,4,5 .... and 0,1,2,3,4,6
  7. Email support (click contact at bottom of page) with thr details
  8. The OpenElec / LibreElec templates are custom built to support VNC. Probably the easiest way to use the latest versions is to simply create a VM yourself the same as you would with Windows and pass through the GPU.
  9. Thanks. I don't know why it failed though... It you want to try replicating this, then CA's settings, enable debugging. Replicate the problem and then hit Debugging to download the file and upload it here.
  10. It *appears* that the docker image is completely empty. Apps - Previous Apps, check off everything you want and hit install. I see that you're currently restoring the appdata. While it's not a problem to store the docker.img within appdata (usually it's stored within system), it is 100% excluded from the backup set because its just too easy to simply recreate it. Can he hit the mediashare via \\\Media ?
  11. You would probably want to post in the Unassigned devices thread so that @dlandon can see what's going on and advise accordingly... Also include your diagnostics
  12. Feb 9 16:12:45 MaxisNAS rc.docker: Error response from daemon: Pool overlaps with other one on this address space I would guess that this is the issue. Albeit I've never seen this particular error before. Best solution would be to delete and recreate the image https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  13. Ignoring that you've now constrained each of them to a single drive, they are both set to fill up the drive prior to moving onto the next drive. (And the split level on the T one is going to override the fill up procedure). You want to remove any split level on the "T.....s" share and usually you would set both those shares to be highwater I believe that you're better off letting all your media span all the drives.
  14. root@unRaidA:/tmp/GitHub/SourceCode/AppFeed# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify notify [-e "event"] [-s "subject"] [-d "description"] [-i "normal|warning|alert"] [-m "message"] [-x] [-t] [-b] [add] create a notification use -e to specify the event use -s to specify a subject use -d to specify a short description use -i to specify the severity use -m to specify a message (long description) use -l to specify a link (clicking the notification will take you to that location) use -x to create a single notification ticket use -r to specify recipients and not use default use -t to force send email only (for testing) use -b to NOT send a browser notification all options are optional notify init Initialize the notification subsystem. notify smtp-init Initialize sendmail configuration (ssmtp in our case). notify get Output a json-encoded list of all the unread notifications. notify archive file Move file from 'unread' state to 'archive' state. or alternatively the sendmail command
  15. That doesn't make any sense. If you deleted and recreated the docker image, no apps would be installed at all. They will never just appear as being installed without you actually installing them.
  16. It's not an issue. It's just part of the Installation messages where it tells you to not close the install window until it's finished.
  17. Interesting… the icon is the easy part. Your system was unable to download the icon to the docker.image so it’s displaying a default. the rest of it is curious. The docker tab doesn’t think that the template XML is there on the flash drive (no edit on the drop down). CA thinks it’s there (why edit was there) but when you actually went to edit it it couldn’t find it. Posting your diagnostics will help figure out why it’s there and not there simultaneously
  18. At the time of the OOM, nano was open and was consuming ~15Gig. Quite possible you opened the wrong file and then did the correct one, but it was the cause of the OOM
  19. For bitrot (if it's an actual thing) you need checksums of the files on the array. Look at Dynamix File Integrity
  20. You can do that process that you'd like now. No real issues. Add the new drive, copy the files over, remove the old drive and rebuild parity (or alternatively zero out the drive first and then remove it) The fastest method is to simply replace the drive. And, since you still have the original drive intact from how it left it is the least risky.
  21. It *appears* that the flash is actually failing. Nothing but critical medium errors throughout the logs. Doesn't appear to have ever dropped offline, so changing ports isn't going to do anything for you. I've never been a fan of any super super small flash device like the Ultra Fit's. They are USB3 (run hot), and a very small form factor (run hot). Run hot + run hot = very hot I'd replace it (but avoid SanDisk as there are now a ton of counterfeits making the rounds)
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