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Everything posted by Squid

  1. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and short of assigning static DNS addresses (recommended anyways) shouldn't have any affect since you're pinging IP addresses. Perhaps @bonienl has insight (I've never seen anyone post this sort of behaviour before)
  2. What were you trying to edit with nano??? It was consuming 15Gig of memory
  3. Doubt there's any "serious" issues. But there are still bugs being worked on / stuff being tested to death. I'm sure it'll be released whenever it's deemed ready to be released.
  4. Starting with CA version 2022.02.06, in the <Requires> field you now have the option to have CA actually do a search for whatever is required <Requires>//Redis\\ installed</Requires> Will in the sidebar make a search link for Redis to allow the user to easily install it. (The " installed" part of the above is just extra text and not part of the "link" itself) This link is sanitized when transmitting the xml to the OS for installation, so the extra characters (// \\) will not appear when installing or editing the app within dockerMan
  5. Today's release mainly brings the following: Official containers weren't having any statistics being gathered (download counts etc). Fixed via the appfeed The sidebar will now display the last time an update was pushed to dockerHub for the app in question The first date that appears is an estimate of the last time the container was updated. This estimate gets revised every 30 days when the feed gathers the updated stats on the app. After a second or 2 of the sidebar being open, the actual time the container was updated will then display. This is live as of the time of you opening the sidebar Note that if the application is "tagged" to pull a specific version (ie: something like :nightly or :2.5 etc), then the update time will not display at all because there is no way to determine the date of that "tag" being issued or updated but rather the date is always about the last update to the dockerHub repository (which implies no tag or :latest) This will let you determine if a container is still being updated etc. Note that for many apps, updates to them aren't strictly necessary at all. EG: coppit/No-IP works perfectly, requires no updates and indeed hasn't been updated for years. In the case of containers which are hosted on ghcr (as an example), the date of the update is taken from dockerHub. If the container does not exist on dockerHub, then the date will be "unknown"
  6. TBH, not sure -> shouldn't matter but it wouldn't hurt to uninstall it. (Or try with a fresh install of another VM to rule out everything)
  7. Shouldn't make a difference. Ensure that disk down down is still set correctly (change it to 30, then reset it back to 15 and hit apply) Failing all else, post your diagnostics
  8. The share system does not support that. It will support separate shares with varying permissions for the users on them.
  9. I just went through this same thing. The trouble is that in addition to restoring a backup, you also have to find the appropriate tag for the container that was running at the time the last backup was made In my case, I used amd64- and restored my backup from 1/17
  10. Is Use SSL set to No in Management Settings?
  11. The hard drives are the easiest item to use to determine the sizing of a hard drive. Hard drives will use ~ 2A at spinup on the 12V rail. Your power supply has to be able to handle that current draw, and be able to supply everything else that also uses 12V (CPU, video cards etc) Also bear in mind that power supplies will on average lose up to 10% of their rated capacity every year. Your RM750x when brand new would handle 62.5A on the 12V rail. 40A of that is gone right off the hop with the hard drives. Take into consideration power draws of everything else and the aging, and I would grab a new one as you're borderline.
  12. Why not? What settings were you changing? Public IP addresses change all the the time (usually a simple modem reset will get you a new one)
  13. Just a couple of questions since it's not entirely obvious from your post When the screen goes black, is the VM still actually running? Have you tried a VM without passing through the video card - Is it stable? Unfortunately device passthrough tends to be highly dependent upon hardware itself, and unfortunately there are certain video cards which just don't like it (and possibly the older the card is the more likely this is to happen)
  14. Correct (if nothing else is changing the permissions on you)
  15. Do any of the containers (especially in Advanced view) show Unhealthy? Try this (won't hurt either on healthy containers)
  16. Icons are only ever downloaded once (or when the URL changes in the template) After that they are served directly from the docker image. Are you seeing lots of question marks for icons?
  17. And what version is that? 6.9.2 or 6.10.0-rc2? First try https://wiki.unraid.net/My_Servers#How_to_access_your_server_when_DNS_is_down
  18. A rebuild doesn't care if the drive is empty or if it's full. It's simply a sector by sector calculation needed to recreate the drive. The alternative to a rebuild of the drive is to do a New Config and assign the drives appropriately, but in that case the parity needs to be rebuilt to reflect the actual sector contents of the drive in question. IE: No real way around the rebuild.
  19. Dec 31 16:30:44 Krakenhaus emhttpd: stale configuration Try this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/110030-solved-cannot-resolve-stale-configuration-error/?tab=comments#comment-1006155
  20. What are you talking about a timer? Post a screenshot... Generally speaking (but not always the case), if the spinner appears and doesn't disappear within 120 seconds it will never disappear
  21. Standard mce that gets issued on occasion with certain hardware combinations upon processor initialization. Ignore it.
  22. If I was going to take a guess, I'd say that at the time of the OOM, SongKong wound up using all of the memory (it's java, and IIRC Java can be a pig). I would limit the app to a set maximum value of memory
  23. Its the docker log that's going insane. Unfortunately it didn't get attached to the diagnostics for some reason. Only real recourse is to reboot. Then wait say half hour and repost a set of diagnostics
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