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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Over the course of the drive 4's life (4599 hours), it's had 34526 errors logged. Only the last couple appear within the drive's logs but they all appear to be connection related. Advice stays the same - reseat the cabling to it / the bay, and also give the tray an extra little nudge Parity I'd say the same ( but only 14000 over 22000 hours) The other drives haven't suffered the same ills While an odd device reset is ok, continual ones is going to eventually lead to the drive being disabled due to a write failure going to happen at some point. It's also possible the the particular bay you're using just doesn't "like" the drive itself. (I've got one bay that refuses to work properly with one particular drive)
  2. You should post your entire diagnostics. SMART looks ok, and what can be inferred from the syslog snip (diagnostics helps much better) is a connection issue (poor cabling / slightly loose etc) - Reseat them. Also to be aware of is the non-locking cables tend to work better on WD drives due to their design (or a locking cable that also has the internal "bump" which is actually rather rare)
  3. People stating on quick google results for the card to avoid it.
  4. Semi-known issue which is hopefully fixed on next release. The solution is to apparently switch your vdisks (if you have them) from "Auto" to Manual and set them accordingly.
  5. What does come up? Anything? You should post your diagnostics (you can grab them via the command line)
  6. Yes, but "forwarded" isn't the word I'd use since to me that implies that all the ports are being forwarded from the router. It's more that any and all ports that the container wants to use are at it's disposal.
  7. More likely because you've got atop being installed via NerdPack. It's rather notorious It actually looks like you've got NerdPack installing everything available within it. Using the packages within NerdPack isn't particularly recommended unless you know exactly what you want and why.
  8. The spice server thing seems to be harmless (happens also on my VMs). Once you force stop the vm and try to restart it does any error pop up? Do all the paths (to the vdisks, etc) all exist?
  9. Something is weird. What is the output (via the terminal button) of ls -ail /mnt/ and ls -ail /mnt/user Can you also stop the array and to to Global Share Settings and make a change (any change) - Apply it and then revert it
  10. One of the benefits of working from home and having no life
  11. 01:00.0 RAID bus controller [0104]: Broadcom / LSI MegaRAID SAS 2008 [Falcon] [1000:0073] (rev 03) Subsystem: Dell PERC H310 [1028:1f78] Kernel modules: megaraid_sas You've got the controller set up in IR mode. You still have to tell the controller in IT's bios (CTRL-S IIRC) to either switch to JBOD or create 4x RAID pools composed of a single drive each. Since it's a Perc H310, you'll actually have by far the best results on Unraid (or any NAS) for that matter by cross flashing it to be the generic LSI HBA Lots of information on that in the internet (just search H310 crossflash to IT), and a rather long thread here https://forums.unraid.net/topic/12114-lsi-controller-fw-updates-irit-modes/
  12. Personally, I consider the "Terminal" button to be used for a quick command here and there. But, are you sure that it's not your desktop that's going to sleep and dropping the network connection? For actually using the command line, I'd recommend installing Putty on your desktop To keep connections "alive", you would need to also run the commands through "screen"
  13. Number one, you shouldn't be running private internal test releases, and what does "same issue" actually mean? What are you seeing when trying to create a VM?
  14. Can you try booting into safe mode from the boot menu on the server. Any change? Does the user you've been using on Windows match the user you've created on the server? You could also clear your credentials in Windows ( https://rc.dartmouth.edu/index.php/hrf_faq/how-do-i-clear-cached-credentials-netidpassword-in-windows-10/ ), as Windows has a number of very annoying "features" that NAS users a lot of pain (not just with Unraid) There is also this thread that has some more information ( and @Frank1940 is an expert on Windows connection issues ) https://forums.unraid.net/topic/89452-windows-issues-with-unraid/
  15. First thing to check with any certificate problem is that the date and time are correct (Settings - Date & Time) After that, you're best posting in the applicable support thread (click on the docker's icon and select Support)
  16. This should be the default settings. If they're not, then do this. But, this setting only takes effect on newly installed containers, not already existing ones. (ie: if this doesn't exist you can either uninstall / reinstall the container (or all containers) or add the applicable line to extra parameters of each container) There's absolutely nothing Unraid can do to control an app that logs the motion of every particle in the universe. The log rotation is the best that the OS (or any OS) can do. The cause of the issue (in most cases) can easily be determined by hitting Container Size on the docker tab.
  17. You've got to reseat the cabling to both ST10000VN0004-1ZD101 ZA29CF7E (disk 10), and ST10000VN0004-1ZD101 ZA2AJ2XJ (disk 11) Sata is finicky at times and it doesn't take much for continual resets to happen on a slightly misaligned cable (or a bad cable)
  18. Yes. I understand. How are you referencing the drives for passthrough? Under Linux the /dev/sdX monikers are never guaranteed to stay the same from one boot to the other. It's akin to looking at a drive in Windows Disk Manager and seeing disk #0, disk #1 etc -> those will potentially change, but the "letter" stays the same. Your solution is to reference them instead by /dev/disk/by-id/.... (this is more akin to the drive "letter" that windows uses) that will stay the same all the time unless by you moving from SATA to USB changed the ID (which some USB adapters will do) in which case there's not much you can do.
  19. Default settings in Settings - Docker have the logs automatically "rotated" daily at 50Meg. (ie: It's truncated daily to 50Meg) The need to add in an additional extra parameters only applies to containers that were installed previously to that setting being added (~6.7/6.8 IIRC again) (or if you wanted a specific app to have different log storage settings) Most users have zero issues with the space utilized within the docker.img increasing. But then again there are some users that for whatever reason do have that issue (usually due to a misconfiguration of how things are handled and/or a poorly behaved app. There are some containers which you can set to log everything they do along with everyone in the world who shares the same birthday as you with the result that their log explodes - This is caused by a setting within the app of something like logging set to be "debug") But, for the cases where it can't be solved, then the solution is to simply use a folder instead (Settings - Docker) This has the advantage of never taking up the minimum space you've set (eg: 20G) but having the ability to grow (and shrink) to the limits of the device it's on (cache drive)
  20. Only time I've ever noticed a spurious banner like that is when I've been changing settings, and it winds up due to a "race" condition where the system thinks the flash is offline. Under the now current rc3 series (private testing currently) I've never seen it. If the banner does disappear for you, then there is no actual problem. After RC3+ is released, then if the problem continues we'll have to look closer at refining the code.
  21. There are no preset paths in the plugin. They are all user entered (except for the source which is populated by what ever is in Docker Settings - Default appdata) The way to test is that it is logged the exact command used to backup. Stop all the containers, look at the permissions, run the command and look at the permissions after its complete.
  22. Probably best to post in the Unassigned Devices thread so that @dlandon can see it
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