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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Drive letters are never guaranteed to stay the same under linux, and will change for array devices. You want to identify them for passthrough by something like /dev/disk/by-id
  2. Absolutely completely off topic. Do you recommend running with home bridge when having this? What advantages would I gain vs the app?
  3. No they aren't. Different algorithm's are used to calculate Parity 1 and Parity 2. This holds true if Parity 2 is installed and Parity 1 isn't. (For the most in performance you should always use Parity 1 instead of Parity 2 if there's only a single drive as the calculations are faster and easier on it) But, this performance hit may only be noticed on a synthetic benchmark. Nothing stops you from assigning parity 2 and having parity 1 empty though. The system will still happily (well maybe not happily for your wallet) recover from a single drive failure.
  4. Like I said, it's preferred, but not necessary. Without a GPU dedicated to the OS, certain troubleshooting if you ever require it is harder in certain circumstances. You're already running completely headless with the only GPU passed through to a VM
  5. Unraid up until 6.0 was designed to run in 512Meg. Even today it will run in 2G (but it's pushing it). But even there, I find it easier to simply do a google search than ever hitting up a man page locally.
  6. There's already a note on the app, and a PR request to @TQ to adjust these paths.
  7. Preclears could be possibly maxing out the available bandwidth to the controllers (diagnostics would help on that). The writes from via SMB would wind up being cached in memory and slowly actually written to the disk. Direct copies from share to share I would think should do the same, but there's also a lot of variables to consider. And the multiple preclears happening simultaneously is my first suspect without seeing the diagnostics
  8. Post your diagnostics. Also, does the source and destination wind up overlapping? (ie: the same disk winds up being involved?) What is the number of files involved here in this copy? A couple large ones or tons of very small files?
  9. Yeah, that's completely wrong @TQ I'm thinking it should be the the container path of /data mapped to /mnt/user/appdata/minecraft/... Going to add a note onto the app right now and then we'll see where it needs to go from there.
  10. Unfortunately not without diagnostics showing what happened... History lesson: At the beginning of docker introduction into the OS (6.0-beta something), it was originally a directory (and directory only). This however (at the time) imposed a rather strict limitation that the cache drive had to be formatted as BTRFS (at the time there wasn't an XFS (or reiserFS) driver for docker). Since this was rather annoying, the idea of using a BTRFS image came into being as it could be placed onto any particular filesystem without worry. Eventually with 6.9.x the folder idea was one solution to a extraneous writes to SSD problem and it was re-introduced, and it also helps with an eventual integration of ZFS into the system and the folder could also be hosted directly on a ZFS array which will massively increase performance. I'm personally a fan of the folder method as it tends to solve certain problems but it also comes with it's own big caveat. NEVER NEVER NEVER run the New Permission Tool against that folder. You will automatically have to recreate the folder because nothing will work after trashing the permissions.
  11. Anything not in either /boot (the flash drive), /mnt (the shares / unassigned devices) or /var/lib/docker (the docker.img) is wiped after a reboot as it's in RAM. What container was this? Was this configured out of the box like that?
  12. If the drive actually throttles itself because of the false temperature, then that's an issue with the firmware and nothing you can do about it other than complain to Samsung If the drive doesn't throttle itself on the false temperature then there's no big deal and it will throttle when the real temperature gets to that point, and you still have to complain to Samsung about the false readings. Thinking back, I've possibly seen this notification and then another saying the drive returned to normal temperature. I've just said "OK", the drive was under extremely heavy load (which it usually is) What else can you do except complain to the manufacturer or live with it?
  13. Internet access issues. Try setting static DNS addresses in the server of and
  14. Maybe a dumb question, but why? What is the difference?
  15. Yes. Although it's still preferred to have a GPU (even if only an iGPU) reserved for the OS.
  16. It's an LSI card, so no particular reason why it wouldn't work. However, actual HBAs are usually preferred because even in JBOD mode not all controller properly passthrough the SMART attributes. Also, when doing this, make sure you label what drive is what. From forum surfing, JBOD mode on the controllers will assign a device ID that is vastly different than what the drive itself reports (ie: instead of ST4000DM-1F82B or similiar it would instead report the drive as a long string of numbers only) Not an issue in and by itself but makes replacing a drive in the eventuality you have to a bit harder if you don't have a reference as to what is what. Can't say for sure if that controller would suffer from these caveats or not.
  17. Have you already transferred the registration over to the new key? Don't restore the .key file from the backup if you have...
  18. Definitely what looks like a firmware bug on the drive that primarily affects Linux systems across the board (and some Windows installations)
  19. I'm assuming that the current container is this version or greater?
  20. When doing a New Config, you will not lose any data on the drives. Since you don't know what drives were what, assign everything as data drives. One of the drives should come up as unmountable. That's your parity drive. Do another New Config and assign the drives correctly. If more than one comes up as unmountable don't do anything. STOP and then post your diagnostics. To assign your cache drive, you first have to click add pool
  21. Yes. Fix in the next release of the OS (But it actually comes and goes with various browsers depending upon what they break on each update)
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