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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You mount the external drives (since they're not part of the array) via the Unassigned Devices plugin. Then you add an additional path mapping to the template of /mnt/disks/whatever mapped to say /externalLibrary Now you tell Jellyfin to include /externalLibrary in its media
  2. Yes. They work in conjunction with each other. Scheduler - Parity Check tells the system when to start it (eg: Monthly) Parity check tuner tells the system when to pause it and when to resume (ie: next day at whatever time you want and for what duration...)
  3. It's not an issue where everything lives. It all boils down to the mappings that you choose for the various containers. See https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086
  4. Jan 15 17:29:04 alphabox emhttpd: import 30 cache device: no device Did you have a cache drive assigned before???
  5. Most people use the Parity Check Tuning plugin so that the scheduled checks run in batches during off hours (ie: mine run between midnight (when I go to sleep) and 4 am (when the wife gets up) and resumes the next day until its completed). But, yes since there's competing bandwidth depending upon how much bandwidth is required by the media, pauses etc may result
  6. Easiest way to avoid this kind of thing is to leave the server as DHCP and instead set static IP addresses within the router itself. Post your diagnostics. Ideally (hopefully) you haven't rebooted the server since noticing this
  7. Why are you giving the server an IP address that isn't classified as "Private" (192.x / 172.x / 10.x)? Is this server wide open to the world?
  8. With errors @2133 the stick(s) are definitely bad. No idea what the warranty period is on your RAM, and it may take a while for any RMA to go through so that's entirely up to you as to how you proceed. Either way, you do not want to run with that RAM anymore. If you do choose to simply buy a replacement stick (ie: only replace one of them), then either buy the exact same stick as the defective one or if buying a different stick then ensure that the CL timings are identical between the mismatched set. Mismatched sets installed work far better and more reliable if the timings (especially CL) matches.
  9. Is the hidden / system file desktop.ini getting created when you wind up browsing to the drive??
  10. Auto update does not currently honor the startup order of containers, which is what I would guess is causing this.
  11. Also should be noted that trim is not supported for array devices. Whether or not this impacts your use case is unknown. If it does, then you assign that SSD as a cache pool and assign anything else (even a 16G flash drive) as a data drive (even though you'll never use it)
  12. This basically means that your cache pool isn't redundant (only a single drive is a member) The files on disk 2 should be the duplicated ones and the ones on the cache take precedence when reading them. Best to take a backup of the appdata share first before doing any deletions
  13. One thing would be did you change "myserver" to be the IP Address of your server?
  14. This is weird, because the syslog (not the diagnostics) show Jan 14 20:34:31 LANG emhttpd: Basic key detected, GUID: 090C-1000-0363-321070001940 FILE: /boot/config/Basic.key Jan 14 20:34:33 LANG emhttpd: Unregistered - flash device error (ENOFLASH7) But the OS has no problems starting the array with a basic license Jan 14 20:29:53 LANG emhttpd: Basic key detected, GUID: 090C-1000-0363-321070001940 FILE: /boot/config/Basic.key Since the errors are coming from the MyServers plugin, I tagged @ljm42 for investigation as we do not have the necessary tools in the forum to determine why one works and the other doesn't. There's also none of the tell-tale signs that happen when a flash drive drops offline.
  15. Maybe the uPnP monitor plugin will help diagnose
  16. If you have problems with this, you set the access mode on the mappings to be one of the "slave" modes
  17. via the tar command (or alternatively winrar will also read the file)
  18. Primary support venue from LinuxServer is their own discord. (If you don't receive any suggestions here)
  19. BOOT_IMAGE=/bzimage xen-pciback.hide=(2e:00.1)(2e:00.3) vfio-pci.ids=10de:2488,10de:228b,8086:1539,1425:5001,1425:5401 isolcpus=8-15,24-31 initrd=/bzroot Doing vfio this way is long deprecated which Fix Common Problems has been letting you know about Jan 13 17:03:12 Debo-Server root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Legacy PCI Stubbing found You should remove that stubbing via the syslinux.cfg file and instead go to Tools - System Devices and check the items off which you need stubbed.
  20. Soon(tm) - Or just do it over the network (my choice) - Or Krusader app may do what you want or mc at the command prompt, or the bulk file renamer as linked above) over the network is simply awesome for doing this type of thing.
  21. Are you downloading to RAM on any of the containers? Does the destination for Appdata Backup actually exist?
  22. I'm still not understanding exactly what you want here... What shares do you mean by "main" unraid (and the dockers having access to them) and what are you talking by easily sharing the unraid shares....
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