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Everything posted by Squid

  1. That looks like a bug in the script that I use to generate that web-page. ie: Don't worry about it. It's getting confused on the help text not on the translations itself.
  2. OTOH, revert the changes you made that were in some thread that put the logs to RAM Jan 7 14:30:01 KingServer docker: RAM-Disk synced and if that solves it ask about it in the relevant thread.
  3. You should post your diagnostics showing when it's been reported that it's that high.
  4. All of the containers? Do you have multiple instances running of the containers returning the error?
  5. Thanks @bonienl I knew it was something related to the ports section. Curious though that it worked on vast majority of systems due to how the network was configured.
  6. The difference between FCP and other plugins is that you're not relying upon other plugins to inform you of issues with the server. So with that FCP not updating via the Auto Update plugin automatically winds up flagging itself being out of date on your scheduled scans as an error, because it is paramount that - Bug fixes on the tests get fixed - Any new tests which may potentially impact you are correctly flagged. The alternative is that FCP always downloads an updated list whenever it runs a scan. IE: It updates itself automatically And besides, you can always hit ignore on that error and you won't be bugged anymore. That scenario (severe risk) is actually handled via Community Applications itself (opt-in), and the warnings that it puts out are sure to catch your attention. CA handles that because even though FCP is quite commonly installed it still has nowhere near the install base that CA has.
  7. Have you considered the battery might be shot? They typically are good for 3-5 years and yours is almost 10 years old... And quality UPS's (ie: yours) will do a battery test every once in a while to alert you of this kind of stuff.
  8. But, @Hoopster is correct for this. Although there are few and far between cases where there is a choice. OTOH, rclone is the only one right now.
  9. Depends upon your use case for this. AFAIK the plugin would be a better choice if you're using the mounts as a backup destination or pointing other containers (Plex?) at them for media storage
  10. That's better suited to directly asking to resident BTRFS god @JorgeB
  11. I think Plex has options to remove watched episodes or movies after a certain amount of time. Navigating the shares via Windows Explorer is identical to navigating via mc (/mnt/user/...)
  12. There's nothing particularly striking within the logs. Since the VMs etc are still usable it doesn't appear the system has "crashed" How long have you left it running? Could simply be a "Plex is rescanning and consuming all the resources" type thing
  13. SSD's in the array: - TRIM isn't supported on array devices, so write speed will always begin to suffer - Since the parity drive is the only SSD, write speed will always be limited by the data drives same as now. - Background garbage collection - Can't remember OTOH, but I think that if the drive doesn't support Deterministic Trim then the possibility of parity inconsistency will result caused by the drive itself. @JorgeB can answer this better. I believe that this isn't a "real" issue with modern quality SSDs New Config's do not lose data. It just sets the array in a state where it will rebuild Parity based upon the current data drive selections.
  14. Certainly appears to be the same size. But it's probably a couple of sectors smaller than the original parity. In that case you have to do a New Config to handle that situation.
  15. The files within downloads do not currently exist on the cache drive. They exist on disk9 Your drive "a" will always show the files within that share. And the share is use Cache: yes so mover does it's just and moves the files from the cache drive to the array whenever it runs. Use Cache Yes does the above. If you want the files to stay on the cache drive, then you're either going to use either "Prefer" (tries to put onto cache drive, if there isn't space then it puts onto the array and mover will move them later) or "Only" -> new files will get written to the cache and mover does nothing.
  16. There's physically more sectors on the HDD than there is on the SSD (ie: unless there's a HPA partition or something on the SSD, it is smaller than the hard drive and not much you can do about it. You could always however post your diagnostics
  17. Thanks. Probably due to how LSIO generates the templates that entry is stuck in there, but I'll remove it from CA for installs going forward
  18. Because Fix Common Problems is so verbose and with a lot of substitutions taking place in the text messages, it was going to be a real pain to reconfigure everything support multi-language (and with the necessary testing of every single warning / error / other all over again) that it wasn't worth the free time investment on my part unless a massive overhaul of the test routines ever takes place.
  19. Anytime (not today) Friday / weekend works good for me. Time of day doesn't particularly matter
  20. Disks 4 & 5 are also empty on that diagnostics
  21. Not inside Unraid, but you can pull the drive(s) and use https://www.easeus.com/ to do the recovery (costs $$, but you can run the trial to see what it would recover and make your own decision based upon the importance of the data) Formatting is never part of a recovery operation, and there is a big warning popup stating that when you try and format an unmountable disk.
  22. The only drivers in your zip are audio drivers, which won't get added since there's no need for Audio drivers in the OS. What problems are you seeing that you need additional drivers?
  23. Update the template to the reference above and include the relevant instructions in the description as a stop gap
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