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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Is Plex set to scan automatically when changes are detected? I've also got Plex scanning a couple of times a day on a schedule because I expect that at some point it's going to miss changes.
  2. lol I didn't look that far. In /var/log getting full I go right to folders.txt and stop if I see atop
  3. --runtime = nvidia You added the entry and used spaces
  4. atop being installed by NerdPack is extremely notorious for this (and you're installing it)
  5. You should post your docker run command. Reason for the failure (I'm assuming) is something you're doing incorrect, and would be reflected in the errors returned by the command)
  6. Another possibility: If rsync doesn't let the system know how big the file is in advance (no idea if it does or doesn't), then the system doesn't know that it will "violate" the min free space and will put it there because for all it knows the file could be as small as a single byte.
  7. Not that I use the plugin, but what happens if you try and manually execute the scripts? /mnt/user/appdata/script-mover-before/script.sh As it's either the wrong line endings or it's not executable
  8. The notify script was never designed for what you want to do. Investigate using the sendmail command or your own custom script using php's mail command etc...
  9. Jan 16 07:52:26 Potti root: nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/unraid_bundle.pem": PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX() failed (SSL: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE) I suspect that this is the root of your problems. Delete the contents of /config/ssh and /config/ssl on the flash drive and reboot This could be flash drive corruption, as the system isn't reading the key file correctly (or at all), but that shouldn't affect being able to hit the UI
  10. That's the log window, and since it was opened, you installed an update (or removed and reinstalled) the container and the original reference no longer exists. Perfectly normal. Reopen it
  11. You can't via MyServers. You need to use a VPN (wireguard) set up appropriately or a reverse proxy like SWAG.
  12. See if the smb errors still happen in safe mode. If it disappears, then the issue is a package you're installing via NerdPack (at the very least, atop is going to cause issues going forward unless you know exactly what you're doing and how to properly configure it)
  13. Try uninstalling the enhanced log plugin. If it fixes it post in its support thread
  14. Post your diagnostics. You can get them from the command prompt
  15. -m "This is the message" A log file however may be pretty long to do this, and would no doubt include CRs, quotes etc that you would have to properly escape.
  16. The automatic updating of templates has been in the OS since 6.0 beta, and is not a defect. The point of it is that if an update comes down that requires new ports, variables etc that they get added in to the template with the update. (I've always had mixed feelings about it, and it would only have happened during a container update which never happens without user input one way or another. The reason why you're seeing the FCP warning is because you've created a template that uses the same repository as something already within CA rather than installing and editing the existing template. Nothing wrong with that. FCP introduced that test because 80% of the maintainers either never filled out the URL or filled it out wrong. For the last few years, CA has automatically filled it out for everything present and ignores whatever the author chooses to put in there, and FCP by it's own nature is supposed to tell you about configuration mistakes etc and that test falls into it. FCP never actually changes anything... (But this test it does offer to change it because it was always a pain to have the user enter in the correct value) The "workaround" is actually a by design thing. false signals to both the update system to not update the template, and signals to FCP to not generate any warning about wrong URLs and gives the user the option to avoid behaviour if they choose.
  17. More likely its the RAM, but you are correct could also be the motherboard. (Assuming of course that the memory is on the motherboard's QVL list or (not that I trust it as much) the motherboard is on the memory's QVL)
  18. Plex (unless you've changed it) runs as Network type Host. You simply forward 32400 to 32400 (Server's IP address) If you've changed Plex to run as BR0, (don't know why you would), then you can assign it a specific IP address in the 192 range If you've changed Plex to run as bridge (really don't know why you would) then yes the internal IP of 172.xx would change, but the net result is the same you still forward to the server's IP and the docker system takes care of the rest. If you still have problems, then post the applicable xml file from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-plex.xml on the flash drive here
  19. It shows up if you have Windows set to display system protected files, and tends to be created in every folder when you browse into it (stores display options etc). Only a couple hundred bytes in size but once you take into consideration the smallest possible file size of 4K it fits nicely into what you're seeing.
  20. Squid

    slow smb

    If you've made changes to the use cache setting use Dec 8, then they won't take effect until a stop / start of the array (known issue on RC2)
  21. Quick google search said to avoid the card if possible, but what @itimpi was referring to was the internal power connections coming from the powersupply. All too often people don't consider that every molex splitter is Another point of failure terrible quality to begin with, regardless if you paid $1 or $20 for them And also quite often do not consider the power draw on individual rails coming from the power supply vs the amount of components plugged into them Another possibility depending upon how you're connecting the drives is the SATA connected to the drives. Reseat. Not saying that any of this is your particular problem.
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