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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Try disabling the VM service before rebooting... I see an error where the VMs are referencing an unassigned device named easystore that doesn't exist. I don't know if this would cause what you're seeing though.
  2. /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user
  3. Log in and enter in diagnostics Then after the reboot post the zip stored on the flash drive
  4. Was one of them precleared and the other not? Are they shucked drives?
  5. Does that mean that the system does shutdown correctly, but it just never actually reboots?
  6. Do this as a test. Settings - Docker. Stop the service. Change the image type from XFS to instead be btrfs (you're not going to lose the existing image / apps) Restart the service and try installing something.
  7. Post the diagnostics after trying to start the various VMs
  8. Deleting the contents of /config on the flash drive (but leaving the .key file) and rebooting will set everything back to defaults.
  9. Not sure how that works on whether the exportable share gets created or not. I'm thinking that it will. BTW, you did substitute disk1 / disk2 etc for diskX?
  10. Search results are directly from dockerHub, and out of my control the results. Perhaps get rid of the dashes, or simply grafana?
  11. Exclude the disk globally, and then in the docker container, map /mnt/diskX/share to whatever
  12. To prevent updates of the templates when running < 6.10-rc3 you have to edit the xml and change that entry as detailed.
  13. Remove any pinnings you may have manually made via editing the syslinux file, and the individual docker containers and then try again.
  14. Then the next guess would be a browser extension conflicting. Try a different browser.
  15. They always were updating. Except on testing, the changes never actually got applied unless you wound up editing the container (ie: you would never even notice the update happening) This change isn't set in stone. I'm seeing which is the worst of 2 evils -> updating the templates or not updating when the author makes a change.
  16. Try it in Safe Mode from the boot menu
  17. The Apps tab will Not display anything incompatible unless changed in it's settings for new installations Not display anything deprecated unless changed in it's settings for new installations For a reinstallation of an app which you've previously had installed which is now either deprecated or listed as being incompatible it will allow a reinstall, but is clearly identified as being deprecated or blacklisted. Will NEVER allow you to install anything that is outright blacklisted for one reason or another Opt-in: Periodically scan your system and alert you to the presence of: 1. Known malware and security vulnerabilities within applications 2. Critical security vulnerabilities within Unraid OS 3. Any installed applications which may seriously hinder the operation of your server In theory, there really should be no cases of "incompatible" docker apps with anyone's system due to the nature of the system. The whole system though is moderated and when it appears that a particular app is causing issues for many users, it gets investigated and any applicable action deemed necessary is taken. In terms of your problems with nVidia and Plex, any of the available apps should work just fine, assuming the plugin is up to date and the hardware doesn't itself have issues and is supported by the driver version (I personally use @binhex and bounce back and forth depending upon my priorities on reallocating hardware resources between various computers use either nVidia or Intel transcoding). Plex Inc though is one of those software companies that tend on their constant updates to break something else, and "good" releases are rather rare compared to the number of updates they issue. Part of my reasoning for using binhex, as while its updated regularly, it's not utilizing the bleeding edge of Plex (which they always label as "stable". Many others here will disagree and say the opposite and that Hotio or LSIO is the way to go. To me, its the same as AMD vs Intel or GM vs Ford) Additionally, Fix Common Problems will (amongst many other tests) alert you if you have installed anything deprecated, blacklisted, or incompatible (and in the case of plugins - unknown) installed RC2+ fixes an issue where some users experience hard crashes of the OS when containers / VMs run on their own IP addresses. It offers the option of ipvlan as the driver instead of simply macvlan. The actual differences between them are above my paygrade...
  18. Perhaps something like this is needed (like with Wireguard) https://forums.unraid.net/topic/84229-dynamix-wireguard-vpn/?tab=comments#comment-780665
  19. I'm assuming this is on the banner, and not Apps itself. Does navigating to a different page fix it?
  20. @binhex popped out that little command to fix some problems on a previous version of Unraid with a limited set of containers. Once the system was up to date, the command was no longer necessary and caused problems as you saw. FYI if you do ever apply little patches like that, you do have to keep track of them because they may not be necessary in the future.
  21. What does that mean? Every other script runs every minute or the system is crashing?
  22. Beginning next release, updates to templates will not be applied
  23. Nothing to do with CA itself. Create a new post in General Support and include your diagnostics
  24. Post your diagnostics and the docker run command for nzbget
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