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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Some combinations of hardware will issue an mce during cpu initialization. This happened to you and can be safely ignored.
  2. it issues docker stop / docker start. The command line versions of what the GUI does. Only real reason I can think of is if you've got custom networking (Deluge is running through another container) because the plugin does not honor the startup order currently
  3. Missed upping the version. Try again
  4. Note to self: Long weekends are NOT the time to be programming fixed (maybe)
  5. No. Once the GUI is loaded you have to stop the array and then restart in Maintenance Mode. (There's a checkbox). If you can't do that, then on the flash drive edit /config/disk.cfg on the flash drive and change startArray="yes" to instead be "no"
  6. Your best solution is to restart the server in Maintenance mode, then run the file system checks https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems against the cache drive
  7. Regardless if it supports it or not (or if the CPU installed does), you're going to run into nothing but trouble on a board that old. Save your hair and don't try and force it to do something that at best supports it on paper, but not in the real world.
  8. It started rebuilding, then immediately disabled. Looks like connection problems.
  9. Showed as NEW DISK? Did you add it back to the same slot or to a new slot?
  10. I disagree. Recently since my last upgrade to a private beta release one of the lights on my garage door opener has started flickering. I refuse to believe that it's a coincidence.
  11. From the webGUI, diagnostics *should* pop up a window that gives the current command that it's running. What is it?
  12. Reboot should fix you up. Never seen that before either
  13. Can't replicate this, but issuing a fix that should remove the error.
  14. Reseat the cabling to the cache drive (power and sata). It dropped offline in the those diagnostics. The can't create /boot/logs implies that either you pulled the flash drive out or it also dropped offline. Reseat it (if it's a continuing problem, try a different port, ideally USB2) Either one of these will cause the issues you're seeing. Ultimately your only recourse is a power down. Try at the terminal powerdown To see if it can gracefully shut itself off. Otherwise do a hard shutdown.
  15. No. And under it's design it's probably not necessary, as Unraid is not designed to be a complete Linux distro.
  16. Impossible to say without diagnostics from before the reboot.
  17. Look on the flash drive in the logs directory. There should be a diagnostics zip file generated from today. Upload it. If not, then when you regain access from the command prompt, diagnostics And a new set will get saved in the logs folder.
  18. There's probably a ton of errors relating to the full drive (I'm assuming it's btrfs) You can always post your diagnostics.
  19. There is no upgrade path. Uninstall, install v2 (which uses a tarball instead of individual files) and run a backup.
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