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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Not enough information. Post your diagnostics and also enable the mirror syslog to flash option and post that after a crash. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-781601
  2. You should post your diagnostics file instead of the syslog. Does the controller see the drives within it's BIOS?
  3. I have never seen this behaviour on ANY version of the OS. But, if you are running something like a pfSense VM with the OS going through it, then that activity would be expected
  4. As stated, you can run a simple script via User Scripts to detect bit-rot on BTRFS devices (in the array it can detect it but not fix them automatically). The cache pools can be fixed. But, your article isn't exactly a fair comparison. A URE in a traditional RAID environment (synology) is catastrophic, because if you exceed your redundancy you've lost every single file. Worst case with Unraid is you will only ever lose a portion (probably a single file corrupted) if a URE happens and you've exceeded your redundancy.
  5. What are you using 16 HDD or 30? At 30 drives, you're really pushing the limits of the P/S since it can handle 62.5A on the 12V rail, and the drives probably have a startup current of 1.8 -> 2A each. If you're using that supply and 30 drives, then you would have to disable spindown in Unraid and enable spinup groups in the HBAs so that you don't burn out the supply.
  6. For appdata, you have to browse to it. /mnt/user/appdata
  7. Intermittent issue some people have, where the log display shows nothing until a new line gets logged. Known issue.
  8. Just add something like this to smb-extra [USR] path=/usr/local/emhttp/ valid users = andrew write list = andrew force user = root Then edit all the files directly with Notepad++. I'd much rather deal directly with the files than handle a symlink.
  9. There's no change in how the flash and libvirt backups are done. Appdata should be to a separate share / folder.
  10. Tried that. Changing perms to 0777 has no effect since it was only mounted with permissions suitable for the devil.
  11. use Also, not that there's anything wrong, but usually in the case of a conflict between 80 / 443 you would tend to adjust the host port of the container (leaving the container port alone) to solve the conflict.
  12. Disk 4 needs to be replaced 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate POSR-K 200 197 051 - 66 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 195 195 140 - 149 For everything else, I'd close all browser tabs on all devices and try again.
  13. post them Hard to say. No one around here will ever suggest to post this file or that file, but simply the entire zip as you have no idea what you're actually looking for until you start looking at them.
  14. -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 156 Aug 1 20:36 dup-071d7cc8-6cef-4510-83e0-2c2bc40d2d58 -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 4354154496 Aug 2 09:37 dup-2650ac36-f3c2-4c89-b50e-bf1697207c44 -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 1151757594 Aug 1 20:42 dup-3d8a54c7-c4fe-4a6e-902f-9aab76060e8b -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 1152013084 Aug 1 20:42 dup-43963a9f-37e4-4ae7-a8fc-8674b9746e7b -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 0 Aug 1 20:36 dup-64e3f879-0aa5-4bd3-a92d-a805e756aafd -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 2507111 Aug 2 09:37 dup-8148bf2d-4c83-4d69-adca-f160eccefc06 -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 2187212 Aug 2 09:37 dup-912a2de4-a399-4361-a78d-e059797f3a37 -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 1151446564 Aug 1 20:43 dup-9ddae211-a78b-4b8e-a2e6-d5d5fa41eab0 -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 2504223 Aug 2 09:37 dup-a9f7220e-4aac-436e-a50f-d2a01149f45b -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 4349100032 Aug 2 09:37 dup-bd80d9e0-3f7d-4c84-ac76-8bb2baa8c815 -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 1151765062 Aug 1 20:42 dup-d5d78276-4e55-4ef4-bb8d-5fd4c4d88351 -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 1151055466 Aug 1 20:46 dup-e9eaf4d5-43b5-4cbb-a356-a95b5b3ef59e -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 1151977782 Aug 1 20:42 dup-fc56e430-0037-4a0b-afab-ed96c365cd9a What are all these files sitting in /tmp? Or better put, which app do you have that you've mapped /tmp to?
  15. Sorry for the question if it's obvious, but is it possible to mount SMB shares with file permissions other than 0666? I need executable permissions on certain files. If not, I can simply mount them myself.
  16. The template settings. Or put another way, Sab tells sonarr that the download exists at /data/fileNameHere.mkv Sonarr dutifully tries, but there is no /data mapped to it, hence the error you're seeing. Changing the container path within either sonarr or sab to match the container path on the other will fix you up.
  17. They don't match. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086 Post your docker run commands for both containers for further help
  18. You don't ever need to use remote path mappings on a properly configured container Since "Container Path:" is empty, can you post your docker run command https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-564345 And also post it for Sab
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