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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Settings - Docker - Advanced View with the service stopped
  2. Unless the USB port you're plugged into lost power (highly unlikely) during the power cut, it wasn't related. You probably only noticed it when going to the Apps tab. Use a different port, ideally USB2. And as itimpi stated, you cannot pull the flash drive out without first shutting down the server
  3. It is something I've thought about for a future plugin.
  4. If you use quotes, you do not escape the spaces right: "this is a test" wrong: "this\ is\ a\ test"
  5. AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor Have you already set the Idle Power Consumption in the BIOS to be "Typical"? Wouldn't hurt to also run a memtest for a pass or two
  6. Most likely the containers are running through another container for their internet access (VPN) and that container isn't started yet
  7. Thanks. Official containers always displaying an update available fixed next release.
  8. Not it. It was the text that would appear above the avatar, and in the profile it is labelled Member Title. But at least the rocket now shows something of use.
  9. Default settings from lsio do not include any path mapping to the shares. Add another path mapping of /mnt/user mapped to /unraid, then you'll find it within the container at /unraid
  10. First thing to do would be to run memtest from the boot menu for a minimum of a pass or 2
  11. And I've never seen a drive that doesn't have the serial number on the label on top
  12. The wait indicates to wait x seconds before it carries on in the list starting.
  13. Where is jacket in relation to deluge in the order? Sab starts because it starts after deluge. If jacket is before deluge it will always fail. Drag to rearrange the order
  14. Aug 13 06:05:24 Dhaka kernel: [Hardware Error]: Unified Memory Controller Ext. Error Code: 0, DRAM ECC error. Aug 13 06:05:24 Dhaka kernel: EDAC MC0: 1 CE on mc#0csrow#3channel#0 (csrow:3 channel:0 page:0x5b7962 offset:0x880 grain:64 syndrome:0x1000) Looks like a bad stick
  15. Set the array to not autostart (Settings - Disk Settings), then unplug on, turn on the machine. It'll tell you which one is missing. Repeat until you've got it. Then you can start the array. But, if you can make out the serial numbers then you're rocking -> I always stick a label on the back (or front) of the drive that has the last 4 digits to make identification easy
  16. Happened during processor initialization, and nothing to worry about. Ignore it
  17. Stop sends a shutdown command to the VM. This may or may not work, because as we all know especially on Windows a dialog may popup saying that it can't shutdown because of such and such task. Force stop is equivalent to yanking the cord out of a computer
  18. It's not a bug. Windows doesn't allow spaces at the end of the name.
  19. They didn't upload right. Try it again...
  20. Nothing to do with spinup times. More likely it's connection issues (sata designers should be shot, and the original version of the cable (non-locking) works better especially on WD drives) Post your diagnostics
  21. Not a great idea because the XML files are also stored within it, unless you restored them from a backup Have you done a reboot yet after recreating?
  22. Appdata folders have their own unique permission requirements which may or may not be compatible over SMB. Your mileage may vary.
  23. Could be naming issues on the folders. EG: with 2 folders named TEST1 and test1 you will only see the contents of one of them.
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