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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Further to the markdown changes, effective on the next release of CA, all Changelogs (<Changes>) must also only be formatted with Markdown. Any HTML within the change logs will be automatically removed.
  2. Usual reason for a VM pausing is that the vDisk has expanded to the full size of the cache drive and can't grow any further (ie: you over provisioned the disk). In order to keep it as small as possible you would do this https://forums.unraid.net/topic/51703-vm-faq/?tab=comments#comment-557606
  3. Cache yes means that stuff gets pulled from the cache drive and then tossed onto the array. Downloads currently exists on the cache and on disk 1. Are you seeding? That would keep disk1 active... Most people would use cache prefer, so that everything stays on the cache drive and then overflows when needed onto the array.
  4. No reason why simply changing that path affects anything. Close the browser and try loading the webUI again.
  5. It definitely looks like a cabling issue. Try reseating again. (also check any power splitters etc -> they are the devil's bane)
  6. Probably the best place to ask this is in CP's own forums https://couchpota.to/forum/
  7. Docker. Click the icon, hit edit. On the template screen, hit edit next to the path mapping you want to change (the one for /UNRAID). Change the host path to be /mnt instead of /mnt/user
  8. In order to see the individual drives, you need to map /mnt mapped to /UNRAID instead of the default /mnt/user NOTE: if you're directly moving from the cache drive to the array, always move from /mnt/cache to /mnt/diskX. Do NOT use /mnt/user as the destination. But, using mover (set the share to be useCache: yes) is easier
  9. Can't really tell why the image filled up, but the resolution would be Settings - Docker, set the service to be disabled. Reboot, Settings - Docker, Delete the image, then Re-enable the serivce. Followed by Apps - Previous Apps, check off what you need.
  10. Try pointing Settings - Network Settings the DNS addresses to and instead of your router.
  11. Only if you've added it yourself
  12. Update to 6.9.2 so that at least that variable can be removed from the equation
  13. Since you've pirated a previous version of Unraid, I don't think that it's unreasonable for @limetech to introduce anti-piracy checks on future versions of the software. Delete the .key file, set it up as a trial and then register it. If you've already registered and paid for it with a valid .key file, then simply deleting the BTRS.key file will suffice. Followed by a reboot.
  14. Uninstall the plugin, and if anything is left in /config/plugins/dynamix.autofan delete it.
  15. I could've sworn there was a Stop Mover.... You can always do from the terminal mover stop
  16. It should be able to see everything if you have /mnt/user mapped to say /UNRAID When it's running, you can go to MAIN, Array Operations and hit stop mover. It will finish the current file in progress Mover is inherently slow due to how it has to work (keep track of symlinks etc). Krusader will be far faster.
  17. Did you ever have a cache drive before? Edit the file /config/shares/appdata.cfg on the flash drive and change shareUseCache="prefer" to be shareUseCache="no" Stop and start the array or reboot
  18. Rename on the flash drive EFI~ to instead be EFI Then select the UEFI option as the first boot priority
  19. OpenVPN-AS was deprecated by linuxserver. If you've already had it installed, you can find it in Previous Apps. If you've never had it installed and want to run it knowing that they don't support it, then in Apps - Settings, enable show Deprecated Apps They are suggesting that you use their Wireguard App (or the built-in one in the OS)
  20. Is this from during the install or after it's installed? If during install post your diagnostics
  21. It's identical to the webUI. (It actually calls the webUI to do it)
  22. That plugin is ancient. Use the built-in VM system with the OS
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