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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Perfect. Thanks. (The version tag relates to the .plg, not the .txz, so it is expected)
  2. If anyone is running a Mac w/Safari can you try this... Download https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2021.06.06-x86_64-1.txz and save it onto your flashdrive Then from a command prompt installpkg /boot/community.applications-2021.06.06-x86_64-1.txz rm -rf /tmp/community.applications The app cards should look akin to I'm just wanting to verify that the text isn't overflowing the action icons at the bottom.
  3. You can keep using the system as-is. Performance will suffer though. Many people use the parity tuning plugin to run the checks in batches, only during off-hours If a share can't be unmounted, then something is stuck in a state where it won't shut down. Could be a crashed container, or something as simple as a command prompt with the current working directory some where within /mnt/user (or a symlink to there)
  4. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/102969-can-we-filter-forum-activity-feed-by-language-please/?tab=comments#comment-950083
  5. The login credentials are held by a session cookie, so if you close your browser (or even the tab) and then re-open it you will be asked to re-login.
  6. Update to 6.9.2 or read this thread If you're already on 6.9.2, it's probably that the server can't reach the internet, and try setting static DNS addresses
  7. I cannot replicate this at all. But, in the course of trying to figure out your problem, I discovered a display aberration on iPad's where it improperly displays part of a line after it chops off the text to fit automatically (ie: Apple with their browser requirements has decided to not implement Flex Boxes and text-clamp in a way that everyone else does - or another way, apple sucks) So, later today I'll be semi-reverting those changes and switching to a home-brew solution that while is still dynamic, hard-truncates the text whenever CA refreshes the display.
  8. I would suggest a reboot / try it with browser extensions disabled. Is anyone else having problems with ?
  9. I would stop the docker service, (Settings - docker), delete the image, then re-enable the service followed by Apps, Previous Apps and check off what you want back installed. If that doesn't work, post up your Tools - Diagnostics. Each app has it's own permission requirements that may or may not be compatible with SMB. Quite normal and to be expected. By running New Permissions and including the Appdata share you may (or may not) impact the ability of the container to run (although at first thought this doesn't appear to be why yours refuses to run, unless you were also running a docker folder instead of an image in which case yes you've completely trashed the image, hence my comment above. This is the reason why (if you've got FCP installed) there also exists a Docker Safe New Permissions Tool which will not let you run against the appdata share.
  10. To try it out on another machine or VM you will need another licence or a trial. Of course if you’re willing to test on your existing machine you will not need another licence. The files live at /user/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix
  11. From CA, go to settings, enable Debugging Apply and done When it happens again, hit Debugging on the main screen and upload the resulting file that's downloaded here. The error doesn't make a lot of sense to me without seeing exactly what transpired.
  12. No, because parity always reflects the state of the disks. (which means that even if you rebuilt instead of fixing the corruption, the replacement would also be corrupted) The naming of them will probably be meaningless, but hopefully there's not many and you can open them up to see what they are (or try and play them etc)
  13. Yeah, there's going to be some files within the lost+found directory now.
  14. No, you run it first without the -n
  15. Not without Diagnostics or more detail
  16. Are you sure it's creating the file in /data and not something like /Data
  17. Bad memory May 30 15:27:29 Asgard kernel: EDAC MC1: 1 CE memory scrubbing error on CPU_SrcID#1_Ha#0_Chan#0_DIMM#0 (channel:0 page:0x889ee2 offset:0x0 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 - area:DRAM err_code:0008:00c0 socket:1 ha:0 channel_mask:1 rank:255) Your system event log will probably have more info (other than DIMM0) on which stick is giving the issues
  18. What browser are you using? Tested this with Chrome, Edge, Brave, Firefox, Safari (on an iPad) Try clearing the browser cache (although you shouldn't have to)
  19. You'll see it on the nvidia plugin's settings (which you also require to be installed)
  20. Longstanding issue that's on a todo list
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