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Everything posted by Squid

  1. This file is created by the appdata backup plugin, and is simply a note for yourself. The OS doesn't look at it at all, and the file that it does look at isn't human readable.
  2. It's from a plugin. You can confirm by restarting in safe mode. After that, to determine which one you have to uninstall them and then reinstall to see when the message pops back up.
  3. How's it supposed to know what to stop? If there's no locked file at the start of the backup, no guarantee that there's not going to be a locked file a millisecond later.
  4. Post your Diagnostics zip file. Even if it didn't download, it still should be saved in the logs folder on the flash drive.
  5. Same thing. Processor initialization and nothing to worry about
  6. The key question is what kind of performance are you expecting? ie: What are you planning on doing with the VMs?
  7. What are the settings you've got for the plugin updates?
  8. That line isn't in your syslog. Where are you seeing it?
  9. What's the output if you enter this in: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.update.applications/scripts/updateApplications.php echo $?
  10. All files are persistent across OS upgrades with the exception of the bz* files and the .cfg files (depending upon OS requirements)
  11. Starting with the next revision of Unraid (6.10), all html tags within descriptions / overviews / config elements etc is automatically removed by the OS. This includes any thing that can be construed as a tag (ie: "change this entry with <variable> [variable2] here" - <variable> & [variable2] will be removed from the description). Since 6.9, the edit docker screens have supported Markdown on the descriptions / overviews. (Currently there are no plans to have the config elements support this - and the application feed will still trigger a very nasty blacklisting if it finds any tagging within config elements) The next revision of CA will also support Markdown within the popup descriptions. See here for a live demo of the version of markdown which is incorporated into the GUI For the most part this security change will not affect anyone. Some old templates that did include some colors within the descriptions will have the colors removed (Markdown does not support colors). Because Markdown is human readable, if you do create a template overview using markdown, there will be no issues on a user installing that template on a system <6.9.0
  12. Ask @hugenbdd in the support thread (he's long taken over the plugin)
  13. Change Default ISO Storage Path in Settings - VM Settings to point to a share
  14. I get it here and there also. Only when there's multiple notifications present, and not consistently.
  15. Your .shouldNotMove folder is not at the topmost level of a pool or disk. It's within a share, and the share is the topmost. IE: only .ShareName would not be moved.
  16. My solution to having 2 routers (modem + router and another router that actually handled everything) was to simply put the 2nd router into the modem's DMZ, and then only doing the forwarding via the 2nd router.
  17. Nothing obvious in the logs. If it doesn't start working, then either /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart or powerdown -r
  18. If the date is out, then most SSL requests will fail. You should replace the battery and also set up the NTP servers in Date/Time settings
  19. From the local console, diagnostics and then post the resulting zip file stored on the flash drive (logs folder) here
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