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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You might also want to try a reboot,
  2. Assuming that you've set up the cache pool as default, your 2 mismatched drives only will give you 250G of space (RAID1). For why mover isn't working, you'd have to verify the use cache settings for the applicable shares
  3. Any one having problems with the searches, I need you to go to Settings, enable debugging. Go back to CA and when it doesn't work for you hit the "Debugging" link on the left and upload the file here. Additionally, if you're familiar with how to use the Developer Console in Chrome / FF, I need to know if there's any console errors, and it expanded so I can see the actual line within CA's code. I cannot replicate this.
  4. Does search actually work and only the auto complete entries not populating or does search not work at all?
  5. You're not screwed. Worst case, you set up a trial key on a new stick. Assign all of the drives as data drives, whatever shows up as unmountable you re-assign as the parity drive. (Or better yet, restore your backup of the flash drive with the exception of the .key file in the flash drive)
  6. Not quite sure right now. But, you also want to stop exposing the SSH port directly to the internet. Not a great idea unless you know what you're doing.
  7. Your problem is all the uninitialized CSRF tokens. Anecdotally, this only happens if the memory is full (which yours isn't) I would however stop all the rclone / mergerfs stuff for the time being (and reboot) to see if that fixes it up. Also, you shouldn't be mounting that stuff within /mnt/user It should be mounted into /mnt/disks (or /mnt/remotes) instead
  8. You never need to use remote mapping. You only use it when it's impossible to get the paths on the template correct. Remove the remote path mapping
  9. By the time that shows up the ability to enter in the BIOS of the LSI is long past You might have to disable the boot up graphics options in the BIOS so that you see a more traditional boot process to be able to see the LSI
  10. The linked thread has nothing to do with piHole
  11. You've got corruption on disk #1. Wait for a btrfs guy ( @JorgeB ) to pipe in
  12. Only the third sentence is covered by the already linked thread. Post your diagnostics for the 4th sentence in a new thread
  13. 6.9.2 has the updated code already. But what you're looking for is https://github.com/limetech/webgui
  14. You have to do a Tools - New Config, and reassign the drives. Note that parity will not be valid after this (specifically, Parity 2) so you must rebuild the parity information.
  15. As an aside, if you're using the appdata backup plugin, it also (if configured) makes a backup of libvirt.img which contains everything you need.
  16. Extended tests (which is what the exclusion list refers to) are only ever run on demand and basically check for illegal characters / sharing problems on every file.
  17. The "What is tested" button on the settings screen https://github.com/Squidly271/fix.common.problems/blob/master/source/fix.common.problems/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/fix.common.problems/include/tests.php
  18. Are the shares in question set so that mover will use them (cache:yes or cache:prefer)? Make sure that UD is up to date. Other than that, I have basically a permanent SMB mount to another server and it never drops. Any further problems, you should post in the UD thread and attach your diagnostics.
  19. Since no one has responded, try installing the actual nVidia drivers in the VM, and do not use the Windows base drivers.
  20. May 10 12:16:33 Skippy root: nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) On the flash drive, edit /config/docker.cfg and change it so that it doesn't start the service automatically DOCKER_ENABLED="yes" changes to DOCKER_ENABLED="no" Then reboot powerdown -r And you should have access back to the UI Then settings, docker, enable the service. Whatever container you've had using 443 shouldn't start. You can either change the host port the container is using, or change the UI port in Management Settings
  21. VPN. But you can access any VMs that are running via VNC no problems (ie: no passthrough)
  22. If you can access them fine via Windows, I'd try that first. After that try Krusader. Failing that, mc at the command prompt. Manual process unless someone comes up with a nice little bash script for you to handle it all.
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