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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The update just pumped out will log what it finds on that test Post the diagnostics when it finds it again
  2. Not that I use it, but try giving it the IP address of the server, not localhost in the setup
  3. You have ECC Memory. The Memtest that comes with Unraid will not find any memory errors. You need to create a boot stick with the updated one (google search. Licensing prevents LT from including it in the OS)
  4. Your biggest problem is that the docker.img is stored on the array. During a parity check, coupled with a data transfer to the array, and performance is definitely going to drop precipitously. Move the image to the cache pool
  5. Does your modem also have a router built-in? (Most do). In which you you are double NAT'ed and need to put the TP-Link into the Modem's DMZ (or put the Modem into Bridge mode)
  6. Run a manual scan on FCP. If it finds it, post your diagnostics your find command won't look within a container. FCP looks within "go" for a string "xmrg", and does a ps -aux | grep xmrig to look at running processes.
  7. Certain combinations of hardware issue an MCE during processor initialization. Happening to you and safe to ignore
  8. Marvel is somewhat akin to this: Sure, it'll work on occasion, but there's so many inherent problems with them (and the manufacturer not fixing the problems in the driver) that it's definitely caveat emptor
  9. My problem is that since I cannot replicate it on any of the 3 servers (and I do have Chrome automatically filling in passwords), I can't exactly fix it, and have to go with what works for the majority of users under all the circumstances for what appears on in top right (which I can play with easily). Feel free to modify the code as you need to suit your own circumstances.
  10. Your array is encrypted, but the cache pool isn't, and there's files in that share on both the pool and disk 5 You can see which files are unencrypted by Clicking the little folder icon at the far right on Main Pool Devices. Once mover runs, the files will get moved to the array (if they aren't in use at the time)
  11. Almost guaranteed that your repository was created with the "main" branch. DockerMan doesn't support Main -> only Master for repositories. CA supports both on how it handles repositories
  12. The mce is fine (happens at processor initialization and nothing to worry about). Disk 1 has some issues, and you want to run the https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems If that doesn't fix up your problem, then you'll want to enable the syslog server (mirror to flash) https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-781601 So that after a crash you can post the syslog which might say why
  13. That's not a problem. Slackware doesn't support TUE as a cron entry
  14. Doesn't work properly if you've got other things there. Say Page Notes or System Buttons, or the Switch Language Icon on 6.9 You can make the min width larger, but then if the other items aren't there then the entire thing shifts over. Try this instead. Save the attached as /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/javascript/libraries.js The mod stops the autocomplete library from briefly resetting the input back to autocomplete=off libraries.js
  15. Assuming its named correctly (UNRAID all in caps), then try a different USB controller (ie: a different port, but not the one above or below what you're using)
  16. From the command prompt, diagnostics They'll be saved onto the flash drive (logs folder) upload them here.
  17. Top of my head would be handle this via hardware. Grab something like a TP-Link Deco, use it to connect to the WiFi network and create your own wired network that's completely isolated from it, except for outgoing traffic.
  18. If the card isn't showing in System Devices, then Unraid can't see it (and the lspci command would show the same thing. Since it's not being passed to the OS, you need to investigate why in the BIOS (like is the slot getting disabled because of another device installed?) On the other hand if it does show in System Devices, then it's possible the mobo / BIOS changed the IOMMU grouping for it.
  19. Apr 26 22:11:53 Tower emhttpd: Pro key detected, GUID: 5..7 FILE: /boot/config/BTRS.key Possible that running a cracked version of the software may be causing you issues.
  20. Without a manual to see if it's using port expanders or something, I'd steer clear
  21. I also wouldn't rule out issues on your laptop. That's rather severe corruption.
  22. Try disabling the service (Settings - Docker), then delete the image. Then reboot Then after starting the array, re-enable the service and if it still doesn't restart post a new set of diagnostics.
  23. Sent you a PM. You don't need to modify anything to get Move Now to move everything now. Simply need to detect if the script was started via cron or not.
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