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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Normal and required if you have a password. (And parts of the rest of the GUI also rely on them)
  2. Assuming it's the same container, docker run -it -d ubuntu It's a command line only container and needs to be run like that.
  3. First off, that's a direct link to one of @CHBMB's templates, not a repository If you want to add a repository (a collection of templates), then you'd need to add the repo URL (https://github.com/CHBMB/docker-templates). But, due to CA being the defacto method of installation, any template that you create that isn't in CA you'd usually just create /config/plugins/community.applications/private/nameOfRepository on the flash drive and toss the templates into there to have CA handle it all for you. ie: Not too many people still use the Template Repository screen anymore, and CA offers an alternative to using it for private repos.
  4. Should be noted that assuming that the only port you've forwarded to your server is 32400 for Plex, then you're safe and secure. As @jonathanm said, if you've put the server into a DMZ, or forwarded ports like 80 / 443 without using SWAG or OpenVPN or Unraid.net then you've opened up a big can of worms.
  5. You should probably post in the relevant support thread for Sonarr / Radarr (or whatever you're using). Click on the icon from the dashboard / docker page and hit support
  6. Since you can log into the console, diagnostics and post the entire zip file that will get stored on the flash drive (logs folder) here
  7. Apple deprecated AFP themselves in 2013 in favour of SMB as I understand it.
  8. Using cache pools for permanently attached devices is what you should be doing.
  9. If /mnt/cache exists via a container making it, the mover will attempt to move into it. The solution is to properly configure the container. The reason for the change in behaviour from 6.8 to 6.9 is because now /mnt/user0 always exists.
  10. Try going to Apps, Settings - Enable debugging. Then reboot (important), followed by Apps. Then click on Debugging at bottom left and upload the file here.
  11. Did you have the SSH plugin installed or something to allow you to use other logins? As @ljm42 the OS only supports "root" as a login.
  12. ifconfig Will give you the mac of the adapters physically present To get each container's MAC you would docker inspect nameOfContainer | grep MacAddress
  13. When using Windows, there's probably an error number that listed. Have you googled it?
  14. If you simply unassign the disk, then the system still carries on it's merry way emulating the removed drive, and you wind up running the array in a degraded state. If you're removing and not replacing it with another, then you need to issue a Tools - New Config and have it rebuild the parity data
  15. Try Settings - Display Settings and change the Custom Header Text Color to be FFFFFF
  16. Your docker.img at least is messed and corrupted. Best course of action is Settings - Docker, disable the service, delete the image, then re-enable followed by Apps - Previous Apps. This will also have the result that it'll wind up on the cache drive, instead of it's current disk3 so you'll also see a speed bump.
  17. Try it again? How much memory is in your server? Were there any errors during the installation? Worst comes to worst you can always manually update by downloading the zip file and overwriting all of the bz* files in the root with those in the zip
  18. yup. And the more downloads a given container gets, the harder it becomes for it to stay in Top New or Trending. You can already see the trend decreasing even though the number of downloads per month has increased.
  19. If you're tossing that file directly into the container (ie: docker exec), then any update to the container will undo your changes (by design) If you're tossing that file into the appdata share then it should survive any updates.
  20. 2020.04.19 Fixed: Display aberration after installing a single app from Previous Apps Added: If an app directly references a disk or cache pool in the template, adjust template accordingly if the user does not have the disk / cache pool installed Fixed: If installing an app from a search immediately after starting CA, the start up category would remain highlighted when returning back to CA after the install Only on new installs. CA does not do anything with previous apps
  21. Not arguing against docker-compose, but as a general rule, docker is docker is docker, and there aren't really any "Unraid Specific" images present.
  22. That’s why it’s happening. (Not that it should though). The problem should disappear if you upgrade to 6.9.2 @bonienl
  23. You need to move the files from /mnt/disk2 to mnt/diskX or to an unassigned drive (or completely off the array) (do NOT move to /mnt/user as you'll corrupt the files) then change the format, reformat and then move them back. See also
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