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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Yes. IIRC It's been quite a while since I've looked at this. The not displaying only really affects HOST / Custom networks.
  2. For appdata, this is quite normal and expected depending upon the app. Each app has certain permission requirements that may or may not be compatible with SMB shares and how unraid handles them. Many containers support PUID / PGID entries which rectify it. For those that don't, you're usually stuck with manipulating files via the command line.
  3. Doesnt happen to me, but it's an easy fix
  4. At the time of the original posting, it was saying "Not Available", and tracing out the dockerMan code revealed Token errors. As of today, it is returning "Up To Date", so I think the problem is fixed (by docker / gitHub themselves), but no one posted in response to my implied question which was the same as yours.
  5. They also said a GPU is required for the host and another for the guest. My take on it is that nothing changes except for less code 43 happening
  6. Yeah I over simplified so long as there is at least one port the system has mapped (even though its ignored) will bring up a webui
  7. That being said, when I checked this out a couple of days ago, my test install of JellyFin (hotio) on ghcr after a check for updates did say "Not Available". Today it is saying up to date for me after a check for updates
  8. Set the video memory to the lowest in the BIOS, and run a memtest. It should get set to the absolute lowest value anyways.
  9. Should now be fixed (hard to test against a plugin that's no longer available)
  10. Honestly, that looks like video ram problems.
  11. I would need to see your diagnostics
  12. Yeah, I figured that. Needed to see where it wasn't handling the apostrophe... BTW, you do realize that if your flash drive fails you've got no chance of reinstalling the openVPN plugin anymore, since the author deleted his GitHub username.... Probably best to switch to OpenVPN-AS as a container.
  13. Correct. Anything you add still works, but if the dockerfile doesn't reference them you won't see them. Basically lazy authors. The WebUI thing is also related, (but only when running on a custom bridge)
  14. As you already figured out the flagging is based upon certain words in the text. There always have and always will be false flagged entries. Nothing you can do about it, and pretty much nothing the devs can do about it either.
  15. As @limetech stated, I did open up a issue a couple of days ago on an internal bug tracker
  16. Because it's on a separate bridge and because the dockerfile the author created doesn't expose any ports. Nothing to worry about
  17. Is Windows going to sleep? Disable that in power options...
  18. Something went wrong. Even though it's there, the description is missing. Reboot (or uninstall / reinstall)
  19. IDK. Looks like the file is corrupted somehow.
  20. Won't happen... appdata is always excluded After you run the memtest, you need to post your diagnostics here after it corrupts.
  21. If the error came up before the Update that fixed this (2021.03.14), then you need to delete ignoreList.json from /config/plugins/fix.common.problems on the flash drive
  22. Uninstall, then reinstall. Does that error still happen? if so, click on that Settings:933, highlight and paste the entire line that appears there (it'll overflow the window width)
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