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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Previous apps works by installing from the last template. IE: it has the same error in it. On any failed install, the docker does "disappear", because it failed to install. Just fix the error and it's back. A path not existing won't cause a failed install, because the system will automatically create the path. The docker run command that was shown after you did this would have given the exact reason why the container failed to install. You can get it again by simply doing previous apps and hitting the download icon from the tile (NOT checking it off and then hitting install)
  2. You've forwarded the access port for ssh directly to the internet (or have the server within a DMZ) Mar 17 20:48:05 TheAbyss sshd[9160]: Accepted none for adm from port 41065 ssh2 Mar 17 20:48:06 TheAbyss sshd[9162]: error: connect to 2a00:1450:400e:80b::200e port 80 failed: Network is unreachable Mar 17 20:48:58 TheAbyss sshd[3933]: error: connect_to whois.tucows.com port 19954: failed. Mar 17 20:49:47 TheAbyss sshd[9729]: Accepted none for adm from port 36616 ssh2 Mar 17 20:49:48 TheAbyss sshd[9731]: error: connect to 2a00:1148:db00:0:b0b0::1 port 80 failed: Network is unreachable Mar 17 20:50:50 TheAbyss sshd[10144]: Accepted none for root from port 64282 ssh2 Mar 17 20:50:50 TheAbyss sshd[10144]: Received disconnect from port 64282:11: Mar 17 20:50:50 TheAbyss sshd[10144]: Disconnected from user root port 64282 And on and on... Only a matter of time.
  3. EG: A new tab opens up a default (local) page that states the above. Sure that it's doable via the default Firefox settings.
  4. Simplification. Tom let me know you can spin up all drives via one call #!/usr/bin/php <? function emhttpd($cmd) { global $state, $csrf; $ch = curl_init(""); $options = array(CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH => '/var/run/emhttpd.socket', CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "$cmd&startState=$state&csrf_token=$csrf"); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } $vars = parse_ini_file('/var/local/emhttp/var.ini',true); $state = $vars['mdState']; $csrf = $vars['csrf_token']; echo "Spinning up disks\n"; emhttpd("cmdSpinupAll=apply"); ?>
  5. The automatic check for updates when you hit the page is because you've got Settings - Notification Settings set to check for updates to plugins. Disabling that will cause the page to load immediately.
  6. Everything is based upon the pull count from dockerHub. It's the only metric available. Downloads = pull count The trending / new installs are basically the percentage changes from one month to another of the pull count, and the new installs has some extra math in there in an attempt to discount the pulls from containers that are updated rain or shine on Fridays to determine what amount of the difference in the pulls from Feb to Mar is from new installations (estimated) vs updates. ie: CA does not keep track of what people install. It's all from dockerHub and their pull count. Every container get's its pull count updated once per month (each container has it's own day / time), so it's not an exact snapshot from day to day as the containers it's being compared against might not have been updated yet. ie: the lists can potentially change every 2 hours.
  7. Any real fundamental difference between this and the plugin?
  8. Adjustable if you have The Schedules plugin installed
  9. You've already ignored it, so it's not a problem. The template missing makes sense because you created things with docker compose. I'll have to see why it's popping up the message when there is no template to check against. But it's popping up the URL against the repository you have which is in CA, and hence would have a template if you had installed it via there.
  10. Try again. Nothing wrong with that archive its trying to download.
  11. IPADDR[1]="" NETMASK[1]="" GATEWAY[1]="" You sure your network settings are correct? Usually (but I'm not a network guy) the gateway would be on the same network as the IP address
  12. IIRC, you have to set cache dirs to only scan the specific disks, and can no longer have it scan /mnt/user
  13. You're talking glftpd? It was deprecated by @SlrG. If you've had it installed previously it will appear within Apps - Previous Apps. If you've never had it installed and really want it, then you have to go to CA's settings and enable Display Deprecated Apps
  14. You bought ECC ram so that you'd be notified if/when a chip goes bad so that you could replace it before it actually caused problems.
  15. Apps - Previous Apps. Check off what you want. No need to do them individually
  16. Thanks. Gotta love the little one offs. It was probably the only autocomplete entry that operated like that.
  17. I think you deleted some of the OS in ram. I'd reboot
  18. Actually, can you hit "advanced view" on the docker page and then post a new screen shot? The ps2client is also raising some alarm bells for me.
  19. Oh and mining is the process you do in the fruitless hope that you can solve enough cryptographic equations by utilizing all your CPU resources, GPU resources etc in the vain hope that what ever bitcoin you manage to earn is worth more than the electricity it cost you to produce it. Hence why if a hacker has an opportunity to toss mining software onto your system (and multitudes of others), they will. Think of it akin as a virus that does not damage but only slows down your system.
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