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Everything posted by Squid

  1. How much memory does your system have?
  2. The excluded folders are what should be excluded from the extended scans. I'd have to look at this again.
  3. No Just disable the service (Settings - Docker) then delete the image from there, then re-enable and it'll be recreated. Then Apps - Previous Apps, check off what you want and hit install.
  4. You can install the disable security mitigations plugin to handle this.
  5. If you have Fix Common Problems installed, then Tools - Update Assistant will let you know of anything it knows will cause you problems. It's not definitive though. But, a new trial key installed will work. You don't need to set up any drives or not. If they show up asking to be assigned, then you're probably good to go.
  6. Include your complete diagnostics file
  7. Reset the root password in Users
  8. Implies that you've got Settings - Network settings completely wrong (typo'd a DNS address / gateway?)
  9. It's a session cookie keeping you logged in. As soon as you close your browser down it'll automatically log you out.
  10. That's a downgrade from 6.9.0 / 6.9.1 You should post your diagnostics (Tools - Diagnostics) when this happens
  11. As of 6.9 SSH access requires a password to be set for root (which will also then ask you for the password to login to the webUI). You can set this within the Users tab
  12. Set something that is host or bridge to be first in the start up order, then put a delay of maybe 20 seconds on it so the system pauses after starting it before carrying on with everything else.
  13. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/133/?tab=comments#comment-958879
  14. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/page/133/?tab=comments#comment-958879
  15. It's included (in a much improved way) with the Base OS. That's why its marked as being incompatible and highly advised to remove it.
  16. While it may not be the answer you're looking for, by using docker compose, you are bypassing the system the way it is designed to work, and glitches may be expected
  17. Prime suspects: nvidia-driver.plg followed by NerdPack.plg Delete the offenders from /config/plugins on the flash drive and try again. Nvidia probably just needs a reinstall after a clean boot.
  18. You need to upload your diagnostics to put everything into context. Ideally, you should also set up the syslog server to mirror to the flash drive and post the resulting file after the next crash
  19. The drive odds on disconnected. What you're seeing on the dashboard isn't correct, but trying to navigate is more or less correct in the context of what happened. A reboot is necessary. If it continues to happen, try a different port.
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