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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Still not right though. Should look like this
  2. BTW, you can attach pictures directly to your post. Makes life easier Delete "adoring_northcutt" and your CPU usage will probably drop way way down. How that got there? Do you have your server open to the internet? Post your diagnostics (Tools - Diagnostics)
  3. Was talking about the zooming, not about how it looks
  4. Just explore the flash drive via the network (flash share). OTOH you're probably going to be seeing a whack in the logs folder (safe to delete)
  5. Copy the entire contents of the backup onto the flash.
  6. Doing any mining on the server via a container? 1000 5271 399 14.7 3071508 2403724 ? Ssl Mar13 2860:42 | | \_ ./xmrig --url=pool.supportxmr.com:3333 --user=49ZNRzJYncy5KaabHuMXqHcfRCg8WR7xULjf5YJyXtoYcSM4j6EYhQR8rne8Ee4Fk3XDNi61wEDmMXtfMKKLdKXZ5JUVhkj --pass=Docker -k --coin=monero See also here if this is applicable to you. If you discover that an app has put this onto your system without any plugins in the app etc, then let me know asap. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/103972-xmrig-running-hacked-or-open/ https://forums.unraid.net/topic/73552-mining-in-a-container/ EDIT: you also need to check the connection to your parity drive. You're being inundated with read errors on it (should be visible via the Main Page)
  7. During initialization of the cores, certain combinations of hardware issue an MCE. Can be safe to ignore. What you really want to do is configure the syslog server (mirror to flash), and after your next crash post the syslog generated and a set of diagnostics
  8. Is there stuff eligible to move? Post your diagnostics
  9. Mar 14 07:35:17 BBTower1 kernel: EDAC MC0: 1 CE memory read error on CPU_SrcID#1_Ha#0_Chan#3_DIMM#0 (channel:3 slot:0 page:0x931565 offset:0xac0 grain:32 syndrome:0x0 - area:DRAM err_code:0001:0093 socket:1 ha:0 channel_mask:8 rank:0) Your System Event log will hopefully have more info on finding the bad DIMM
  10. Also affects Chrome. I'd suggest use Putty where you can set the terminal font.
  11. You sure it's nothing to do with this Mar 14 07:53:30 Tower root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Multiple NICs on the same IPv4 network ** Ignored https://forums.unraid.net/topic/103702-multiple-nics-on-the-same-ipv4-network-error-fix-common-problems/?tab=comments#comment-958367
  12. Squid

    docker help

    Reboot. If it doesn't fix it, then post a new set of diagnostics. Currently you're being spammed by Mar 12 07:40:11 Tower kernel: resource sanity check: requesting [mem 0x000c0000-0x000fffff], which spans more than PCI Bus 0000:00 [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff window] which also happens to me every couple of weeks when using my video card for transcoding. Wouldn't hurt to ask in the nvidia support thread about that.
  13. Tools - Upgrade OS, and revert to 6.8.3 if it's an option. You will need to reassign your cache pool though after this is done. If it's not an option to revert, then download the 6.8.3 zip file from https://unraid.net/download and overwrite all of the bz* files on the flash drive with those in the archive and reboot (You'll still need to reassign the cache pool) Why do you want to revert?
  14. It's not supposed to do that(tm) Should be fixed next rev But, you're going to wind up being stuck with that always displaying in all ignored errors in there unless you delete /boot/config/plugins/fix.common.problems/ignoreList.json
  15. Your positive about that? And a rescan still brings up the same message within the Warning / Ignored area (not ALL ignored)
  16. Your system share exists only on disk #1, and you'd probably want it to be stored within a cache pool, as docker isn't a speed demon when running on the array. Stop Docker and the VM service (Settings - Docker, Settings - VM) then set the system share to be Use Cache:prefer and then run mover from Main, Array Operations. Once its done, re-enable the services
  17. This script will spin up every drive and keep the GUI in sync with everything (as it does it the exact same way the GUI does). It doesn't appear the emhttp supports spin up or spin down. Rather it only supports toggling between the two, hence the script checking for spundown If someone want to convert to bash feel free #!/usr/bin/php <? function emhttpd($cmd) { global $state, $csrf; $ch = curl_init(""); $options = array(CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH => '/var/run/emhttpd.socket', CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "$cmd&startState=$state&csrf_token=$csrf"); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } $disks = (array)parse_ini_file('/var/local/emhttp/disks.ini',true); $vars = parse_ini_file('/var/local/emhttp/var.ini',true); $state = $vars['mdState']; $csrf = $vars['csrf_token']; foreach ($disks as $disk) { if ($disk['status'] != 'DISK_OK') continue; if ( ! $disk['spundown'] ) continue; echo "Spinning up {$disk['name']}\n"; emhttpd("cmdSpinup={$disk['name']}"); } ?>
  18. reservedNames="parity,parity2,parity3,diskP,diskQ,diskR,disk,disks,flash,boot,user,user0,dev,disk0,disk1,disk2,disk3,disk4,disk5,disk6,disk7,disk8,disk9,disk10,disk11,disk12,disk13,disk14,disk15,disk16,disk17,disk18,disk19,disk20,disk21,disk22,disk23,disk24,disk25,disk26,disk27,disk28,disk29,disk30,disk31" Along with any of the following within the share name : \ / * < > | " ? Or the same name as any of your cache pools
  19. Wow. Thank you for figuring out how to enable that. You managed to download the 1st file (44 bytes) from GitHub, but then your system failed to download the main file (~8MB) from both the primary server (GitHub) and the secondary (amazonaws). Not sure what to say, since it *appears* that the system has internet access. What happens if you do this from the command line wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/AppFeed/master/applicationFeed.json -O /tmp/test
  20. Squid

    docker help

    Post your diagnostics
  21. Just a reminder that html tags (or anything that might get interpreted as an HTML tag - ie: don't bracket things in < and > or &lt; and &gt;) is explicitly banned from any element or attribute within the xml due to security concerns. They are still allowed for the time being within Overviews, but this is in the process of being deprecated soon in favour of markdown formatting. Any template with tags anywhere except within the Overview gets immediately blacklisted, and as a precautionary measure the entire repository the template was contained within also gets blacklisted pending an investigation.
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