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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Stop whatever you're doing and post your diagnostics
  2. You've got cache pool problems. You can't really easily discern where it stats because you're also being bombed with errors relating to the syslog, which I suspect you're sending to another system that's currently offline? Reboot and post another set of diagnostics
  3. It's the memory (or more precisely the lack of) that's your entire problem.
  4. from the command prompt, can you enter in diagnostics A zip will be created on the flash drive (logs folder). Attach it to your next post here
  5. You can't. You copy over the sources.xml from a working kodi install, update the advancedsettings.xml to point the appropriate sql database, and point your d/l clients to this container to have it update the library
  6. It's not actually deleted. It's appearing as an Orphan if you click Advanced View. But, you fix it via Previous Apps, hit the download icon for that app, and edit the path accordingly (even if you have to hit show more settings) And, the orphan / deleting however you want to word it is how the entire docker system works across the board on all OS. Many reasons for the docker "run" to fail, and it will always result in an orphan because the system can't actually run it with the parameters you gave it.
  7. Those messages plugin: skipping: nut- - Unraid version too high, requires at most version 6.7.99 plugin: skipping: nut- - Unraid version too high, requires at most version 6.4.99 Are the plugin deciding which version to install. Package nut- installed.
  8. All because of file system issues on the cache drive. I'd suggest you create a new topic in General Support and include the diagnostics there. Mar 17 15:25:48 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device nvme0n1p1): unable to find logical 1729382307552722944 length 4096 ### [PREVIOUS LINE REPEATED 1 TIMES] ### Mar 17 15:25:48 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device nvme0n1p1): unable to find logical 1729382307552722944 length 16384 Mar 17 15:25:48 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device nvme0n1p1): unable to find logical 1729382307552722944 length 4096
  9. Try taking iommu=soft out of the syslinux.cfg file that you added at some point.
  10. Edit that path mapping. You're mapping it to /, which isn't allowed. you need to give it a folder name within the container. (possibly /config)
  11. Did you put your server into your router's DMZ? Does there happen to be any other diagnostics within /logs on the flash drive - relatively recent? They might shed some light on what/why this happened. As for recovery, your files are gone, but you might want to look into UFS Explorer (run on a Windows Box, to recover what you've lost), but it's probably pointless unless we can determine why this happened, otherwise it's just going to (probably) happen again. Are you running a wordpress site or something via a container?
  12. I don't have any multi-device pools. If you replace /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/ToggleState.php with the attached, manually spin up your pool and then give me back the contents of /boot/blah you can adjust to suit. (It'll list the commands it's sending to emhttpd) ToggleState.php
  13. Try changing this line: emhttpd("cmdSpinupAll=apply"); to instead be emhttpd("cmdSpinup=nameOfCachePool"); But, the name of the cache pool should be all in lower case (ie: your pool is named Virtual_machines you use virtual_machines) You should also be able to spindown by just changing cmdSpinup to be cmdSpindown
  14. Since you're probably routing it through a VPN app from Binhex, maybe ask in his various support threads, or read his FAQ about that.,
  15. First off, have you placed the server into a DMZ, or are forwarding ports to it that aren't for specific apps (eg: Plex). Mar 16 14:36:16 undrobo sshd[13665]: Connection from port 29586 on port 22 rdomain "" Mar 16 14:36:16 undrobo sshd[13670]: Connection from port 29181 on port 22 rdomain "" Mar 16 14:36:16 undrobo sshd[13672]: Connection from port 34203 on port 22 rdomain "" Mar 16 14:36:16 undrobo sshd[13665]: Unable to negotiate with port 29586: no matching key exchang
  16. Appdata backup plugin. Set the source and destination accordingly and run a backup. Add the new drive, change the source to point to the new drive / share (apply) then run a restore
  17. Because it's the "background" of the button. Do this when printing
  18. Known issue, and occasionally a PITA. Work around is to delete what Chrome fills out. Will hopefully be fixed by next release of the OS
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