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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I've spent about an hour trying to come up with weird ways / bugs to get the OS to create /mnt/cache when there isn't a cache pool present. A template is the only way I can do it, assuming you're not running a script or anything else that is doing it...
  2. You don't have any cache pools defined at all. I think you mean here /mnt/cache/<targetfolder> Check the app you're talking about and ensure that there are no references anywhere (hit show more settings) that reference /mnt/cache instead of /mnt/user/
  3. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/103938-69x-lsi-controllers-ironwolf-disks-summary-fix/
  4. USB Flash Drive backup is now deprecated in favour of one of the features (automatic backup of the flash device) present within the Unraid.net plugin when running on Unraid 6.9+ This feature will not actually get removed, because there are still use cases for it, but no coding improvements etc will ever happen to this feature. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/104018-my-servers-early-access-plugin/
  5. Should be fixed next release. In the meantime, just leave the pool unassigned, and no harm will happen.
  6. If you're not using it anymore, just delete /config/vsftpd..user_list from the flash drive
  7. Then before you do the manual method, try going into Settings - Notification Settings and disable (temporarily) the automatic checking for OS updates. Then hit Update OS and Check For Updates. Does the update appear now?
  8. Yup. That script was posted over 3 years ago and things have been re-organized within CA since then.
  9. The free space it's talking about isn't anything to do with your system. Rather for some reason the sensors aren't accepting the changes the plugin is trying to make to the fan speeds.
  10. Strange. I know @ljm42 was helping some one out with a similar issue a day or so ago. I'm assuming that you've hit Check For Updates? You can always download the zip file here https://unraid.net/download and over write all of the bz* files on the flash drive with the ones in the zip and then reboot.
  11. Yeah, because of the introduction of cache pools, certain things had to be banned from being a share name.
  12. How much in files were you expecting? At any point did any drive come up as Unmountable: No Filesystem and did you then format them?
  13. Oh, and one thing that @jonp always forgets to mention about MyServers is that you can also actually use any of your VM's (that are set up with VNC) directly over the internet anywhere in the world by logging into your server and displaying the VNC page.
  14. Reason is this (when I try and add a "user" share) From the command prompt, you need to rename the share to some else: cd /mnt/user mv user my_users
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