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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The primary server is hosted on the cloud that is currently having issues (GitHub), along with every plugin for unRaid, and a ton of the images for any containers. Everything is slower because CA always tries the primary first to operate from. Docker / Dashboard pages should not however be affected from the outage unless you've installed a new container during this outage. If you have, then what you're seeing is "normal" as the system is attempting to download the icon for that new container and it takes it a bit to fail.
  2. GitHub is having problems right now, so NerdPack is probably not populating correctly. Give it a while
  3. But YMMV on docker installations. Plugins are definitely affected, and the docker / dashboard pages may be slower if you do get a new container installed
  4. You may just need to update manually. Download the 6.8.3 zip from from limetech's website. Extract all of the bz* files in the zip and put them onto the flash drive (overwriting any that already exist). This is the exact same thing that the update via plugin does. (But, save a copy of the flash drive first just for safe keeping)
  5. Squid

    Squid is 50!

    If something does happen to fall off, then you can rest assured that you're probably not going to need it anymore 😉 Not really. But then again, I still haven't yet come to terms that I've turned 30 yet....
  6. What exact error message? Try setting static DNS addresses of and in Settings - Network.
  7. Your diagnostics showed you also updating other plugins. Did those work?
  8. Delete the contents of /config/ssl on the flash drive and reboot
  9. Have you tried a regex tester to figure it out? https://regex101.com/
  10. No. Parity will be correct But, beware of moving between /mnt/diskX and /mnt/user as you could corrupt the files.
  11. /boot/config/plugins -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1762 Mar 11 2017 dynamix.plg Delete dynamix.plg from /config/plugins on the flash drive, reboot then try again.
  12. Reload the page. You set up everything according to how you want to backup. If/when you need to restore, you simply go to the restore tab and don't change anything on the Backup Settings page.
  13. Post your diagnostics (Tools - Diagnostics, post entire zip file) as a start
  14. The setting you set up according to a backup. The restore automatically flips stuff around
  15. You should ideally mount it as /mnt/disks/secure-cloud
  16. Custom Tab plugin. Set up a page for Grafana. Then via Settings Management Access, set the Landing Page to be that custom tab. Do not set the custom tab to be URL - New Tab, as you will effectively lock yourself out of the UI as you will never be able to hit unRaid's UI without it redirecting to Grafana
  17. It looks like the field is there. Have you tried to click just above the line.
  18. What's the rsync command it's using? (It's in the syslog)
  19. There won't be any issues. But, if you want to be super safe, then before you reboot grab a copy of the /config folder on the flash drive and save it somewhere (you can do this over the network). Then settings - Disk Settings, and disable Array Auto Start Reboot, and then upgrade again.
  20. Apps - Previous Apps. Check off everything you want and hit the install button
  21. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-temporary-docker-faq/#comment-564341 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566095
  22. Does it make any difference if you set DNS addresses of and
  23. If it's not in IT mode, cross flash it to be such. Better results.
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