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Everything posted by Squid

  1. @johnnie.black Not always Because the kernel does delayed writes to the physical device, if you have a few drives, and your allocation mode is set to "Most Free", the files all go to different drives. When this happens, you'll see in the dashboard that the system has actually switched to rwm from reconstruct, because reads happen after a file is fully written (updating file system tables / whatnot) If you're transferring a ton of files, of varying sizes, the drives all have the same free space, and the allocation method is most free the system will stay in rwm for upwards of 90% of the time. Drove me nuts sorting that out last night. A bit of an edge case to report to Tom, but I did come to the firm conclusion that I absolutely hate how he's got it switching back and forth now.
  2. Same way you do it daily. Set up the script and have user scripts run it Monthly (adjust the time via Dynamix Schedules plugin & Settings - Scheduler) or set your own custom cron for when it executes.
  3. You really only need the /config folder from the existing one. And if you can't access it, then all is not lost. Just more work.
  4. That says a lot. Either the flash drive has dropped offline (reboot with it in a different port), or its badly corrupted and needs to be redone
  5. From the command prompt, diagnostics and then post the file (stored in /logs on the flash drive) here
  6. This is what I would suggest. Make a backup of the flash drive somewhere safe Download https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/stable/unRAIDServer-6.8.3-x86_64.zip Overwrite the bz* files on the flash drive with all the ones in the zip (you've only got 2, but there's 5 in the zip, and you need them all) Edit /config/disk.cfg on the flash drive, and change startArray="yes" to be startArray="no" If there's ANY file within /extra on the flash drive, delete them. Reboot into safe mode. IE: I really have no clue what's going on, and we'd need to get you onto 6.8 to figure this out, if only temporarily.
  7. Edit the file /config/disk.cfg on the flash drive Change startArray="yes" to be startArray="no" and reboot (The syslog just stopped dead while it was trying to mount the drives)
  8. You forgot about @SpaceInvaderOne
  9. Also, very little reason to ever have to format your stick.
  10. https://unraid.net/contact
  11. Shouldn't the gateway you've set be your router's IP address? GATEWAY[0]=""
  12. unRaid does not support WiFi. You have to have a hardwired connection. There are however adapters available to go from a hardwire to a wifi signal.
  13. Closed because this defect is fixed. If you are having the same / similar problem, open a new thread within General Support. Include your diagnostics, and screen shots showing the 0 byte pull
  14. To be brutally honest though, I'm a lone wolf around here with regards to my impressions of the quality of WD drives. I wouldn't install one again if someone paid me to do that. But, many people will say the same thing about Seagates. Its the whole GM vs Ford argument.
  15. Yeah, it happens. I have terrible luck with WD drives and have more than 1 drop dead. Rebuild onto the replacement no problems.
  16. Can you log in and enter in diagnostics The file will get saved to the flash drive (logs folder). Upload it here
  17. One error appearing when you tried to format is "missing csrf_token". It's basically impossible to appear under normal circumstances. Try a different browser and/or look at any addons / extensions in your browser interfering. Beyond that, you should also upgrade your system to 6.8.3
  18. True. Once of unRaid's best points. If you're running say RAID-5 and 2 drives drop dead, then you've lost all of your files permanently. If running unRaid (and a single parity) and you lose 2 drives at the same time, your worst case scenario is only losing a fraction of your files. I can never understand the mentality behind RAID that seems to think that it's better to lose everything than lose some in worst case scenarios.
  19. Way out of date. That doesn't consider any of the various other services (docker, vm's, etc) running. Although on a rare occasion a seriously crashed container can prevent the docker.img from unmounting So you would do umount -f /var/lib/docker
  20. It is a clean powerdown. There are however some circumstances where using it (or the GUI) will result in an unclean shutdown, if it has to start killing processes to accomplish what it needs to do.
  21. powerdown shuts off the server powerdown -r reboots
  22. Is /UNASSIGNED set to an access mode of Read/Write:Slave?
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