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Everything posted by Squid

  1. It would have only worked by accident when unRaid thought that updates were always available for every container.
  2. But, to really elaborate, 6.8+ should have no problems with changing any container's icon. However if you have multiple containers of the same app installed, they will all share the same icon. Unless you tag them differently (ie: linuxserver/nzbget:latest and linuxserver/nzbget:whatEverValidTagThereIs) then they will use different icons.
  3. What unraid version are you using
  4. In the next few days, CA's application feed will be grabbing the download statistics for the various boinc and folding @ home applications and generating the stats. As a precursor though, this is the stats for linuxserver folding@home and boinc applications. CA will not generate the graphs for these 2 applications because they are too new to the system, and not enough data is available to create any credible graph. LinuxServer Boinc Added to CA on March 18th. At the time of it being added, there were 179 downloads. Today (April 6) there are now 60,950 downloads LinuxServer Folding@Home Added to CA on March 20th. At the time of it being added, there were 14 downloads. Today there are 134,884 downloads Graphs are available within CA for the original folding at home app from CaptInsano from a few years ago (long deprecated) that barely worked (if at all). It's gone from 99,320 on March 5th to 102,450 on April 4th. While this is a very modest increase, the graphs tell a far different story for just what is going on. Very steep climb on people trying it out Once graphs are available within CA on the official boinc container and on mobiusnine's folding@home container within a couple of days) I will post them. I expect that each of them will see a very steep rise in the downloads per month. (And the graphs currently available which are from early March are very suggestive of just where they are going to wind up)
  5. The drive was toast to begin with. that software doesn't make any changes / writes to the drive at all so as to not impede the recovery process. Last time I had to use the software (was on an NTFS drive), it picked up a ton of stuff on it's first quick scan. IIRC, it's more indepth scan was going to take a few days to complete, (and on the el-cheapo laptop I was using it on would also crash / bluescreen running it)so I just said whatever and grabbed what was on the quick scan. If there was a file or two missing on the first I'd probably never notice, and I was simply glad to get the vast majority of files back. When you're in a situation when you need to use recovery software, the odds are always going to be against you in recovering everything 100% with no missing / corrupted files. I suppose this is the difference between paying ~$100 for a piece of software or thousands to a data recovery company.
  6. It's not hosted on dockerHub, so using the docker system (as unRaid does) to check for updates means that it can't determine its update status.
  7. seconds. unRaid default (cannot be adjusted) is 10 seconds
  8. In that circumstance, use /mnt/user/appdata
  9. So you've rerun it? Maybe I misread what you were doing. A check after an unclean reboot is non correcting by default, so nothing's actually been fixed yet
  10. You need to post the full diagnostics. But, it's not so much how many errors, but what percentage of errors. Errors on networks happen. The whole thing is designed to handle it. If you're looking at 0.0001% then it's really no big deal. Assuming that everything is working properly, and you're not connected to a 100mbps switch, then odds on its definitely the cable. And that might have been what caused the errors in the first place. Under the assumption that you're using a cable tester thats < $100, then the only thing that they tell you is that if it fails the cable, then the cable is definitely bad. It does not mean that the cable is good. There is a reason why real cable testers cost $1500+ Beyond that, all the usual suspects apply. Having the runs tied to power lines / water pipes, and god forbid using tie straps too tight.
  11. We all know what "assume" actually stands for The only way to really know if your parity issues are fixed is to run a non-correcting parity check after it's done. If it comes back as zero, then you're good. If not, then you've got hardware issues somewhere along the line.
  12. Unless you're using workstation video cards, only one VM can be active at a time. Not quite following this. It's a standard feature of Windows as an example when using a card that has dual outputs where it will either duplicate or extend the display to appear on 2 monitors.
  13. If you're not using those other 2 x16 slots, you should move one of the HBAs to them. They get hot under full load.
  14. Yes Yes Mostly yes. Keep a backup of the stick somewhere else. (You can create a backup from within the GUI) You'll definitely need the contents of the config folder on it to place onto the replacement stick. After that, the GUI will walk you through replacing the registration key tied to the original to the new one. Worst case scenario if you lose the backup is that you'll have lost the assignments of the disks, so you reassign them appropriately, and then contact limetech to get a replacement key for the new one.
  15. Parity is not a "backup" It is updated in real-time to reflect changes that you make on the array. So in that respect, no you cannot recover any deleted files by rebuilding a disk
  16. Remove the n flag from the options and re-run But, the drive is toast now 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 100 100 010 - 840 840 reallocated sectors is way beyond my comfort level And also set up notifications. This has probably been going on for a while.
  17. This has been a very rare recurring problem. (probably only noticed via CA because of it's release frequency vs other plugins). I can replicate one way that this can happen and the OS was patched to prevent that, but I've changed the install plugin ever so slightly for what I *think* might have happened here. Time will tell.
  18. World Community Grid is also in the process of adding Covid-19 tasks https://www.ibm.org/OpenPandemics
  19. Easiest solution is to delete /config/plugins/community.applications.plg from the flash drive, reboot and reinstall
  20. You're connected at 100Mbps, so 12MB/s is the maximum rate you're going to ever see. Could be a bad cable or everything is only connected to a 100mbps switch.
  21. Depends upon the allocation method chosen for the shares and also the split level chosen for the shares.
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