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Everything posted by Squid

  1. That's not the command that the template returns though. Unless I misread it, you wanted to know why it works at the command prompt and not via the template screen.
  2. As a start, I would think you should look at the difference between whatever docker run command you're issuing manually, and what the docker run command is when you enter the applicable info into a template.
  3. You have to do that via Krusader. Sonarr is NOT going to pick up the downloads without rescaning the folders. Now that everything *should* be set up more or less correct sonarr should grab any new downloads and move them automatically to their final resting place.
  4. You paths don't match between nzbget and sonarr, and additionally, you're telling nzbget to save the downloads within it's /config folder. See here for another ongoing example https://forums.unraid.net/topic/91138-cache-not-being-moved/?tab=comments#comment-846536
  5. Oh, and don't just add a slash to what you've already got. The lower case as I posted is what you want based upon your docker run command. If you just add a slash, it'll be saved into the docker.img Confusing as hell. Yes. But, if you review @SpaceInvaderOne video on docker basics, it'll make sense. It's one of those concepts that you can't adequately explain until you understand it, and once you understand it you can't explain it (if that makes any sense)
  6. Look at the Slashes. And the note on the left. You're not using absolute paths (ie: no leading slash) so Sab tells you that it's going to be saved within /config (ie: /mnt/user/appdata/sabnzbd...) The leading slash makes it an absolute path
  7. Because of Although in your particular case your should in Sab's settings tell it to download to /downloads. Right now it's set to Downloads ie: it should look like this Because the default way of setting up Krusader specifically only includes "Shares" (/mnt/user) and not all the disks and shares (/mnt)
  8. Everything but the fiber. That's between you and your doctor. It's quite common for an MCE to be issued at initialization time. Most likely due to a micro-code update to the processor. Random reboots. (There is no other way for uptime to be reset) Primary cause would be memory issues (run memtest for a few passes) / power supply / etc. Can't really tell from the diagnostics, but AIO *implies* overclocking. As I'm sure you're aware all overclocking introduces instability, and that instability increases over time. If you are OC (including running RAM at XMP/AMP profiles), then stop and see if the situation improves.
  9. (and unrelated and should be fixed later is that your docker.img file is sitting on the array instead of the cache drive)
  10. You missed what @trurl said. The appdata share is taking up 247Gig right now. Only a few reasons I can think of OTOH, and the primary reason is what he said. Your downloads (or incomplete downloads) are being saved to /config/incomplete or /config/downloads and the like within Sab. You can tell that within it's settings. Easiest way to make this mistake is within it's settings for where to download to (incomplete) or move to (complete) is to specify downloads instead of /downloads. If you look at the top the Sab's screen it says relative folders are based off of /config.
  11. From the Shares Tab, can you hit "Calculate" and then post a screenshot so we know which share is causing this and how much
  12. Only up to 4TB, as that is the size of your parity drive, and parity must always be the same as or larger than the largest data drive
  13. Re-run the scan in about 30-45 minutes. The warning will either not show up again or it will need one final click on Apply Fix
  14. Easy and recommended solution is to upload the icon somewhere and then give the appropriate URL in the template. Otherwise, you have to drop the icon into /var/lib/docker/unraid/images
  15. It's only as good as the drives which you put in it. 9 Power_On_Hours -O--CK 069 069 000 - 27378 197 Current_Pending_Sector -O--C- 100 100 000 - 8 198 Offline_Uncorrectable ----C- 100 100 000 - 8 # 1 Extended offline Completed: read failure 90% 27378 247105216 The drive can't complete it's own tests, has pending sectors. unRaid is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. A write failed to the drive, so unRaid disabled the drive to protect your data. Vast majority of "unknown issues" are because of the known shitty design of sata connectors. Reseats of the cabling usually fixes the "unknown" reasons why a drive drops off
  16. Nothing to worry about. Certain combinations of cpu's / motherboards / lack of fiber in your diet tend to issue an MCE when initializing the CPU at boot up time. This is what's happening to you and can be safely ignored (except the the fiber)
  17. Does it stop after stopping that container (gsdock?) Looking at the files that it's moving (you really should disable mover logging -> serves no real purpose unless there's an issue), but it appears to be comprised 99% of very small files. When moving files that small, file system overhead becomes noticeable. You might also want to make sure that ssd trim plugin is running on a semi normal schedule (daily?) It also looks like handbrake is running full tilt, along with emby transcoding something (or struggling to keep up with the massive amount of changes happening all at once), and a vm chugging along also. All in all I'd say you're running a perfect storm right now.
  18. The whole diagnostics (tools - diagnostics). Although it does appear that your cache drive may be having some issues, and that is definitely why your docker.img is "read-only"
  19. Since you were accessing your server remotely via a docker container (OpenVPN-AS presumably), once you turned it off you've lost access to that server. So far as SSH is concerned, unless you also forwarded the applicable ports for SSH to the router (doubtful since you were using a VPN in the first place), then no way of regaining control remotely. Going forward though, it might not be a bad idea to instead look at the Wireguard plugin instead of an OpenVPN container as (while you'd still be in the same boat if you disabled it), you would be able to stop the array, disable docker etc and still maintain access at all times.
  20. Also, grab the contents of /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user from the original flash.
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