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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Yeah, I know (it's in the diagnostics). The RAM is 2666MHz which is overclocked to 3200MHz All manufacturers lie when rating their memory. Hence why they list the SPD speed (which is what the RAM is actually rated for) on their specs.
  2. redo the flash drive. Just make sure to save the /config folder from it
  3. You're overclocking your memory using the XMP / AMP memory profile. All overclocks introduce instability into the system. You should reconfigure to use it's rated speed of 2666MHz and then see if the issues continue
  4. Won't hurt. That does imply though that the flash is having issues
  5. Plug the ethernet cable into the other port and reboot
  6. Best guess is to delete /config/ssh and /config/ssl from the flash drive and reboot Failing that, delete it again and reboot and select Safe Mode from the boot menu But diagnosis is really complicated because of this. Apr 22 01:03:00 Unraid emhttp: unRAID System Management Utility version 6.1.9 Which is absolutely ancient in the computer world. IE: We can't tell if anything extra is being loaded via /boot/extra.
  7. Known issue, fixed next release
  8. There was a brief period around a month ago where the template was installing a fork of the cache_dirs plugin, and not the "official' version of it. The remedy is to uninstall and then reinstall from apps cache dirs.
  9. Your flash drive is either corrupt or dropped offline. Try a different port and reboot
  10. What happened at 1:23 am this morning, 21:16 yesterday, and 00:57 yesterday. In all 3 circumstances, it "unthrottled" it immediately afterwards... But it's a message directly from the CPU. Only suggestion is that some bios' have their temperature for overheating on the CPU set really low
  11. By and large, most plugins do not really store anything other than various settings. If you need / want historical data to be stored, then the flash is the only "real" place to keep it. But, continual writes to the flash are not recommended. You could use an event to dump it to the flash at array stop. Look at /usr/local/sbin/emhttp_event
  12. It's not in your posted diagnostics, but since it's appeared since, this message is within your syslog somewhere Package temperature above threshold
  13. Looks like it's already fixed on the next release of the OS
  14. Can't say I looked for / noticed it. But if that message is showing up within FCP, then your CPU is definitely throttling itself down because of heat.
  15. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't (as you've seen). Not quite sure why though
  16. You would probably be best hitting up linuxserver on their discord channel for this one, since they've made a conscious decision to not publish it within CA (I can only assume because of
  17. If you don't use AutoUpdate, then you'll now have to always hit the Check For Updates button at the top right (it never apppeared before you did that change)
  18. The "Backup Active" banner will stay up until the next update of the feed (1.5 hours) or a reboot.
  19. Probably working right now. Beyond that, CA during this outage did operate 100% correctly by downgrading to the backup server so the impact was minimal (with the exception of plugin installs of which nothing can be done)
  20. Although GitHub is still semi-degraded, it does appear to be back in business now.
  21. Also, technically the problem you're having is because you've got in Settings - Notification settings for plugin update checks to be enabled. If you temporarily disable that, you will be able to hit the Plugins Tab to do whatever you want to do. Alternatively, you can also hit the Apps Tab, Installed Applications to be able to uninstall anything you need to do. It operates differently.
  22. Oh yeah, the images are no longer stored on the flashdrive (6.8.something +) They are now stored within the docker.img file
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